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SNIPER26;1235510; said:
I do. I'm not a blind UM homer. I have low expectations for this year. Utah returns a boat load of talent and may be one of the nation's most underrated teams. While I am very confident in our defense, (insert Morgan Trent LOLZ joke here), we return one OL, who's a turnstile in pass pro, had to move a DT to guard, don't have a QB to fit this offense etc... Will I be pumped if they beat Utah? Of course. Do I expect it? To be honest, I don't know what to expect this year. This team could go 0-12 or 12-0 and I wouldn't bat an eye either way. This team does better in recent years when people don't talk about them much at the beginning, but this year, there's a reason no one's talking about them, and it's because we don't seem to have an offense. Our running backs are very good (Brown, Minor, Grady? Freshmen?) but without an OL, Beanie Wells would have a tough time. And as much as I love Brown and Minor, they are not Beanie Wells.
Good for you. :biggrin:

I also really have no idea what to expect from you guys this year, but my gut says the offense is gonna be awful early on. Barely a week from the season and the QB situation is still unsettled (bad sign), so much so that one of the supposed top RB's is apparently seeing snaps there in practice. I think the D will be solid enough to keep you in some games until the offense gets some footing, but it's not lights out like so many skunkbear fans are predicting. The line looks very good, but if there are any injuries...look out below. LB's may be decent, and all Morgan Trent jokes aside, I think the CB's are decent. Safety is another big question mark. Who the hell knows, will the offense ever develop? Will the D be good enough to bail them out in some games? I think Utah is too talented (wow, that was fun to type) and too experienced to overcome for the first game. I look for a lot of 17-14, 20-17, 13-10 games from scUM this year.
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NFBuck;1235517; said:
Good for you. :biggrin:

I also really have no idea what to expect from you guys this year, but my gut says the offense is gonna be awful early on. Barely a week from the season and the QB situation is still unsettled (bad sign), so much so that one of the supposed top RB's is apparently seeing snaps there in practice. I think the D will be solid enough to keep you in some games until the offense gets some footing, but it's not lights out like so many skunkbear fans are predicting. The line looks very good, but if there are any injuries...look out below. LB's may be decent, and all Morgan Trent jokes aside, I think the CB's are decent. Safety is another big question mark. Who the hell knows, will the offense ever develop? Will the D be good enough to bail them out in some games? I think Utah is too talented (wow, that was fun to type) and too experienced to overcome for the first game. I look for a lot of 17-14, 20-17, 13-10 games from scUM this year.

Lights out it ain't. There's no proven depth behind Graham and Jamison at the ends. Obi Ezeh is our most proven and best LB right now, which worries me. Trent is adequate to good, and Warren could emerge as one of the top CBs in the country. He had an outstanding freshman year and I hope he progresses. FS is a question. Stevie Brown was lights out in camp this year, but that's the same thing they said last year and I think Dexter Jackson just ran by him again. Brandon Harrison at SS is a move I like actually. He's a decent cover man but does good work near the LOS. He's awesome against screens and such, just don't ask him to cover Oregon WRs 1 on 1. So, we need DEs to emerge behind Graham and Jamison, the clusterfuck at LB needs to straighten itself out, and our safeties need to not suck. Tall order.
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SNIPER26;1235510; said:
While I am very confident in our defense, (insert Morgan Trent LOLZ joke here)

We prefer Morgan :slappy: Trent around here. This will be the most interesting UM season I have seen in my lifetime. Not only are you replacing a ton of key players, but you have a coach who will attempt to completely overhaul a program that has been set in its ways for two generations. The Utah game could have a big impact on the season, considering how young the team is. I don't see a season without major bumps in the road, but I do hope that it turns out to be respectable, for the sake of the conference.
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generaladm;1235531; said:
We prefer Morgan :slappy: Trent around here. This will be the most interesting UM season I have seen in my lifetime. Not only are you replacing a ton of key players, but you have a coach who will attempt to completely overhaul a program that has been set in its ways for two generations. The Utah game could have a big impact on the season, considering how young the team is. I don't see a season without major bumps in the road, but I do hope that it turns out to be respectable, for the sake of the conference.
Fuck that, I hope they're tripping over shoelaces, jumping offsides and generally bumbling around like a bunch of buffoons.
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BuckeyeNation27;1234029; said:
I know I'm going to be struck down by Tressel himself for this, but good ol Dick Rod actually seems pretty funny in this clip: Viral Player

Paterno is a fucking weirdo :lol:
Do ya one better:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TFB42nb8PkE]YouTube - BIG TEN NUTWORK[/ame]

OK, OK....it's made by an LSU fan basically for the purposes of bagging on the Big Ten. It's still funny as all hell.
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scUM cheerleaders under the watchful eye of Barwis:

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SNIPER26;1235510; said:
I do. I'm not a blind UM homer. I have low expectations for this year. Utah returns a boat load of talent and may be one of the nation's most underrated teams.

While I wouldn't be stunned to see Utah win, I think Michigan wins a close one.
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