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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

AH is going to get on the field next fall and no doubt about it imo. He can throw and run very well, something that neither Boeckman nor Pryor will bring next fall. AH is going to be the only dual-threat guy and I can see him even getting the majority of the snaps against a team with a good pass rush. When Boeckman gets rushed he looks like a fish out of water and is completely out of his element. When a rusher gets near he panicks, starts taking choppy steps, and gets sacked. I would be better with him if he would throw the frickin ball away ala Krenzel. If he does this next year, I see Henton coming in to help add a new element. Todd=Pass or hand off, Pryor=QB keeper, option, or slight possibility of a pass, and AH=Good possibility of QB keeper, hand off, option, or pass. I think Boeckman is definetly the man next year. However, I think AH is going to help us out a lot next fall and I can't wait to see how all 3 of our QB's will be used.
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OSU football: Spring practice critical for two QBs
Henton, Bauserman get shot to state cases before Pryor arrives
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 3:27 AM
By Tim May


He is a running/throwing threat in the mold of Troy Smith. He has had some ups and downs off the field, but at the end of last season he was showing Ohio State coaches why he was considered a top prospect.
Not Terrelle Pryor.
Antonio Henton.
He is the quarterback Ohio State recruited out of Georgia two years ago with dual-threat skills similar to what Smith exhibited on his way to winning the Heisman Trophy in 2006.

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From today's presser (I transcribed this from an audio file on the official site):

Q - "Where do you see him (Pryor) fitting in the mix?"

JT - "Well, as soon as he gets into the mix, you know ... we have a lot of work to do this spring, and there's a lot of guys that want to see themselves fitting into the mix at his position as well. But I can see him coming in here because of his passion to learn, you know he really wants to learn the game. He has quite an advantege, he played two years in a row, I think 16 games, that's 32 games of football in 2 years.

"Coach Reitz and his staff, Roy Hall his quarterback coach, they really challenged him; cause they did a lot of different things, and you could see, they did a little bit of spread, a little bit of wing-T, they did a little bit of QB run stuff. He's had so many experiences, you'd like to think with all the games he's played, and all the passion he has to learn, and all the ability that he has - you know, he wants to come in and compete. And that's what our guys want him to do. Our guys want the best guys on the field; I've never seen our guys say 'Well, I know so-and-so's pretty good, but he shouldn't get a chance to play right now.'

"Our guys want the best people in the game, and so I think his ability to understand the system, and adjust to the speed of the game (and not the speed on his side, but the speed on the other side), will determine just where he is in the mix.

"I tell all the guys at every position 'Don't come in here thinking you're redshirting, because if you can help this football team, let's go', and I tell him the same thing."
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Sounds like calssic Tressel-speak. I would be surprised, but not chocked to the core if someone other than Todd B. is the starter by game 4. I'd really like to see Terelle Pryor take all of the second half snaps against Ohio Univ., assuming we have the game in hand, and see what he does with 4 or 5 series as QB, at least 2 with the first string line.
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Shivvy77;1124877; said:
I would be surprised, but not chocked to the core if someone other than Todd B. is the starter by game 4..

Unless someone gets alot of PT in the first three games or comes in against USC and does extremely well; I dont see this happening.

Shivvy77;1124877; said:
I'd really like to see Terelle Pryor take all of the second half snaps against Ohio Univ., assuming we have the game in hand, and see what he does with 4 or 5 series as QB, at least 2 with the first string line.

I agree, but I'd like to see AH get some snaps in myself.
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mercer_buckeye;1125855; said:
The reality is Boeckman wasn't good enough to make first team all-mac his senior year of high school. he's not a pressure player.

And that's relevant...how? Bart Tanski won Ohio's Mr. Football and he's walking on to Bowling Green. Last I checked, Todd was 1st team all Big-10 his first year as a starter and led the Big-10 in passing efficiency.
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It's relevant because I want it to be and I hate St. Henry but seriously he came in as a project quarterback. He's not great but, he can get the job done. I hope you don't believe he was the best quarterback in the big 10 last year. I really hope nobody bought into the Heisman hype
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mercer_buckeye;1125879; said:
It's relevant because I want it to be and I hate St. Henry but seriously he came in as a project quarterback. He's not great but, he can get the job done. I hope you don't believe he was the best quarterback in the big 10 last year. I really hope nobody bought into the Heisman hype

All high school players are projects. Terrelle Pryor is a project. And just who pray tell was the best QB in the Big-10 last year?
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A number 1 thing i want out of a quarterback is consistency by that standard there weren't any great quartbacks in the big 10 last year but if I had my pick it would have to be Henne. also dont think i'm trying to tear down Todd i support him 100% i'm just saying not to expect a Troy Smith like maturation out of him this offseason
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