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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

From the Ozone's 2008 early look at the offense.



As we said earlier, quarterbacks have gotten better at OSU in the Tressel era (see Troy Smith) and Henton's elevation to the backup role as the season progressed last year is an indicator that Henton was doing just that. Henton is quick and can make plays with his legs. He also has a big arm. If he has learned to use that arm intelligently, he could be an extremely effective player with real star potential.

Joe Bauserman will be in his second season with the Buckeyes after redshirting last season and working primarily with the scout team. Bauserman was out of football pursuing a baseball career since he originally committed to the Buckeyes in 2004. Last year he needed to get his "football legs" back and did so on the scout team.

OSU had not yet signed a quarterback in this recruiting class, but may yet if Terrell Pryor decides on the Buckeyes.
Returning Scholarship Players:
Todd Boeckman (6-5, 235, rising 6th-year senior),
Antonio Henton (6-2, 215, rising redshirt sophomore),
Joe Bauserman (6-2, 220, rising redshirt freshman).

Returning Walkons: Ben Kacsandi (6-1, 210, rising redshirt senior)

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There is no doubt in my mind that Boeckman will be and deserves to start next year with Henton second. The key to him staying there I think is gonna be how he does against USC. We could have a very similar situation that develops to one the happened between Zwick & Troy after the Texas game. After that game I think it was Troy's position to keep.

If Pryor comes to OSU, I do not think that it's a done deal that he automatically jumps Henton. We will just have to wait and see how he comes through at the next level.
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jazzman;1097693; said:
There is no doubt in my mind that Boeckman will be and deserves to start next year with Henton second.

Nobody deserves anything. Boeckman will have to work to keep his starting slot. If Henton proves to be a better overall option, then he'll get the starting nod despite having three years less in the system.
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jazzman;1097693; said:
There is no doubt in my mind that Boeckman will be and deserves to start next year with Henton second. The key to him staying there I think is gonna be how he does against USC. We could have a very similar situation that develops to one the happened between Zwick & Troy after the Texas game. After that game I think it was Troy's position to keep.
The only reason Zwick played in that game was because Troy pocketed that $500. The situations are nothing alike.

Troy had already taken the role of the starter and beat scUM.

Boeckmans last 3 or 4 games he has really taken a step backwards, IMO.

It'll be interesting to see who gets the nod. I don't buy the seniority crap. JT will give us the best chance to win against USC, plain and simple. This is a national championship year (again) and theres no reason to piss it away playing the lesser of the 2 quaterbacks. Whoever takes the field will give us the best chance to win.
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I think Boeckman seperated himself EARLY in the season, but in the latter part of the year kind of let Henton really close the gap. Boeckman had 1 good game this year (Penn State) against a true quality opponent. Yes, he did play well in many of the games but what QB wouldn't with the talent we have and against the opponents we played? Honestly, right now I think the position is still Boeckman's to lose but I think we will see more and more of either Henton or Pryor (if we sign him).

I think the first 2 games we're going to see an awful lot of Henton thats for sure, and would not be surprised if Henton does take over much like Troy did.
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MililaniBuckeye;1097720; said:
Nobody deserves anything. Boeckman will have to work to keep his starting slot. If Henton proves to be a better overall option, then he'll get the starting nod despite having three years less in the system.

Absolutely! I agree that nothing's taken for granted....but I do think that when all the dust settles, I believe Boeckman's gonna be the better QB with his game experience. I also expect him to show a lot more poise in the pocket.
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Bleed S & G;1097721; said:
The only reason Zwick played in that game was because Troy pocketed that $500. The situations are nothing alike.

Troy had already taken the role of the starter and beat scUM.

Boeckmans last 3 or 4 games he has really taken a step backwards, IMO.

It'll be interesting to see who gets the nod. I don't buy the seniority crap. JT will give us the best chance to win against USC, plain and simple. This is a national championship year (again) and theres no reason to piss it away playing the lesser of the 2 quaterbacks. Whoever takes the field will give us the best chance to win.

you are right that the situation wasn't exactly the same....but Zwick's performance in that game didn't help his cause either! I think the decision to re-instate Troy as the starter became a lot easier.
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Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.

You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter. McMullen vs Krenzel. Smith vs Zwick. Zwick vs Smith. Henton vs Boeckman.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58% Comp

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%
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I'm not calling for Todd to be benched... but an open competition seems quite justified, imo.
Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.
No, I'm not joining you in the stereotype party.
You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter.
Really? Smith's backup was getting more praise last year? I don't remember all that much Zwick support in 05 either, after the Tejas fumble.

Todd has struggled in 3 straight outings... and has not had nearly the same amount of strong outings. Comparing the two is pretty weak. Merely tossing out some isolated bad outings isn't any more fair than the mentality you're trying to call out.
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Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.

You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter. McMullen vs Krenzel. Smith vs Zwick. Zwick vs Smith. Henton vs Boeckman.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58% Comp

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%

Well, that's a lot of "pretty crappy" in the comments. When critiquing the performances of Buckeyes, try using words like 'ineffective' or 'unsuccessful". Throwing around words like "crappy" when talking about Buckeyes doesn't fly on BP.
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I think Tressel will play them both early, with Todd seeing a majority of the snaps. How things go from there will be based on practice, scrimmages and how they do early in the first two games.

I pretty sure Todd knows he opened the door late last year for competition this upcoming season. I believe Todd may have became injured and kept it to himself last year. He seemed to have lost a lot of arm strength late in the season. If that is the case then a healthy Todd like the one we saw early last year will be tough to be out. However, the word is Henton is the real deal.

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Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.

You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter. McMullen vs Krenzel. Smith vs Zwick. Zwick vs Smith. Henton vs Boeckman.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58% Comp

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%
:slappy: :slappy: Thanks for the voice of reason :slappy: :slappy:
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Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.

You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter. McMullen vs Krenzel. Smith vs Zwick. Zwick vs Smith. Henton vs Boeckman.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58% Comp

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%

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Todd has a year of experience under his belt. He looked pretty good early in the year but didn't seem to react very well when the pocket collapsed around him starting with the MSU game. He did not cover himself in glory later in the year, underthrew players frequently, and mobility isn't his strength.

Antonio is an unproven part of the equation. Not proven in playing time against quality opponents when it counted, hurt himself with that off-field problem.

Terrelle Pryor hasn't arrived. Who knows what he can do.

I'm telling you, guys. Tressel doesn't know what to do. The sky is falling. I'm out here on the second floor ledge. Somebody, please talk me down. It's at least ten feet. I'm frightened. Help please.

There, did I get it right?

Jim Tressel is going to look at what he has once he has it. The QB that is best for this team will be the one who starts. Personally, I like Henton's mobility and would like to see him get a chance to do something. If Pryor comes, that would rock. If Todd's the best we have, then that's also fine.

Cliche or not, I'm going to trust the coaches on this one.
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