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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

OHSportsFan9;1106072; said:
Done. :wink:

so grad, is what I said similar to what you're saying?

For those who think I'm smoking crack, when I said Boecks could fall to three, I didn't mean necessarily on the depth chart, but rather Tressel would skip over his number 2 spot and throw Pryor in instead.

You need to clarify what you mean. Pryor would get his own plays but if Boeckman fell behind Henton, he would still be ahead of Pryor should Henton be injured.
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maximumblitz;1106167; said:
It is time to focus on the next game.

There will be a showdown in the Shoe in a couple weeks.

We will all see if Boeckman's experience did him any good.

Not sure if the Spring Game is really going to be a "showdown" but it will give us a bit of a look, especially at Henton. I think people might be very favorably impressed.

Welcome to BP!
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osugrad21;1106068; said:
Boeckman and Henton will be 1 & 2 next fall and likely through the season.

If Pryor commits, he will see the field in every game.

If Todd is the starter, there will be a package for Pryor for every week.

If Antonio is the starter there will be a package for Pryor every week.

The package will expand over the season.

If Todd or Antonio gets hurt, the other takes over as the starter.

Don't look for a transfer, don't look for TP to start.

I'm looking for TP to be a big red-zone weapon, even as a freshman.
Especially in the 2nd half of the B10 season.
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We need to face some facts. Troy Smith to Ted Ginn was a very unique situation. Two guys, basically brothers... one with an exceptional arm and athleticism for a QB and the other with world class speed. Be honest... when Ginn went down against Florida you knew it was over because through the course of the year we had become a passing "in the end we can out score them" team. Flash back to last year when that thinking bit us in the ass again when the Illinois game was on the line. We're rolling on the ground but for some reason Boeckman thinks he needs to hurl one down the field. We get intercepted, team gets deflated, Juice makes a few first downs, game over. Kind of the same thing in the NC game.

Flash back again to our last national championship. Craig Krenzel had some brilliant moments but could we really have done it without - dare I say it - Maurice Clarrett? I knew Craig could do it on 4th and 13 but I closed my eyes when he dropped back to pass on 2nd and 8 (until somebody told him just run). But remember Mo against Wazzu, Michigan... Miami. I don't believe in comparing college football teams when everyone has graduated but I do believe in comparing philosophies.

Boeckman will be the starter because he's least likely to f-up something special we have this year. I'm predicting that barring injury we will have the best running combo EVER at Ohio State. Lloyd Carr called Beanie the best back he's seen since he's been in the Big Ten. If you haven't noticed, Mo Wells is getting bigger and more confident every year. Brandon Saine is Wells' heir apparent and Boom Herron is chomping at the bit. Next season we will need a Henton or Pryor. This season just enjoy the ride guys as we cruise... I said it... cruise to a national championship. Boeckman might get pulled for a while against USC, but this year's team is bigger than the QB position.
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Boeckman will be the starter if he earns the position throughout the spring and fall. If all things are equal after spring and fall camps, he will be given the benefit of the doubt because he is a senior, he took one for the team with his grayshirt, and he beat Michigan.
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Taosman;1110173; said:
I don't know why Boeckman is even being doubted. He was one of the best QBs in the Big Ten and ranked nationaly.
He will be the starter...no question.

I agree with this statement. If a perfectly thrown ball in the NC game is held onto in the end zone (when the score was 10-10), and a 50-50 ball late in the first half went for an incompletion (instead of being picked and run back deep into tOSU territory), who knows how that game would have turned out; and the off-season conversations would be quite different.

Taosman;1110174; said:
Putting a TRUE FRESHMAN in scoring position is a high risk proposition. And I doubt JT would ever do that. Get real.

On the other hand, I think this is quite possible, and would certainly welcome that if it comes about.
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Antonio Henton, not Terrelle's age, is the roadblock to Pryor seeing carries in a tebow role.

Interesting how the shoe is on the other foot (re: Carpenter-DE), attitude and all.
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Taosman;1110391; said:
When did Terrelle Pryor become Tim Tebow? (Heisman Trophy as a sophomore)
Nobody is saying Pryor = Tebow as a Sophomore, this recent exchange is about carries and tocuhes for Pryor as a Freshman. The Tebow comparative of touches in the red-zone as a Freshman is very good (Henton notwithstanding).

Taosman;1110391; said:
When can we acknowledge that Tebow is very special?
Was someone saying he wasn't?
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