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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Boeckman will start next year. Pryor or no Pryor. should pryor come to Ohio State he should become a redshirt so we can have him for 4 solid years of football. TB will come around. just be patient

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If TP does come to tOSU, I doubt very seriously that he'd redshirt. I think John Cooper said it best "if a dog'll bite, he'll bite as a pup"
If TP redshirted, and in his RSfrosh year contributed some and had a breakout year his RSSoph year he might leave anyway. Someone with his talents and abilities you have to find a way to use, if only in a very limited role, the chances of him staying til his RSSenior year would be infitessimal in my humble opinion.

By the way SCBuck, I agree about Erin being about the only thing tolerable about eSpin, although Robert Smith does a passable job.
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It would be a really feel-good story, and one Buckeye fans would love, if Todd would turn out to be a great QB. I just don't think it's in the cards.
The staff decided, reluctantly I'm sure, that RS wasn't going to make a BT QB. I would guess that was due to ATHLETIC ability. If RS just needed to learn the cognitive aspects, I think the coaches would have stuck with him.
It appears to me that Todd is close to his ceiling wrt athletic ability, and that ceiling is too low.
I say that because I see Todd continue to throw late and underthrow routes late in the season. He has had years of excellent instruction and tons of practice and yet still doesn't put the ball in the right spot. Even when his protection is good. The pass to Small in the NC game was a perfect illustration. If he led Small in stride, it was a td. Instead, it was behind and was picked. (That play was similar to the td Troy threw to TGII in the Texas game.) His accuracy on shorter passes is also often poor.
That says to me that his coordination is not good enough.
On the other hand, I've seen Henton throw lasers right on the money,to a crossing receiver, while he is on the run himself. A guy that can do that has lots of coordination. Now AH probably doesn't know the playbook as well as Todd, but I would guess he knows it well enough by now.
So, unless something changes from what I've seen so far, I would expect Antonio to be the starter next fall.
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SCBuckeye9;1065955; said:
Boeckman will start next year. Pryor or no Pryor. should pryor come to Ohio State he should become a redshirt so we can have him for 4 solid years of football. TB will come around. just be patient


Boeckman will most likely start, but dude...you really think TP is going stay here for five years? What did you have for lunch?
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Taosman;1064793; said:
People keep saying Boeckman regressed, but the competition was way better at the end of the season. And in the Michigan game the weather was horrendous! Toss that game out.

So. Let's look at the "regression".
Wiscy? He helped lead a comeback win.

Illinois? The whole team, especially the defense and offensive line under performed. Blame that on Boeckman?
Again, we see the WRs did not get separation. And the interception in the end zone was a tip.
Michigan game? The weather was a huge factor on both sides.
BCS game. Robo drops a beautifully thrown TD. Then the WRs again can't get separation. And the offensive line can't protect him long enough.
There All SEC corner makes a great play on a ball.(pass to Small who couldn't get off coverage) And Hartline pulls up and Boeckman misses him for a pick.
Penalties. Missed assignments. Lost that game. Not Boeckman's play.
So. I ask.
Where did he regress?

his game didn't elevate when the competition did. he was the same QB in the last 5 games as he was against Minny and Purdue. call it whatever you want, but he didn't improve.
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osugrad21;1064865; said:
Just a question...

If moving back to what Im assuming would be a gun-based offense meant a less effective Beanie Wells, would all of you be so willing to make the switch?

personally i don't think it would mean Beanie would be any less effective. sure, he might not have the lead blocker, but then there would be one less guy in the box anyway.

Do you think Henton and/or Pryor would be as effective under center?

Pryor? honestly, no. Henton? maybe. one thing is for certain. he should get a long hard look.

What if Henton is more of a pocket passer than the free roller like Troy?

IMHO, he already is. but he does have wheels. you can get him out on the corner.

What if the playbook expands next year with Boeckman as it did with Troy in year 2? More sprintouts, formations, freedom to audible?

depends if TB can make the plays against the big boys.

I'm not sure much of this discussion is just not a kneejerk reaction...especially when we have no idea what is on the other side of the coin.

yup. trust the coaches. but we're all still going to play Armchair QB. we're fans. we can't help it. it's in our blood. if it wasn't, we wouldn't devote so much of our freaking lives to it.
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One thing is for sure.....Boeckman is gonna start next year. However, I can see a very similar situation brewing that may be similar to that to the whole Zwick/ Troy Smith saga. We travel to USC, and that game could be make or break for Boeckman. If he doesn't do too well, the Buckeye fans are gonna be up in arms....and Henton will likely replace him.

I don't see Pryor starting in his freshman year. He's likely to be red-shirted. Even if he does come to OSU, Bauserman is gonna be the next QB in line after Henton.

If I were a mod I would give Jazzman a great post award here. Best in the thread.

The dynamics in LA next year are going to be most interesting. If Boeckman struggles, will Henton get a chance? Will JT stick with TB no matter what (and the ensuing fan outrage if the Bucks lose)?

Whenever I hear that Pryor is going to light it up next year I can't help but think of Ryan Perillicious and the struggles he faced as a freshman at LSU. I'm not saying Pryor isn't going to be great, but he's not going to be great next year.
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KodiakBuck;1066798; said:
...that Pryor is going to light it up next year I can't help but think of Ryan Perillicious and the struggles he faced as a freshman at LSU. I'm not saying Pryor isn't going to be great, but he's not going to be great next year.

I think Todd will definitely start and he will be consistently very good! I agree w Perillicious point, and I don't think it's a matter of TP lighting it up, I think it's more a matter of TP bringing something needed, i.e., keepingD honest, opening offense, etc., at the time needed, LSU case in point.

Dynamics of relationship will be more like Leak/Tebow than Zwick/Smith, imho. No way he reds, I say he learns on the job w/potential to bust one open for a bill anytime anywhere, rather than spend a year on the phones. He brings way too much, he's an absolute freak, and with JT at the helms, he's a sure fire All Galaxy all set up to pose. But we have to get him first.
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Craig Krenzel was a pretty tough QB and as I remember him playing, he just had that sense of when to tuck the ball and take off for positive yardage. And with his size and speed it was a plus for him to be able to take the hits that he took. Maybe Boeckman has a better arm at this stage of the game and I think his decision making will be vastly improved. I see him back as the starter next season for sure.
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I truly think we will be damn near unstoable if we Have Pryor rotating in with Boekman still leading the charge.
That could also be a selling point, TP getting a lot of playing time on what should be a NC caliber team(more so then the last 2 years).
If we culd have Terrelle with the ball in his hand on a good 10 or so plays a game we would have every team on there toes.
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I think getting TP or AH more involved would be a great benefit to our offense. It would allow JT to scheme like we all know he likes to, by showing them running mostly early in the year and later throwing more out of running formations with running personnel groups in the game, I still fondly remember ole #13's wheel route against scUM, imagine Beanie doing the same, or TP or AH running Troy's step up, step back pass.

Giving D-coords nightmares would be awesome and with the skill and depth we have at O-line, WR, RB and QB there's no reason we should not sleep deeply.
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I'm with you Grizz.... I mean the more options, plays, and looks you give an opposing defense to prepare and watch out for the, the more we're likely to succeed.

IMO, People knew beanie was our bread and butter. No team has yet to stop him regardless if they knew he was coming, but having more options to get yards VIA the ground would be critical if Beanie does meet a defense that stops him. I mean in the Illinois game Beanie probably could've/should've had over 100 yards (playing from behind=passing), but could you had imagined Henton/Pryor in that game?? Instead of throwing the deep ball INT maybe one of those two guys runs for 15 yards and keeps the chains going?

I think that if/when the other QB (henton or pryor if we get him) play we won't be forced to try and go vertical as much in the passing game. IMO, the long ball is very risky and due to Todd's non existant escapability he was forced much of the time to throw that deep ball instead of knowing its not there and tucking and running. Todd isn't Slow by anymeans infact he's rather quick, but his shiftiness is not great. I think Todd forced a lot of those throws because he knew he couldn't take off and pick up yards with his legs.
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bucI, I agree, I think TB is still too indecisive, I remember earlier in the year JT said sometimes you have to throw the ball when you're 80% sure and not 100%. TB's agility is surely not an asset, couple this with indecision and you have sacks or a guy without the strongest arm relying on his arm strength. He did a nice job earlier in the year and with a year under his belt, I expect marked improvement, but it sure would be nice to have a change of pace as well as a second guy ready in case of injury or ineffectiveness.
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Todd would have to muck things up pretty badly to be replaced. Yes, Tress sat Zwick, but Todd has shown a lot more than Zwick ever did. It's just not as close a call as Smith/Zwick was. By the end, obviously, Troy was a much better college (and I think he'll be damn fine pro) QB, but they were neck and neck before Tressel made the switch and Troy picked up speed. Of course, I'm not there on the ground evaluating them, but I'd put good money on Todd running things next year with Henton filling a Tebow-like role.
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