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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

I was also originally thinking of the red zone package we used for T Smith in '04 and especially '05.
We were damn near unstoppable it seemed in '05 (in the red zone utilizing the option, etc.) and we didn't even have the power back like Beanie then.
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NightmaresDad;1110405; said:
I was also originally thinking of the red zone package we used for T Smith in '04 and especially '05.
We were damn near unstoppable it seemed in '05 (in the red zone utilizing the option, etc.) and we didn't even have the power back like Beanie then.

I also remember quite a few unfortunate fumbles inside the 10 yard line running the option. I think the coaches deemed it too risky and have pretty much abandoned it.
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I also remember quite a few unfortunate fumbles inside the 10 yard line running the option.
Were they option plays or merely running plays? I thought I remember Schnittker having a pair as well as Troy on a draw, none of which were option looks, IIRC.
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Taosman;1110391; said:
When did Terrelle Pryor become Tim Tebow? (Heisman Trophy as a sophomore)
When can we acknowledge that Tebow is very special?

Last night.

Didn't you hear the news? Mike Farrell of rivals.com reported it.

Tebow was special in his sophomore (heisman winning) season. Tebow was used as a battering ram his freshman year.

When people relate using Terrelle Pryor to how Florida used Tebow, they mean throw him in there to rush with the slight slight slight possibility of throwing the ball.
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jwinslow;1110586; said:
Were they option plays or merely running plays? I thought I remember Schnittker having a pair as well as Troy on a draw, none of which were option looks, IIRC.

Both the Notre Dame and Iowa games, Troy ran the option and fumbled it. One was on a pitch to Ted Ginn against ND, and my memory's really fuzzy but I think he fumbled it on the keeper against Iowa but he was running the option with Pittman. I wish someone would seed that '05 Iowa game so I could confirm. It feels like there were other instances but like I said, I'm having a hard time remembering.
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itownbuckeye;1110632; said:
National Champions. I would say it worked out pretty well with Clarett starting as a freshman.
I figured this would be the answer i got back. Sure the title is great, but I think if you ask JT you would get another answer..

I understand TP and MoC are two diffrent people.. point is, it's very hard for a 18 year old kid to handle that kind of pressure. Pittman being around for Beanie's frosh year was one of the best things that could have happened for Beanie.

MoC & Troy both folded under the pressure and took money/incentives.. I highly doubt (especially with such a high profile QB) that JT would allow Pryor to be put in a similar situation as Clarett.
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BB73;1110655; said:
I tihnk the original quote was about frosh QB's in the red zone.

Let's keep this discussion about QB's.
Don't mean to try and undermine you, but..
Taosman;1110174; said:
Putting a TRUE FRESHMAN in scoring position is a high risk proposition. And I doubt JT would ever do that. Get real.
That's pretty much what I was going at. I'll keep it to the QB's, though.
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It is inevitable that the Pryor signing is going to turn the threads on Boeckman, Henton and Pryor into QB discussion threads - so let's do it here instead.

(I thought this thread already existed, but the searches I tried didn't find it.)
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Thanks Mili (not sure how my search on "QB" came up empty) - and let me not shy away from comparisons -

JT wont let a kid play QB who has not mastered certain skills. He wont let somebody throw the ball into coverage who can't read Ds. So TB - and to a lesser extent AH - have a big advantage.

However, there is a reason for the hype on Pryor. He is 6' 6" and runs a 4.40.

He is a freak.

And not every pass requires great skill at reading the D. (Imagine a screen from Pryor to Beanie.) F olks have mentioned Tebow as a Frosh. I could see something more along the lines of how McFadden was used by Arkansas.

I wish Antonio the best, but TP's measurables go a long way toward overcoming any experience advantage.

No way does he push Boeckman to the bench on a regular basis, but if we are looking for a change of pace IMO AH has an uphill battle.
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MONTbigBuck;1120263; said:
When TP gets to Columbus in june, just how much structured work( footwork, fundamentals, throwing motion refinement, etc.) is allowed to be applied by either the staff or GA's to the QB's, and still be within NCAA guidelines?
I believe any amount since he's enrolled.

I think Grad also mentioned before that they are doing as much as possible to get the playbook to him ASAP.
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Oh8ch;1120253; said:
Thanks Mili (not sure how my search on "QB" came up empty) - and let me not shy away from comparisons -

JT wont let a kid play QB who has not mastered certain skills. He wont let somebody throw the ball into coverage who can't read Ds. So TB - and to a lesser extent AH - have a big advantage.

However, there is a reason for the hype on Pryor. He is 6' 6" and runs a 4.40.

He is a freak.

And not every pass requires great skill at reading the D. (Imagine a screen from Pryor to Beanie.) F olks have mentioned Tebow as a Frosh. I could see something more along the lines of how McFadden was used by Arkansas.

I wish Antonio the best, but TP's measurables go a long way toward overcoming any experience advantage.

No way does he push Boeckman to the bench on a regular basis, but if we are looking for a change of pace IMO AH has an uphill battle.

Funny, as I read this, I have a hard time disagreeing. Then, I look at AH, and I know how well he moves AND I've seen his touch throwing the ball. So then I wonder how we're going to keep AH off the field much less TP. And then there's Todd, who was obviously pretty damn solid last year with the exception of some late season issues. I think most will agree that it'll be a surprise if Todd isn't the starter all year. So then you have AH, who may not be quite the athlete the TP is, but he's still a heck of an athlete with better overall mix of skills than perhaps any QB on the roster. Coach Daniels and Coach Tressel have a lot of quality tools to work with, but it'll be tough work figuring out how best to use the talent on board.

Oh, and Bauserman is still on the roster too. I'm guessing no one is giving him much of a chance, but I guess we'll see what the next several months bring.
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