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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

I was about to say the same thing... he did look damn good in the shotgun formation in 2006-2007 IMO. I'd like to see them mix it up though by putting Saine/Henton or Pryor in the shotgun formation and run the read option once in a while. I think the more formations/Personell packages we throw at a team the more dangerous beanie will be. I'd never say get away from the I formation, but I think we need to be more versatile as well. When teams are saying where's #80,#9,#4,#3,#12,#7, # 34, and #(pryor) it stops teams from saying "hey lets just stop that beanie wells kid". Beanie becomes that much more unstoppable when we throw more offensive weapons at a team, and it forces them to stop other people on our team.

Where I think we errored on offense this year was we depended too much on Beanie. I love beanie and I want him to run for 2000 next year, but I'd much rather see Beanie with good numbers in the 1200 range. Only for the sake of having other people involved in our offense. If we can get other defenses to worry about 2-3 other players on our offense teams can't key on Beanie. I think a freshman steps up next year and gives our offense a jolt of big play ability, who that is? We'll just have to find out.

getting back to the QB conversation. I'd love to see Boeckman/Henton both get playing time. 75% Boeckman, and 25% Henton. Not a lot o Henton but enough to make defenses sweat
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You guys are missing the point...

In no way am I saying any of the questions in my post would come true...

I'm saying there are many factors to this discussion that keep it from being a simple answer such as "Boeckman can't do it..."

I'm addressing the kneejerk decisions and reminding people there is much more to this than what is being discussed.
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Do you (Grad) see any type of qb rotation or like I said a 75/25 playing situation with Boeckman/Henton? I like both QB's and both bring differnt capabilities to our offense so thats why i say I'd like to see both of them. I'd like to see our offense attack from more than 1 angle next year. We'll always be a run first team (especially next year), but I'd like to see us stress all angles of the field next year much like LSU did with their offense.
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bukIpower;1065074; said:
Do you (Grad) see any type of qb rotation or like I said a 75/25 playing situation with Boeckman/Henton? I like both QB's and both bring differnt capabilities to our offense so thats why i say I'd like to see both of them. I'd like to see our offense attack from more than 1 angle next year. We'll always be a run first team (especially next year), but I'd like to see us stress all angles of the field next year much like LSU did with their offense.

I think you can mark that one down...yes.

If Pryor comes to OSU, the only way he redshirts is by his own choice.
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So if we do get Pryor (I think we do now, excuse me for my breif freak out 1 month ago) does anyone see Henton playing ahead of Pryor or is Pryor just that good and will he pass Henton after only a week or so of practice??

Even if we don't get Pryor we still have a QB who is still a change of pace guy in Henton. I think Henton can get the job done of running a more option/Spread offense. Pryor would be huge but I think either would get the job done equally as well. Pryor is just that much more of a running threat
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When discussing Todd, let's not forget that Beanie was hurt in the Illinois game. The weather sucked at scUM. His mistakes in the LSU game came when they fell behind and LSU could pin their ears back and come with full force, knowing tOSU had to pass. I'm not making excuses, just saying those weren't the easiest of circumstances.
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I think Henton will make strides to at least put good pressure on Boeckman. With the core of our team coming back, I don't think it's careless to risk starting a pure Freshman straight out of High School. Pryor can be the most talented person out of HS, but he'll still be a freshman and prone to make mistakes a more experienced QB wouldn't.

We were like the Bears this year, we needed our quarterback to not lose the game for us and he did not. Boeckman had time in the pocket and still got sacked, made some horrible throws/reads and didn't decide to start running with his great protection in the pocket until way too late in the 4th quarter. If anything, Henton will need to see some snaps in our games before we play USC in case we need to pull out our bag of tricks against the Trojans.
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One of the problems for Henton is that his suspension almost certainly set back his progress. A lot of development happens during in-season practice, and I'm sure he's missed a lot of film time as well. He'll need to make big strides this Spring in order to have a shot. I just don't see it happening right now.
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BrutusBobcat;1065158; said:
One of the problems for Henton is that his suspension almost certainly set back his progress. A lot of development happens during in-season practice, and I'm sure he's missed a lot of film time as well. He'll need to make big strides this Spring in order to have a shot. I just don't see it happening right now.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Henton was only suspended from playing in games, not practice as well.
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Boeckman is my guy all the way regardless of Pryor, Henton, etc.

The kid is All-Big Ten. And unless he loses the ability to hand the ball of to Chris Wells, he will be the guy all the way next year. He has experience and the team seems to see him as thier leader. He's gonna have a better, and more experienced line next year, better WR's with tha maturation of Robo and Hartline as well as the TE's. And not to mention, a serious Heisman Candidate behind him in Wells. On top of that, with what we bring back on defense, he's not gonna have to get into many shootouts.
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MUBuck;1065203; said:
I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Henton was only suspended from playing in games, not practice as well.
I believe he missed a week of practice. However, I think the suspension hurt his spot on the depth chart, which affect his reps.
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I agree that you can't judge Boeckman solely on the NC game. Some of the credit (?), has to go to the coaching staff calling plays. I know that smacks of heresy, but did anyone else think the playcalling in the second half sucked? Long Balls, and Beanie dive. Late in the game, we seemed to go back to the intermediate crossing routes, where were were able to get some separation, vs, trying to outrun their DB's to the endzone? just saying...
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