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I know many disagreed with my analysis, but I had Beanie going much later in the draft (16th to SD), and still feel that SEC product Knowshon Moreno is a better NFL prospect. I have questions about Beanie's toughness and the way he avoids contact. A bit of a reach here for Cleveland in my professional opinion, whatever that is worth. I mean come on, SEC or b10, is this really a tough decision?

I really felt Cleveland needed to go defense here.
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Todd McShay;1403349; said:
I know many disagreed with my analysis, but I had Beanie going much later in the draft (16th to SD), and still feel that SEC product Knowshon Moreno is a better NFL prospect. I have questions about Beanie's toughness and the way he avoids contact. A bit of a reach here for Cleveland in my professional opinion, whatever that is worth. I mean come on, SEC or b10, is this really a tough decision?

Ding this man!
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With the 6th pick in the NFL draft, the Cincinnati Bengals select...


Andre Smith, OT, Alabama
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There's no question that Beanie Wells is the most talented back in this year's draft. The question is do NFL teams want to take the risk with him? He has some durability issues, he also has some question marks in terms of his toughness as a runner.

Is he going to get to the next level and be a power back, a guy you can rely on as a bellcow running back... OR, is he going to be a guy who gets to the next level and doesn't want to work as hard as it takes to make it. That's the big risk with Beanie Wells.

I would have drafted Knowshown Moreno ahead of him.
Bucky Katt;1403350; said:
Ding this man!
Is that a pickup line? :huh:
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Here we take a look at


He's a big, powerful back that gives them a speed dimension that Jamaal Lewis simply can't bring to the table at his size and age.

I think Cleveland took him a bit early, but I like Beanie far more than Mr. I'm Pretty I Must Be an Expert. Doubt Beanie at your own risk.

Beanie was really hurt by the NFL skipping the combine this year :shake:, as a fast time could have really boosted his stock on our mock drafts. Had he not suffered the early injury and missed a number of games, everyone would have talked about him as a top-5 lock coming into today, but perhaps Cleveland will have the last laugh here.
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You two settle down, or we'll bring in Lil Wayne & Skip Bayless to squabble. They're much more affordable.

Let's get back on track and break down the man mountain known as Andre Smith:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md-EZ6TOWyw]YouTube - LT Andre Smith Highlights Alabama 2008[/ame]
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Gladly Chris, this gives me my third correct projected pick.

The Bengals needed to solidify their offensive line. RT Stacy Andrews took a step backward before his knee injury, and Smith is a good fit to step in immediately as a starter on the right side.
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Excellent value pick here for the Cincinnati Bengals. I felt Andre Smith was worth the #2 overall pick. Getting a franchise tackle outside of the top-5 is a major coup and will save them major dollars on his contract. With Oher's inconsistencies, Smith was the premiere tackle prospect in the draft on my board.
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Todd McShay;1403349; said:
I know many disagreed with my analysis, but I had Beanie going much later in the draft (16th to SD), and still feel that SEC product Knowshon Moreno is a better NFL prospect. I have questions about Beanie's toughness and the way he avoids contact. A bit of a reach here for Cleveland in my professional opinion, whatever that is worth. I mean come on, SEC or b10, is this really a tough decision?

I really felt Cleveland needed to go defense here.

Shaddup, pretty boy. Don't you need to make your hair look prettier? The fact of the matter is that the Browns offense scored zero offensive touchdowns in there last six games. Zero. None. Zilch. Nada. Yes, the defense needs work, but the offense needs it more.
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Round 1
  1. Detroit - Matthew Stafford, QB, Georgia
  2. St. Louis - Eugene Monroe, OT, Virginia
  3. Kansas City - Aaron Curry, LB, Wake Forest
  4. Seattle - Michael Crabtree, WR, Texas Tech
  5. Cleveland - Beanie Wells, RB, The Ohio State University
  6. Cincinnati - Andre Smith, OT, Alabama
  7. Oakland - Brutus1
  8. Jacksonville - BigWoof31
  9. Green Bay (6-10) - brodybuck21
  10. San Francisco - stxbuck
  11. Buffalo - korchiki
  12. Denver - redbenn
  13. Washington - jwinslow
  14. New Orleans - Reagdog
  15. Houston - BuckeyeNation27
  16. San Diego - Piney
  17. New York Jets - mross34
  18. Chicago - BuckeyeDynasty
  19. Tampa Bay - IronBuckI
  20. Carolina (from Detroit from Dallas) - BuckeyeMafia
  21. Philadelphia - buckeyefool
  22. Minnesota - BB73
  23. New England - sears3820
  24. Atlanta - The Man
  25. Miami - ahiacitian
  26. Baltimore - gracelhink
  27. Indianapolis - stowfan, alpo
  28. Philadelphia (from Car) - buckeyefool
  29. New York Giants - harrydangler
  30. Tennessee - buckeyesforever
  31. Arizona - starBUCKS
  32. Pittsburgh - h0bb3s
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