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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1182177; said:
TB isn't in the same ballpark in terms of poise under fire. The only areas I'd rate TB the same as CK is physical toughness (he got blasted twice in the opener against YSU as he threw the ball and got right up) and passing accuracy. CK was a much better scrambler and made fewer mistakes.
Can't agree with ya there Mili, CK got his ass kicked for over 4 quarters vs. Miami in the Fiesta Bowl, kept coming back for more, and led the team to victory. That was one of the gutsiest performances I've ever seen on any level in any sport.
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I am in no way trying to say TB is as good a player as CK. I'm just trying to point out the discrepancy in perception between TB and other QBs. Krenzel arguably had more talent surrounding him than TB. Jenkins was the best WR since Boston, Gamble and Vance were serviceable. Clarett, when available, may have been even more explosive than Beanie. Hartsock was there when needed. But the big difference was the 2002 team had the best D and ST in a generation. Realistically, the 2002 team could have dropped 4-5 games. The UC game was definitely one where the other team lost the game, more than we won it. Purdue, Wisky, PSU, ILL, UM, and MIA were all games that could have gone either way. In some games (PUR, ILL), CK made extraordinary plays to pull it out. In others (PSU was all Gamble), CK did just as much harm as good. CK did cough up the ball in the red zone more than once that year. Even in CK's most storied performance in the NC game, he made plays that could have cost us the game. Sean Taylor's INT in the end-zone was definitely a poor decision by CK. Had MoC not made an incredible play to strip the ball, we could still be waiting for our first NC since '68. My point is that all of those great clutch wins in that magical season were TEAM efforts. CK showed the heart of a lion all year, but everytime he faltered, his teammates were there to pick him up. A few big plays from TB's teammates could have made all the difference last year. We give up less than 28 to Ill, or make a stop in the last 8 minutes; we're not having this conversation. Small fights for an underthrown pass, Robo holds on to a TD, several players refrain from taking huge penalties; we're not having this conversation.
Again, I'm not taking anything away from CK, and I don't think TB is the best thing since sliced bread. I'm just trying to hold everyone up to the same light and gain perspective. It seems like i can't read the name Todd Boeckman on this site without it being followed by "sucked in last four games". Just like when I read a national publication and the words Ohio State are always followed by "got blown out in last two bowl games". Boeckman does need to improve over last season. I'm sure after the last two seasons, everyone on the roster is putting forth amazing effort to improve as a TEAM. At this point, I'm done with worrying about last year and trying to get excited about the positive things we have going for us this year. I think TB is one of those positive things. I will defend any Ohio State player when I think he's being unfairly criticized (except Lydell Ross, he just plain blew), that's just what I do. If anyone is getting annoyed by these ridiculously long posts, just say so and I'll stop reading this thread. I'm not trying to be argumantative, just trying to get some positive attitude cultivated for '08. Go Buckeyes!
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NFBuck;1182186; said:
Can't agree with ya there Mili, CK got his ass kicked for over 4 quarters vs. Miami in the Fiesta Bowl, kept coming back for more, and led the team to victory. That was one of the gutsiest performances I've ever seen on any level in any sport.

Absolutely. Krenzel took several hits from Miami's LBs that would have put most people on a stretcher. Funny thing is that after the game, Dorsey was the one who had to go to the hospital.
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generaladm;1182276; said:
Absolutely. Krenzel took several hits from Miami's LBs that would have put most people on a stretcher. Funny thing is that after the game, Dorsey was the one who had to go to the hospital.

and to his credit Dorsey kept playing as well(from what I recall),and he took one hell of a beating that game..
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Before I say this, I'm a Boeckman guy and think he gives us our best shot.

generaladm;1182269; said:
Boeckman does need to improve over last season.

That's basically what the "anti-Boeckman"* people are saying, only they're saying that if he's the same TB we saw during the last four games of the season, then they want to see one of the backups get a chance.

Let's face it, if Boeckman plays like he did at the end of the season, we're NOT playing for the national championship. Some may disagree with that, but I certainly think it's true. I know it's a team effort, but the turnovers were a large problem. He did move the ball, but you can't turn the ball over. I think he'll improve and this won't be an issue.

*I know nobody is anti-Boeckman. I couldn't think of any other way to put it.
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powerlifter;1182279; said:
and to his credit Dorsey kept playing as well(from what I recall),and he took one hell of a beating that game..
He went to the sidelines to clear his head and get his shoulder screwed on right after Whilhelm put him in the dirt. He wasn't the same, missing a wide open TE (Winston, I think) badly. Cruddup hit a critical 4th down pass while DOrsey was out.
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I know we're getting a wee tiny bit off thread here but I just watched the Championship again the other day and the entire starting defense later played in the NFL and the first defensive sub in the game that day was... A J Hawk.

generaladm is right, the defense and special teams won that game.

Back to the future, or this fall...

I would hope that coach T will know when Boeckman needs to be yanked, and Boeckman is class enough to understand how and when that happens.

The real question, then, is Bauserman? Henton? Pryor?

The bar has been set so high, we are almost guaranteed to fail, but that's when Tressel shines the brightest.

Let's do this thing. Somebody wake me up in mid-August!!!
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1182281; said:
He went to the sidelines to clear his head and get his shoulder screwed on right after Whilhelm put him in the dirt. He wasn't the same, missing a wide open TE (Winston, I think) badly. Cruddup hit a critical 4th down pass while DOrsey was out.
Yep, Dorsey was the QB that Cie Grant chased down on that glorious final 4th down. :biggrin:
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Sometimes I can handle this thread and other times it makes me crazy that it exists.

The recurring question seems to be "Will Boeckman improve?"

To be sure, the fate of any QB is tied to the rest of the team. Lose your entire OL or your best 3 receivers or your top two TBs and you can get better but not have it show up in the results. Obviously TB wont have any of those problems.

So yes, I think it is reasonable to expect improvement from a first year starter in his second season. It is the norm. It is almost always the case.

Although there are exceptions.

I know of one OSU QB who in his senior year threw for fewer total yards, a lower completion percentage, and a poorer TD to Int ratio than the year before. So in that regard let's hope TB DOES NOT turn out like Craig Krenzel.

Will it be a statistically measurable improvement? That is, do we expect him to lead the B10 in QB rating by more than the full 15 points he led it by last season? Or will it be his performance in "big games"? Is getting us to the NC game for a third straight year enough? That we will see.

But the degree to which some posters seem reluctant to give the kid the benefit of the doubt is a bit unfair IMO.
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In reality, if any players play the whole season like their worst performance of last year, it will hurt our chances for a good season. What bothers me is that too many people think that TB is going to turn in to an incompetent boob, based on a few plays. IMO, Todd only had two "bad" games: ILL and UM. WISC and LSU weren't all that bad, just not that good (I may have to look at the LSU game again). If you take anyone's worst game: Laurinaitis vs. PSU, Beanie vs. YSU, Freeman vs. ILL, etc. and assume that that's how they'll play all year in '08, we'll be absolutely terrible! Unfortunately, Todd did have his worst games at the end of the season, but that doesn't mean that he is incapable of performing like he did in the first 2/3rds.
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powerlifter;1182279; said:
and to his credit Dorsey kept playing as well(from what I recall),and he took one hell of a beating that game..

You're right, Dorsey took more hits in that game than he endured in his whole college career. I just can't bring myslef to give him credit.

Ken Dorsey gets beat up by 12 year old girls. :tongue2:
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IMO, Todd only had two "bad" games: ILL and UM.

I don't agree that the UM game should be held against TB either. That one was about the weather and the play calling and perhaps one bad decision.

THE big issue with TB has been a handful of poorly thrown deep balls - or the decision to throw those deep balls.

Seems fixable.
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