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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

02Buckeyes06;1068509; said:
I personally feel strong that we already landed him. I think hes a smart kid and realizes the potential at tOSU, and a more NFL type offense that we run compared to tsun with RR. Also with the problems that RR has going on with WV (A law suit and possible THEFT charges against him). Not to mention the lose of both WR's, its a mess up there and I dont think he wants any part of it (personally I wouldnt). But if he decides to, oh well, we'll beat him with TB and Henton. I do like him as an athlete, but the more and more I have thought of it this last week, if hes not fully comitted to being a Buckeye with less then 3 months from Sping practice maybe its in our best interest that he doesnt come. Its a prestigious honor to be a BUCKEYE and if he doesnt want that by now so be it. As a kid if tOSU wanted me to play football for them I would have vebal comitted in the 8 grade.


Have to disagree with you bigtime here. It's not cut and dry for everyone, and not everyone is a Buckeye by blood and a lock to go to C-bus. I mean this kid is IMO the best talent in the nation this year and has been compared several times to Vince Young. He recieved and still is recieving attention from almost every top program in the nation. Guys his age love being recruited and love the special treatment that they get. He doesn't have any character issues, he hasn't committed any crimes, and he doesn't have any kids. Pryor just loves the recruiting experience. You can tell by new schools he picks up (especially lately).

He is just trying to pick the school that he is most comfortable at, will best prepare him to succeed at both the college and professional level, and the school with the coaching staff he has connected the most with. It's basically the story of the majority of big time recruits.

Not everyone can be Adams or Beanie when he was in high school and pick the Buckeyes really early. And not everyone can be like you, and be dedicated to being a Buckeye since 8th grade. So basically, no it is not in our best interest to just move on if TP is not 100% a Buckeye by now. He is an extraordinary talent, and he will be a star in college barring a major injury or stupid mistake. Just let the guy enjoy his time in the spotlight, and if he chooses tOSU great, Buckeye nation will be way past thrilled in welcoming him. If he doesn't choose tOSU good luck to him wherever he goes, except for when he faces tOSU.
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TS10HTW;1068047; said:
First, it's hard to believe JT won't go with TB. Just because that's what JT does(senior).

I'm not sure where this belief comes from. There has always been plenty of underclassman that have started in front of upperclassmen.
I believe five or six of the defensive starters this year were underclassmen.

I think class has very little to do with the coaches decision. I firmly believe he plays the best talent as he sees it.
If Henton works harder and outplays TB I think he'll start. Or at the very least will be splitting time with TB.
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aurorabuckeye13;1068554; said:
Have to disagree with you bigtime here. It's not cut and dry for everyone, and not everyone is a Buckeye by blood and a lock to go to C-bus. I mean this kid is IMO the best talent in the nation this year and has been compared several times to Vince Young. He recieved and still is recieving attention from almost every top program in the nation. Guys his age love being recruited and love the special treatment that they get. He doesn't have any character issues, he hasn't committed any crimes, and he doesn't have any kids. Pryor just loves the recruiting experience. You can tell by new schools he picks up (especially lately).

He is just trying to pick the school that he is most comfortable at, will best prepare him to succeed at both the college and professional level, and the school with the coaching staff he has connected the most with. It's basically the story of the majority of big time recruits.

Not everyone can be Adams or Beanie when he was in high school and pick the Buckeyes really early. And not everyone can be like you, and be dedicated to being a Buckeye since 8th grade. So basically, no it is not in our best interest to just move on if TP is not 100% a Buckeye by now. He is an extraordinary talent, and he will be a star in college barring a major injury or stupid mistake. Just let the guy enjoy his time in the spotlight, and if he chooses tOSU great, Buckeye nation will be way past thrilled in welcoming him. If he doesn't choose tOSU good luck to him wherever he goes, except for when he faces tOSU.

I was being alittle bias sure. I do understand that he wasnt born with Scarlet and Gray blood. I personally dont see him going anywhere but either tOSU or tsun. And with everything swirling around RR that would be a disaster for him. The talk about LSU and Oregon in the mix, is a LONG SHOT and I mean a LONG SHOT. TP has stated numerous times that he wants to stay so what close to home, because of his dad being in a wheelchair (sorry to hear about that). He hasnt even visited those schools at all and with his basketball schedule and signing day around the corner, its hard to believe that he could latch onto a program that fast. JT has recruited this guy from day 1 and so has RR, but RR loyalty has come into play of late and I dont see that happening. Im sure that he wants to be at a school that he can start right away, who doesn't. Call me a Homer, but im 99.999% sure hes a buckeye.

If Im wrong I'll be the guy in the corner sucking my thumb with Idiot on his forhead:biggrin:
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Also in this thread, lets be careful guys and gals, we've already seen all the TP official threads be closed... Let's remember this is a discussion about TB, AH, and TP if he comes aboard, not why he should come to OSU. Let's discuss Boekman's on again off again relationship with confidence, Henton's Potential, and If Pryor joins up, will he have a Tebow like presence or a chance to start.... Let's not discuss the douchebaggery of DR, He's got his own thread.
I know, I'm not a mod, but this thread is going to nowhere fast.
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