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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

matcar;1181386; said:
Yes we do...we ALL want that because our National Championship hopes probably ride on it.

There's no probably about it. If Boeckman plays like he did for most of the first nine games, we're a lock for the NC game. If he plays anywhere near like he did the last four games, we have zero chance and will lose several games.
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martinss01;1181795; said:
and anyone who isn't behind him isn't a tOSU fan.
Martin - this isn't directed towards you specifically but rather everyone who continues to spit this out..

It reminds me of 'support or troops or you are not an american'

I disagree. I hope TB does well and we win it all - we really should.. we are STACKED. This year, IMO, is a national title or bust type of year.

But if TB struggles in the first couple of games - I do NOT want him back there against USC.

Taosman;1181928; said:
So. Would are chances(of winng them all) be better with any other QB on the roster(including TP)?
Depends on which Todd we get.
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what if beanie struggles?
what if boone gets hurt?
what if heyward gets on the eric zahn diet?
what if robo has a tomzack and breaks his leg in a scrimmage?
what if lil animal takes money like troy did?
what if zoom decides not to play like robert smith did?
what if tressel losses his cool and punches a ysu kid in the throat like woody did?
what if, what if, what if.

it is important that all these kids work hard to get better. this team needs to go to the grindstone. regression will kill this team...
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Bleed S & G;1181968; said:
Martin - this isn't directed towards you specifically but rather everyone who continues to spit this out..

It reminds me of 'support or troops or you are not an american'

I disagree. I hope TB does well and we win it all - we really should.. we are STACKED. This year, IMO, is a national title or bust type of year.

But if TB struggles in the first couple of games - I do NOT want him back there against USC.

Depends on which Todd we get.

Exactly, that's been the point all along. If we get what we got from the last 4 games, then yeah, we might be better off with another QB. If he regains the composure shown from early in the season and knocks off a few of the mistakes, we've got a great shot at the NC game.
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Disproportionate overreaction aside, the door is always open.

You should start posting comments from other message boards then.

Care to point out the flaws of the article rather than make a threat of a tearful goodbye?

Besides just the grammatical errors, I don't have enough time.

Michael Felder could sign up for Buckeye Planet and post the same thing. I wouldn't quit BP because of it :lol:

I would. I tried to type as little as I could in fear of you actually breaking down words and trying to analyze them.
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Taosman;1181928; said:
So. Would are chances(of winng them all) be better with any other QB on the roster(including TP)?

I assume the word "are" was supposed to be the word "the". If so, I'll answer. If Boeckman plays like he did the last 3-4 games last year, then I would say that both Henton and Bauserman would be better choices. As much as I like Henton's potential, Bauserman seems to bring an attitude of self-confidence with him. The first sign of Boeckman struggling, I'd like to see JB or AH be given a shot.
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MililaniBuckeye;1182087; said:
I assume the word "are" was supposed to be the word "the". If so, I'll answer. If Boeckman plays like he did the last 3-4 games last year, then I would say that both Henton and Bauserman would be better choices. As much as I like Henton's potential, Bauserman seems to bring an attitude of self-confidence with him. The first sign of Boeckman struggling, I'd like to see JB or AH be given a shot.

You know I pretty much share your thoughts on OSU's qb situation. The whole "if anyone else starts we lose" theory isn't 100% true. What if we run the ball against teams,and control the clock? How about 2002 style? Is that not possible anymore? People are making it out like a game can't be won on the ground. IMO TB can perform poorly against lesser quality opponents and still win. Of course USC is going to be the big bet. So what happens if TB gets hurt? We just quit,because someone else is taking snaps? I really can't fathom how some people can honestly say " if you don't want TB as your starter,you're not an OSU fan"...Yea that's exactly it(sarcasm insert)..I want them to lose if TB doesn't perform well,because I want to see if someone else can do better(the TALENT IS THERE,but the experience isn't)...Anyone care to chime in and explain how a qb is supposed to get experience without playing? Anyone who watched every game last year can obviously see why there might be a question...
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We can sit here and list all of the mistakes TB made last season until we're blue in the face. Let's not lose sight of the positive aspects from last year. TB, more often than not, was able to move the ball downfield, manage the game, limit mistakes, and make the occasional big play. There's not much more you can ask of a QB. If you compare TB with Krenzel, there are many similarities, and in some aspects you would have to give TB the nod. Of course, after CK's 2002 year, he has carte blanche in Buckeyeland, and will always be the example for what a QB should be. Nevertheless, there were many times in 2002-03 where his performance was definitely lackluster. CK's accuracy was often way off early in games, although he usually came thru when it mattered most. Often, the best plays he made were throwing the ball out of bounds. Remember, that team had one of the best defenses ever, and unbelievalble special teams. The offense in 2002 was only asked to put up 10-14 points a game, for the most part. The big advantage which CK had over TB was his runing ability. TB has shown small flashes of it, but it isn't really a part of his game. And, of course, CK was the embodiment of the word clutch. But ask yourself, if he had been a QB who scored more than 7 points a half, how many times would he have needed those come from behind wins? I remember lots of people calling for McMullen when CK was having a bad start. Luckily, Tressel had the sense to stick with his horse and give him a chance to play his way out of a jam. Obvioulsy, CK had all the intangibles to will his team to victory. TB does not, yet. The good news is that Coach Tressel is one of the best in the world at developing talent. Remember last year, when he challenged Beanie to be a warrior? This is TB's year to learn how to be a warrior.
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generaladm;1182161; said:
We can sit here and list all of the mistakes TB made last season until we're blue in the face. Let's not lose sight of the positive aspects from last year. TB, more often than not, was able to move the ball downfield, manage the game, limit mistakes, and make the occasional big play. There's not much more you can ask of a QB. If you compare TB with Krenzel, there are many similarities, and in some aspects you would have to give TB the nod. Of course, after CK's 2002 year, he has carte blanche in Buckeyeland, and will always be the example for what a QB should be. Nevertheless, there were many times in 2002-03 where his performance was definitely lackluster. CK's accuracy was often way off early in games, although he usually came thru when it mattered most. Often, the best plays he made were throwing the ball out of bounds. Remember, that team had one of the best defenses ever, and unbelievalble special teams. The offense in 2002 was only asked to put up 10-14 points a game, for the most part. The big advantage which CK had over TB was his runing ability. TB has shown small flashes of it, but it isn't really a part of his game. And, of course, CK was the embodiment of the word clutch. But ask yourself, if he had been a QB who scored more than 7 points a half, how many times would he have needed those come from behind wins? I remember lots of people calling for McMullen when CK was having a bad start. Luckily, Tressel had the sense to stick with his horse and give him a chance to play his way out of a jam. Obvioulsy, CK had all the intangibles to will his team to victory. TB does not, yet. The good news is that Coach Tressel is one of the best in the world at developing talent. Remember last year, when he challenged Beanie to be a warrior? This is TB's year to learn how to be a warrior.

No the big difference between CK and TB is that CK was smart enough to make the play happen. You stated some of his best plays were "throws out of bounds"..TB made a lot of those throws towards the opposition instead of throwing it out of bounds.

A lot of TB's "scrambles" were when he had open receivers,and he was happy feeting his way around the pocket.. CK ran,when he had to or it was his best option. I would expect much more out of this year's offense,then 2002 regardless of who the qb is. There is a TON of talent around him on the offensive side of the ball. We didn't have a fresh TP from high school in 2002. No Bauserman..No Henton..It was totally different circumstances.

The ability you describe that TB has over CK isn't going to win big games(it hasn't been proven,but has shown weakness). Krenzel played with what he had and done everything he could the smartest way available.
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generaladm;1182161; said:
TB, more often than not, was able to move the ball downfield, manage the game, limit mistakes, and make the occasional big play. There's not much more you can ask of a QB.
First nine games of last season, I'd agree...last four, not so much. Asking a QB not to regress at the end of the season against the biggest opponents isn't too much to ask.

generaladm;1182161; said:
If you compare TB with Krenzel, there are many similarities, and in some aspects you would have to give TB the nod.
TB isn't in the same ballpark in terms of poise under fire. The only areas I'd rate TB the same as CK is physical toughness (he got blasted twice in the opener against YSU as he threw the ball and got right up) and passing accuracy. CK was a much better scrambler and made fewer mistakes.
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