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BlueGuy;1238846; said:
I think UM's win total in RR's first year will be similar to Jim Tressel's with OSU, 7-5.
That i agree with, but 5-7 or 6-6 is a real possibility.

The question is, can he win 33 games in the 3 years that follow like Tressel? I don't see any reason why he can't. Having to play so many freshmen this year out of necessity should pay dividends in the years that follow.
One major difference is that the grounds for those seasons were already in place for JT. Not so in aa. If a QB doesn't develop this year, you'll be starting all over again next season. The OL still has issues. The depth on the DL is ridiculously thin and so far DickRod hasn't done much to improve that. Some of the young skill position players may well gain from PT this year, but with holes on the lines, that could be a major obstacle to overcome.
RR's recruiting this year given the circumstances were rather remarkable and his recruiting class for 2009 looks promising as well.
We keep hearing this, but it's BS. DickRod is a name coach at a name university. He shouldn't have trouble recruiting, but thus far, I'd say the results are underwhelming. He's whiffing on defensive prospects left and right and continues to load up on ping pong balls for the offense. Saban cleaned up his first year on the job, so did Meyer and Miles. Tressel pulled in a monster class his first year. DickRod is doing considerably less than what they did and is also behind the previous regime. If he doesn't get some quality DL recruits soon, he's going to be really behind the 8-ball defensively for a couple of years.

Going forward, to build the type of program Tressel has RR has to win one of the next two matches with OSU with inferior talent and needs to out recruit OSU for 2010.
Not gonna happen this year, and although 2009 looks like a possible reloading year again in C-Bus, I'd say we still have a considerable talent edge. Plus, have you seen DickRod's in game coaching? I'd take Tressel over him 100% of the time. And good luck out recruiting him in '10, Tressel is a recruiting juggernaut right now and that isn't going to let up anytime soon...
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I can't remember being more excited to watch a (non-OSU) UM game in my lifetime, with so much at stake and so little known by anyone about what will happen.

  1. Will starting/playing a dozen freshmen come back to bite them, or lay a tremendous foundation for RR's tenure as they mature?
  2. Can Sheridan really keep defenses honest as a somewhat athletic but very limited passer?
  3. Can the suspect OL keep Sheridan alive?
  4. Can all of the athleticism at the skill positions somewhat overcome the blocking breakdowns?
  5. Can UM come from behind when they get in a hole? (inevitable for a young, mistake-prone team)
  6. Can the defensive back 7 really shut down opponents, especially when left out there all game by the O?
  7. If the O sputters and is run-happy, will it have any effect on recruiting?
  8. Can converted DL Ferrera really cut it at OL?
  9. How well will RR make adjustments in game? Will the 'innovative' side be prevalent, or the 'stubborn' playcaller WVU fans reference?
  10. Morgan Trent will be left on an island, at times. Can they get away with that? Perhaps enough DL pressure?
  11. Will Sam McGuffie be broken on one of his leaps? Will he save it for The Game and return the favor for Boston's SI cover?
  12. Will Brandon Graham and Tim Jamison finally live up to their potential? If they do, will Graham be gone next spring?
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SNIPER26;1240777; said:
I don't know if this was mentioned yet, but Kevin Grady will not play vs. Utah as part of his punishment for his DUI

Even though it looks like Dick is going with a RB by committe, are any of the backs distancing themselves from the pack at all?
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By all reports the frosh are doing outstanding (Shaw, McGuffie), and I believe the veterans have been a little nicked up (Minor, Brown). Bad time to miss reps. I'd expect even more of a RBBC than most backfields.
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jwinslow;1240783; said:
I can't remember being more excited to watch a UM game in my lifetime

Yeah, compared to The Game in the 'Shoe in '02 and '06, this opener vs. Utah has me frothing at the mouth.


For an 'opening game', though, you make some good points.
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You're right Mr. Stiffly Stifferson, I should have qualified that as a non-OSU game. And just to be clear what I mean by that title :p
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jwinslow;1240783; said:
[*] Can the suspect OL keep Sheridan alive?
This is the million dollar question which makes all the others pretty much moot.

It begins in the trenches. Michigan's OL has a whopping 15 combined games worth of experience under their belt, and RT Steve Schilling accounts for 13 of those.

If the OL is bad, we're talking Notre-Dame-Last-Year levels of comical suck.
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