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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

OregonBuckeye;1125873; said:
Last I checked, Todd was 1st team all Big-10 his first year as a starter and led the Big-10 in passing efficiency.
Last time I checked, Todd lost 2 of our last 3 games, and was essentially a non-factor in our win at Michigan. Todd had the highest efficiency in the conference because he played lights out against low- and mid-level opponents...but in the home stretch he collapsed.

OregonBuckeye;1125880; said:
And just who pray tell was the best QB in the Big-10 last year?
It wasn't Boeckman from Nov 10th onward...
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Sportsbuck28;1120388; said:
One thing is for sure: This may be the deepest and most talented stable of QB's ever, at Ohio State.

I agree completely. Although, this is coming from somebody that thinks Troy is the best to ever come out of this University. :tongue2:

Seriously though, Pryor and Boeckman alone is a pretty damn good combo. I'm really not worried if Todd goes down this year. Trust me though, we'll be better off with him. :biggrin:

My QB list-

1. Boeckman
2. TP - Let him play the "Teblow" role.
3. Other guys.

If Todd does get hurt- I'd definently throw in a guy like Henton. No way do you put Pryor in- throwing him to the wolves. I'm sure he'd do okay, but Henton has experience, and knows the offense.
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BuckeyeMafia;1125916; said:
I agree completely. Although, this is coming from somebody that thinks Troy is the best to ever come out of this University. :tongue2:

Seriously though, Pryor and Boeckman alone is a pretty damn good combo. I'm really not worried if Todd goes down this year. Trust me though, we'll be better off with him. :biggrin:

My QB list-

1. Boeckman
2. TP - Let him play the "Teblow" role.
3. Other guys.

If Todd does get hurt- I'd definently throw in a guy like Henton. No way do you put Pryor in- throwing him to the wolves. I'm sure he'd do okay, but Henton has experience, and knows the offense.

Why, oh why, do people totally blow off Henton? Again, Henton will get snaps before Pryor does...all season. Do NOT be surprised to see Henton starting on Nov 22nd...
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MililaniBuckeye;1125908; said:
Last time I checked, Todd lost 2 of our last 3 games, and was essentially a non-factor in our win at Michigan. Todd had the highest efficiency in the conference because he played lights out against low- and mid-level opponents...but in the home stretch he collapsed.

It wasn't Boeckman from Nov 10th onward...
I agree with you but I think Todd started to get too confident with our wr's ability to get open. I think he tried to throw balls that, against better competition, shouldn't have been throw. Side note, is it just me or does his release seem slooow??
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MililaniBuckeye;1125921; said:
Why, oh why, do people totally blow off Henton? Again, Henton will get snaps before Pryor does...all season. Do NOT be surprised to see Henton starting on Nov 22nd...

I didn't blow him off.

I'd just take Todds actual QB skills over Hentons, and then no matter who starts, I want Pryor- as Carolina Buckeye (SportsBuck28) said- to get as many snaps as possible. Let him be a WR one play- height advantage.

Let him play RB- let him throw the ball. Put both QBs on the field, in a Shotgun set.

All I know, is its time to lay off so much old school Big Ten stuff.

I mean sure, slam the ball down their throat, but don't be afraid to spread the field. Now we can play a schoolyard style game, IMO. We can run some crazy ass shit, and with the talent we have, it can work- with anybody.
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MililaniBuckeye;1125908; said:
Last time I checked, Todd lost 2 of our last 3 games, and was essentially a non-factor in our win at Michigan. Todd had the highest efficiency in the conference because he played lights out against low- and mid-level opponents...but in the home stretch he collapsed.

It wasn't Boeckman from Nov 10th onward...

I agree Todd wasn't all he could have been in those games, but he couldn't have thrown the ball any better to Robo in the endzone that was dropped in th NCE. A QB isn't the only player on the team responsible to make the play. A completion there changes the whole complexion of that game.

On the flip side the three picks he threw against Purdue were horrid and the defense really bailed him out.

I would love to see Henton get some time and I suspect based on Tressel's history he will have a chance to see the field ahead of Pryor because of his time in the system and his knowledge of the playbook.
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MililaniBuckeye;1125908; said:
Last time I checked, Todd lost 2 of our last 3 games, and was essentially a non-factor in our win at Michigan. Todd had the highest efficiency in the conference because he played lights out against low- and mid-level opponents...but in the home stretch he collapsed.

It wasn't Boeckman from Nov 10th onward...

Mili disagreeing with me. What's new? :roll1:

Last time I checked, Todd lost 2 of our last 3 games
There were 21 other starters in both the Illinois and LSU games yet you're going to pin it all on him? Our line play is more to blame for those losses than Todd.

and was essentially a non-factor in our win at Michigan.
Pretty hard to do anything in crap weather and when you only throw the ball twice in the second half. Who cares though? We won. Not sure why that's a negative on Boeckman.

Todd had the highest efficiency in the conference because he played lights out against low- and mid-level opponents...but in the home stretch he collapsed.
Todd plays in the same conference as every other Big-10 QB so don't give me any bs about him playing a weak schedule. Even if you just look at Big-10 play, I'm willing to bet he still leads the conference.

It wasn't Boeckman from Nov 10th onward...
Yeah, and who was?
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I think Henton can play out of his mind and Boeckman can stink in camp and Todd will still be the opening day starter. I don't see anyway Tressel benches Boeckman for a guy who has seen almost no meaningful minutes. If Boeckman loses his job it would be during the season due to terrible performance IMO. Milani thinks it's possible for Henton to start vs Michigan, but I don't think Todd will play that bad at any point in the year to be benched assuming he doesn't regress from last year. So I doubt Antonio starts at all next year unless Todd gets hurt. I like Antonio, but on this board and on the other boards I see a lot of high praise for the guy, yet Bauserman is higher on the depth chart right now. Some thing doesn't add up, but I'm not worried- between Bauserman, Henton, and Pryor we will have a really good QB starting for us in 2009.
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Sportsbuck28;1120287; said:
I believe any amount since he's enrolled.

I think Grad also mentioned before that they are doing as much as possible to get the playbook to him ASAP.

Would be nice if Batch could give him some fundamental work on throwing techniques. :tongue2:
TP needs to get his feet under him and work on mechanics. Thank God he doesn't throw side arm like Vince Young did!
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MililaniBuckeye;1125921; said:
Why, oh why, do people totally blow off Henton? Again, Henton will get snaps before Pryor does...all season. Do NOT be surprised to see Henton starting on Nov 22nd...
Agree. Highly. Henton is next in line, not Pryor. Pryor IS a freak physically, but he doesn't have the tools or the experience that AH has....yet.
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well going into last year i was in the minority that really wanted to see Henton pull it out and win the job. Now, I'm happy with what boeckman did for us this past year for sure but that was mainly because he was an upperclassman and thought he could help lead our young team. However, now that our team is all back and we have leadership everywhere I wish Henton would've won the job for the sake of more diversity in the offense. I mean I know we have Pryor now to fill the void that Boeckman doesn't fill, but Henton is a great combo QB.

The pecking order is most certain as followed
1. Boeckman
2. Henton
3. Pryor

In saying that though I do believe Pryor will see the field more so than henton. We will need to get Pryor on the field some how some way imo, and it'll most likely be in Red zone/running situations. Unfortunately, we don't need a dual threat QB like henton right away. IMO, we'll gear more toward Boeckman's throwing abilities and then going to Pryor's legs to get the dual threat ability. I wish like hell that I'm wrong and henton comes out and sticks it to me and many of us and ends up playing near full time (if not starting), but I think he's going to be over looked.
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