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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Can't we all just agree that we, as Buckeye fans, hate whoever is the QB when they play a bad game or two.
I don't know about you, but I never hate a Buckeye unless MoC comes up.

You can go through every single QB on this forum and the backup is always getting more praise than the starter. McMullen vs Krenzel. Smith vs Zwick. Zwick vs Smith. Henton vs Boeckman.
Are you freaking serious? No one called for Zwick over Smith after the way Smith played in late 2004.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58% Comp
Completely different games.. Todd didn't have an injury to any of his weapons and also had a line that protected him better.

Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%
Final score is all that matters. And Smith won a Heisman despite that game, correct?

Troy Smith
had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%
Can't even begin to compare them. We threw 1 pass the entire second half against scUM IIRC.
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I would like a two QB system, such as what TSJAHAFM (that school just an hour away from me) ran two years ago.

Or LSU last year, whatever floats your boat.

That's all if we get Terrelle Pryor.
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Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Florida. 0TD 1 INT 29%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against LSU. 2TD 2INT 58%
Troy had zero time all game long because our OL decided not to show up. Todd had time early in the game. Not much comparison there.

Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 1 INT 57%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Illinois as well. 0TD 3 INT 57%
Troy was playing Illinois on the road, and was told to shut it down after halftime with a 17-0 lead. Todd was playing at home and couldn't rally the team from a deficit against a much-improved Illinois team. Again, two different scenarios.

Poe McKnoe;1098666; said:
Troy Smith had a pretty crappy game against Penn State as well. 1TD 2INT 55%
Todd Boeckman had a pretty crappy game against Michigan as well. 0TD 1 INT 54%
Troy played in significantly worse, even if warmer, conditions. Todd also had Beanie to fall back on. Once again, no real similarities.
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bukIpower;1099740; said:
I'd like a 2 QB system but only in moderation... Not every other series crap... Only in situations because it can be very effective if ran correctly.

I definetly agree with that as long as one QB is a serious threat with his feet, like Pryor or likely Henton would be. The "every other series crap" only gets the QB's out of their rythm. I think Todd will be the starter next year but Henton and TP will hit the field as well.
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like has been stated a lot... Have a system much like the Florida situation from 06'. Put our QB thats the running threat in once in a while to give a team something to worry about. Looks like Pryor is coming our way it seems, but watch out for henton!
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if we get pryor he will play his first year and henton will be gone as in transfer. Pryor in the backfield with beanie and saine would be hard to stop. Boeckman is the starter for sure but pryor brings alot to the table and it wouldn't surprise me if he played a slash type role next year ala kordell #10 for the steelers.
Sweep run/pass option would be tough to stop.:oh::osu:
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tampabuckeye1;1105289; said:
if we get pryor he will play his first year and henton will be gone as in transfer. Pryor in the backfield with beanie and saine would be hard to stop. Boeckman is the starter for sure but pryor brings alot to the table and it wouldn't surprise me if he played a slash type role next year ala kordell #10 for the steelers.
Sweep run/pass option would be tough to stop.:oh::osu:

Uh, Henton wasn't the Player of the Year in Georgia his senior year for nothing. Henton looked pretty good in the little he got to play last year, and had already leapfrogged Schoenhoft into the backup slot before Schoenhoft transferred. Pryor will not jump over Henton on the depth chart as a true freshman. Pryor may get some snaps in garbage time to get his feet wet, but it'll be Boeckman and Henton (or vice versa) as our #1 and #2 QBs for 2008.
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MililaniBuckeye;1105477; said:
Uh, Henton wasn't the Player of the Year in Georgia his senior year for nothing. Henton looked pretty good in the little he got to play last year, and had already leapfrogged Schoenhoft into the backup slot before Schoenhoft transferred. Pryor will not jump over Henton on the depth chart as a true freshman. Pryor may get some snaps in garbage time to get his feet wet, but it'll be Boeckman and Henton (or vice versa) as our #1 and #2 QBs for 2008.
I agree with you about the first part Mili, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he won't jump Henton. Henton will open up as the #2 QB for 2008 like you said, but I believe that once he gets acclimated with the offense, JT will give Pryor a shot at the backup QB spot.

Hell, it's been said before that the QB spot is 50-50 in the spring between Henton and Boeckman, and if they don't work it out then, Pryor may get a look in fall camp. I don't think he'll be a starter by any means though.
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Sportsbuck28;1105572; said:
I agree with you about the first part Mili, but I wouldn't go so far as to say he won't jump Henton. Henton will open up as the #2 QB for 2008 like you said, but I believe that once he gets acclimated with the offense, JT will give Pryor a shot at the backup QB spot.

Hell, it's been said before that the QB spot is 50-50 in the spring between Henton and Boeckman, and if they don't work it out then, Pryor may get a look in fall camp. I don't think he'll be a starter by any means though.

Pryor hasn't even seen the playbook (which I guarantee you will be light years ahead of the playbook at Jeanette). He has no idea how D-I defenses operate. Henton has game experience and two years in the program, and did quite well.
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OregonBuckeye;1105607; said:
Henton is so far ahead of Pryor in the passing department. There's just no way he gets passed up. If Boeckman goes down, it's Henton's team.

I agree. If we are talking about who replaces Boeckman if he were to go out with an injury *knocks on wood* it would be Henton.

With that said, I disagree with Milli about Pryor only seeing "garbage time." Pryor brings a skill set NOBODY (including Henton) has at thsi time. Yes, Henton/Boeckman bring one that Pryor cannot either but I hope you see the point. I think there will be certain packages put in just for Pryor at the QB spot.

Again, I do not expect to see his name 2nd on the depth chart at any time next year though (Pryor).
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I'll just throw this out there, but I can envision a situation where Pryor is the backup, that is, with Henton starting. Yes, Boeckman would fall to three.

I think Henton might win the starting spot and then Tressel will find it hard to keep Pryor off the field. Boecks may be squeezed out.

Like I said, just throwing it out there as a "way too early" prediction.
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OHSportsFan9;1105671; said:
I'll just throw this out there, but I can envision a situation where Pryor is the backup, that is, with Henton starting. Yes, Boeckman would fall to three.

I think Henton might win the starting spot and then Tressel will find it hard to keep Pryor off the field. Boecks may be squeezed out.

Like I said, just throwing it out there as a "way too early" prediction.
Just curious as to what you are smoking? :biggrin:
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