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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Late in the game, we seemed to go back to the intermediate crossing routes, where were were able to get some separation, vs, trying to outrun their DB's to the endzone? just saying...
Late as in the last drive? That was their second team. I haven't had the heart to rewatch it, so I'm not sure if this is the drive to which you're referring.
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I don't really recall the second team going in that much at all - even when the game was decided.

But the previous poster was right. It was all deep balls. Not even a post; just streaks.

And I would be fine with dives. The problem was that they weren't dives, they were slow developing counters for which the LSU D-line had the quicks to blow up.

It's a weird deal - Beanie's 66 yard TD run was off of one of said counters. But the counter look really stops working after a point - see the 3rd and goal when we were stuffed just because of these slow developing running plays. IMO we do not run enough dives. I hate to say it, but honestly if we ran Beanie more like LSU runs Hester, I think Beanie and the Buckeyes would greatly benefit.

EDIT: To tie this back in with the QB Discussion - I think TB is #1 :)
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jwinslow;1065208; said:
I believe he missed a week of practice. However, I think the suspension hurt his spot on the depth chart, which affect his reps.

That's true, but I would guess he got the same amount of film study and mental preparation as the other QBs. Add in the fact that he was the #2 for the bowl practices and will be #2 for the spring practices, I think he will get enough reps to prepare to play this year. I don't think there is anyway that he starts, but I don't think it's far fetched to imagine him going every third or fourth series.
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One thing is for sure.....Boeckman is gonna start next year. However, I can see a very similar situation brewing that may be similar to that to the whole Zwick/ Troy Smith saga. We travel to USC, and that game could be make or break for Boeckman. If he doesn't do too well, the Buckeye fans are gonna be up in arms....and Henton will likely replace him.

I don't see Pryor starting in his freshman year. He's likely to be red-shirted. Even if he does come to OSU, Bauserman is gonna be the next QB in line after Henton.
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Sportsbuck28;1065104; said:
Honestly, a lot of you need to read the quote in Grad's sig.
"There's a whole lot of people that don't really have much understanding of what it takes to be good at this game but love to have opinions."

-- Jim Tressel

Sportsbuck - if you're looking for people without opinions, a buckeye message board may not be for you.

Grads post about the 'knee jerk' reaction is a great post, and come to think of it.. maybe I'm being to harsh saying I want Henton.. I look at Boeckman and I see 3 picks 0 TDs against Illinois, I see 1 pick in scUM and then the passing game got shut down. I see the LSU game...

But on the other hand, Boeckman was solid all year.. just inconsistent.. I'll reserve my judgement till spring ball and the opening games of 2008.. Tressel obviously knows more about the QB situation I do.. just frustrating to watch.
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I think the same thing. Get the 240 pound running back running down hill once in a while! I love our counter plays from time to time because beanie's combonation of patients, speed, and power are hard to stop when he does find room to run. However, when teams do figure it out I'd like to see us make more of an effort to just give beanie the ball and have him slam the ball in there (right up the middle and off tackle). Also as I've stated earlier the passing routes have got to change also. Like stated earlier in the thread we do too many deep routes. Now from time to time yeah I think we should launce one deep, but we can't make that route our bread and butter.
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bukIpower;1065457; said:
...Also as I've stated earlier the passing routes have got to change also. Like stated earlier in the thread we do too many deep routes. Now from time to time yeah I think we should launce one deep, but we can't make that route our bread and butter.

Agree. Our short, intermediate passing game seemed almost non-existent at times. Yes, when our deep ball was on, it was deadly, but it wasn't on pretty much any time after the Penn State game. And yet our stronger opponents, (Michigan and Fla. last year,) & (Ill., Wisky & LSU) this year, threw underneath very effectively against us all night long.
Short tight-end routes by us were tough to come by. No one gets open? Were tight ends always in protection? It just didn't make sense that we couldn't pick up first downs unless Beannie was running through a grand canyon, galloping off in mis-direction or was stiffing somebody.
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You're right about the counters, my bad. I was having a hard time watching at that point in the game, but now that i think about it, that would explain how long those plays seemed to take to develop. Frustrating in my mind, the coaches didn't seem to make any adjustments. That said...

6-1 in the game. That tells me that Tress will figure it out, and we will be back. Bad things happen, we'll see how our players and coaches respond next year. Boeckman will probably be the starter, and USC will definitely test him. Is it time for the spring game yet?
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Bleed S & G;1065456; said:
"There's a whole lot of people that don't really have much understanding of what it takes to be good at this game but love to have opinions."

-- Jim Tressel

Sportsbuck - if you're looking for people without opinions, a buckeye message board may not be for you.

Grads post about the 'knee jerk' reaction is a great post, and come to think of it.. maybe I'm being to harsh saying I want Henton.. I look at Boeckman and I see 3 picks 0 TDs against Illinois, I see 1 pick in scUM and then the passing game got shut down. I see the LSU game...

But on the other hand, Boeckman was solid all year.. just inconsistent.. I'll reserve my judgement till spring ball and the opening games of 2008.. Tressel obviously knows more about the QB situation I do.. just frustrating to watch.
That wasn't the point I was trying to make, but okay.

My point was trying to say that most people think that because of his performance in the NC game, that Boeckman should be benched in favor of a guy that has thrown 6 collegiate passes, or a guy that hasn't even finished his high school basketball season yet. I mean, we all have bad games. Hell, even Troy played bad at times. If Boeckman had even played decent against LSU we most likely wouldn't even be having this duiscussion.

I mean, the man had a bad game or two, that's understandable. Especially when this is the first meaningful action he's gotten since 2003.
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buckeye78;1065601; said:
and btw, the drives that i was referring to about the crossing routes began with the 4th and 4 fumble drive. We moved the ball well from there on out again, just not able to put points up, until they didn't matter.

I'd check the coverage change on that drive also...
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My biggest concern with Boeckman, other than having his loss of pocket presence down the stretch, is his underthrowing of deep passes, which has been resulting in interceptions. Some posts on here earlier this year implied that this was a deliberate tactic -- if so, let's hope that the tactic has been laid to rest. Otherwise, I think it's something that can definitely be addressed during the offseason.

The arguments that we should have some other starter next season seem a bit unrealistic to me. Yes, the best player should play, and no, you don't get to coast into the season on last year's accolades. However, presuming that TB puts the same hard work and dedication into preparing for next season that he has since he's been here, I just don't see how any player passes him up. Playing QB is as much about reads, judgment and decision-making as it is about athletic ability (if not more), and those skills are developed with repetition and game experience. Now, if TB doesn't continue to learn and grow, then that's another issue. This is a staff that has proven itself in terms of developing the QB position, so I'm confident that we'll see a marked improvement in all of the returning QBs.

Boeckman will be fine. The big debates will be over who starts in 2009...Henton, Bauserman or Pryor, should be choose OSU.
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I'll chime in, the thing that intrigues me is that up until Troy Smith became tOSU's QB, almost by default with Zwicks ineffectiveness and injury, JT recruited pocket passers who were while not immobile, were not dual threat. Since TS's successes, it seems to me that JT and staff now look for guys with good arms/passing potential but who have escapability. I wonder if Henton advances to the point where the staff feels he can be successful, but just needs game time, if they give him that time.

It just seems to me that JT gets that a more mobile QB gives you so many more options in the same offense vs a statuesque type QB. I honestly feel that if TB does not show marked improvement in his pocket presence/confidence that we may well see Henton or even TP given a chance to take the reins.
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