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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Taosman;1070413; said:
Should we bring in 2 QBs this year? (for a 3 total) (though I have liked Schwartz at QB from the beginning)
If rumors are correct we could be looking at just 2 QBs left on the roster.
Uh, FWIW, Florida won a NC with only 2 QB's left on the roster..

Who, in a similarity, was a senior quarterback, and the other a highly touted freshman.
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I seem to have an entirely different look at this. I thought I saw the same QB all year + or - according to the level of competition, weather conditions, and the play of the players surrounding him. My summation is that he is a role player. Not a role player as in Krenzel. When we needed a play from Krenzel he could deliver with his intelligence and his leadership.

Boeckman has suitable pocket presence, arm strength, accuracy, decision making. But you can never count on him to make a play. The problem is that we can't count on anyone on our offense to make a play. Our receivers are great at running their routs and they have good hands. But they are not going to burn a good team with speed and Boeckman is not going to be able to intuitively deliver a great pass. So we are an adequate passing unit with almost no chance to hit a big one against good competition. Well that doesn't open things up for our grind it out back. We are missing the game breaking element which will force defenders to play honestly.

Now make whatever argument you will but our receivers will be the same next year and I am not at all sold on Small. So we are going to have to change something because we can out muscle, outsmart, and outplay good teams, but when it comes to USC and the NC we are going to need a little bit more. I thought that if we had played Henton we would have had a better chance. And I don't expect Boeckman to progress much from year 1 to year 2 because you don't have too much more potential to tap when you have been playing as long as he has.

Ill also say that I really doubt Pryor, is he does commit to us, will start at any point in the year. He is a pretty raw talent. Maybe he could line up elsewhere but above all else this is an Ohio State team. We will play smart and efficiently before we ever throw as much talent as we can onto the field and hope. He needs at least a year in the system before he will be ready in my opinion. Henton has been showing promise and progressing well. Let's not get caught up in the hype surrounding the #1 recruit.

I think we will be at our best with Henton.
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People keep denigrating Boeckman and I just don't see it.
They are so enthralled with Pryor that they just want to put Todd on the bench.
The idea that Boeckman is not head and shoulders the best option at QB on this team is ridiculous and a slam on Todd. There is no logic operating in that thought. Boeckman is a proven commodity and does make plays.
He's made plenty this year. His first as a starter. And his experience in big games is invaluable and not equaled by the raw talent of others.

And our WRs are play makers and have made plenty in they're first year as starters!
There's nothing wrong with Small that some experience and coaching can't improve.

And we have play makers at running back!

And play makers at TE! (They could be used better.)

And most of all we have a great coach!
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Sportsbuck28;1070803; said:
Uh, FWIW, Florida won a NC with only 2 QB's left on the roster..

Who, in a similarity, was a senior quarterback, and the other a highly touted freshman.
Yeah, well, I don't want us to have rely on a last second coup in the polls in order for us to make the title game, and hope that the other team fails to show up for the game. Just so we can repeat Florida's success.
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There's nothing wrong with Small that some experience and coaching can't improve.
I dont wanna wonder off topic but, I disagree completely.
He cant get off the line. Against LSU that was blatant. He has talent though, no doubt.

Back to QB...I agree w/ everything Scarletstorm said.
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One thing that people are really missing is the fact that this was his first meaningful action since 2003.. you are going to have some games that you don't play well in purely because of the rust factor of not playing for over 3 years or more.
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Sportsbuck28;1071448; said:
One thing that people are really missing is the fact that this was his first meaningful action since 2003.. you are going to have some games that you don't play well in purely because of the rust factor of not playing for over 3 years or more.
That may have been a valid argument at the beginning of the season, but the lack of improvement cannot be attributed to no meaningful action since 2003 by the end of the season. First six games or so that's a valid argument, but not after that.

On the other hand. Troy was not all-world in his first full season as a starter in any of the games against good competion either. He even appeared to regress in the Penn State game, but he turned out all right :wink2:. I am critical of Todd's performance toward the end of the season, but I am also very excited to see what he can do as a second year starter.
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Sportsbuck28;1071448; said:
One thing that people are really missing is the fact that this was his first meaningful action since 2003.. you are going to have some games that you don't play well in purely because of the rust factor of not playing for over 3 years or more.

Not really. When you start off a little rusty (as expected) and then dramatically improve in the middle of the season, you're expected to at least maintain that level--or very close to it--when the big games roll around. Ever since Todd's second-half spazfest against MSU, he has been no where the QB he was from the second half of the Washington game forward. Once you have a near-full season under your belt (10 games before Illinois), "rust factor" is no longer an excuse.
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IronBuckI;1071454; said:
On the other hand. Troy was not all-world in his first full season as a starter in any of the games against good competion either. He even appeared to regress in the Penn State game, but he turned out all right :wink2:.

The Penn State game was only his third as a starter that season (fifth game) and the weather conditions were terrible...no one did good that game. From that game on, he was great including leading that great comeback at the Pig House and destroying Notre Dame in the Fiesta Bowl. He didn't have a bad game at home against a significant underdog like Todd did.

I don't want to seem like I'm bashing Boeckman, but I'd like to see him have a solid game against top-flight opposition before I start slathering compliments on him...
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If Henton can not beat out TB in his third year of the program, I have big questions for his future. TB did well this year, and better than I expected. I hope he can progress but for some reason did not in the second half. This year defenses will also have a season of film on him. Athletically what Henton and even Pryor bring to the table should make it very hard for TB to win the job.
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1071501; said:
If Henton can not beat out TB in his third year of the program, I have big questions for his future. TB did well this year, and better than I expected. I hope he can progress but for some reason did not in the second half. This year defenses will also have a season of film on him. Athletically what Henton and even Pryor bring to the table should make it very hard for TB to win the job.

Step away from the ledge. Why does it have to be a negative if Todd remains the starter? Why would you automatically assume it's because there's something wrong with Henton instead of just Todd improving?
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I agree with whats being said although on the Troy Smith topic I disagree. I think Troy played plenty good enough in the 05 season. Sure he didn't do great against PSU but who did really? Troy even in 04' you could sense there was just something about him. To me every time I saw #10 come on the field it seemed like there was life brought to our lifeless offense that year.

With Todd I don't know what to think really?? He starts off playing well against YSU, then throws 2 INT's against Akron, then catches fire from Washington-PSU, and then couldn't stay composed from Illinois-LSU? No one will unseat him at QB IMO, but I have no doubt we will see some situational QB play from one of our more mobile QB's wether thats Pryor/Henton.

So much was made of the fact that Todd has an excellent deep ball that it seemed like we went deep atleast 4 times a game! IMO, we over used his greatest talent to the point where teams weren't fearing it anymore. He hardly threw any picks at all during the first 3/4th the year on the deep ball, then it seemed like every deep ball he threw at the end of the eyar was under thrown and INT'ed. Again I think teams played to take that away, and Todd as forced to make even more perfect throws and he couldn't do it. The coaches didn't do Todd any favors either with the play calling. To me it seemed like the coaches called too many plays that took time to develope or required patients in the pocket, and when your QB is a bit shook up thats the last thing I'd think you'd want. They could've ran more plays that required less thinking to get him to start throwing with the authority he was throwing with.

I didn' like the play calling in 3 games this year.... MSU, Illinois, and LSU. All of those games we started off running the ball very well, and then all the sudden we deviated from the run for what reason?? Just to say we are a balanced offense from the play calling stand point? They need to realize that Todd becomes lethal when he's the SECONDARY weapon for our offense, not the primary. When teams forget about Todd and concentrate on Beanie thats when Todd will really flourish
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bukIpower;1071510; said:
I agree with whats being said although on the Troy Smith topic I disagree. I think Troy played plenty good enough in the 05 season.
Yes, there is no comparrison. Troy was a front runner for the Heisman starting the 06 season. Boeckman will not be a front runner starting the 08 season.
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Bleed S & G;1071519; said:
Yes, there is no comparrison. Troy was a front runner for the Heisman starting the 06 season. Boeckman will not be a front runner starting the 08 season.

Well known but seldom remembered fact: Troy was not a pre-season favorite for the Heisman. He made himself a favorite very early in the season; but pre-season he wasn't on very many lists across the nation.
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