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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

UpNorthBuckeye;1126772; said:
Well, at this point I think Todd may be wishing they had used him in the Alamo Bowl, because he doesn't really need any more eligibility.
Oh, really? So you don't want a sixth year senior with an immense knowledge of the offense and that will likely be a Day 1 pick in next year's draft?

Going back to the Michigan State game, Coach T lost confidence in Todd. I didn't realloy keep track, but after that two-lost-fumbles sequence, Todd was not asked to do much. Tressel protected him. He got rattled and he never recovered. Tressel tried to win the rest of the games without putting any pressure on Todd. With Beanie, it almost worked.
Like Jwins said, did you miss the PSU game?

We have a lot of practices to get Henton solidified as #1 with Terrelle as backup.
Pryor won't be in the top 2 this year.

I just don't see Todd doing much more than holding a clipboard in meaningful situations.
Won't even respond to this one.

The real battle will be between Henton & Pryor. Just MHO
The battle is between Boeckman and Henton, case closed. Pryor will only be learning the offense this year and will be most likely used in special situations to take advantage of his freakish talents.

Coach is either having trouble admitting it or he just is protecting Todd.
So, when will you be taking over for Tressel? Is it like an immediate thing or are you being groomed for the job?
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UpNorthBuckeye;1126772; said:
Well, at this point I think Todd may be wishing they had used him in the Alamo Bowl, because he doesn't really need any more eligibility.

Going back to the Michigan State game, Coach T lost confidence in Todd. I didn't realloy keep track, but after that two-lost-fumbles sequence, Todd was not asked to do much. Tressel protected him. He got rattled and he never recovered. Tressel tried to win the rest of the games without putting any pressure on Todd. With Beanie, it almost worked.

We have a lot of practices to get Henton solidified as #1 with Terrelle as backup.

I just don't see Todd doing much more than holding a clipboard in meaningful situations.

Go ahead and ding me but wait until the middle of the Big Ten season to send me any nasty-grams. I just don't think Todd is gonna get the magic back.

The real battle will be between Henton & Pryor. Just MHO

Coach is either having trouble admitting it or he just is protecting Todd.

This is going to be a great season, and there's only one way we can improve on the last couple of years, right?

NC 2008!!!

Preposterous. Really, preposterous.
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UpNorthBuckeye said:
"Going back to the Michigan State game, Coach T lost confidence in Todd. I didn't realloy keep track, but after that two-lost-fumbles sequence, Todd was not asked to do much. Tressel protected him. He got rattled and he never recovered. Tressel tried to win the rest of the games without putting any pressure on Todd. With Beanie, it almost worked."

"We have a lot of practices to get Henton solidified as #1 with Terrelle as backup."

"I just don't see Todd doing much more than holding a clipboard in meaningful situations."
It's a sad statement that there are still those who believe this. It's a purely emotional response to the end of the season.
There is no logic in these thoughts. Todd had a solid first season as a starter. The weather in the scUM game was horrible! Both offenses were inept in that weather. The NC game was a TEAM loss as was the Illinois game!
Move on!
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No doubt Todd is #1 right now...he will feel more comfortable with the job this year...hopefully he will take charge of the offense . Last year he was learning on the job. Leadership from the QB position in college or pro is very important. If the team has a strong belief in their QB its a good thing. Todds inexperience as a starter held the O back a little last year. We all know what JT can do with a strong qb from TS to CK. If any other QB is in the starting picture at the end of camp it will be because Todd didn't take full advantage of his opportunity.
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Taosman;1126926; said:
It's a sad statement that there are still those who believe this. It's a purely emotional response to the end of the season.
There is no logic in these thoughts. Todd had a solid first season as a starter. The weather in the scUM game was horrible! Both offenses were inept in that weather. The NC game was a TEAM loss as was the Illinois game!
Move on!

Here is some logic: Yeah, the TSUN game WAS with horrible conditions, but Todd WAS rattled and played rattled. Henne obviously had shoulder problems, but he played better than Todd did (TSUN receivers were horrible though :). We won in spite of the weather and Todd. Illinois...well they just beat us. Pounded us those last 8 minutes. Todd didn't help with mistakes that he'd better not make much next yr. Personally, I don't think he will, but he DID make mistakes that were costly. If he makes mistakes like those of Illinois and plays with any lack of confidence, Henton will push him....a lot. ...which is good IMO. We want the competition.

As for LSU, yeah, that was a team loss. Todd didn't play lights out but it wasn't his fault either. I look back to a nice pass to Robo that, if caught, might have changed the entire outlook/outcome. Todd layed a good pass in there, and oddly Robo didn't come up with that one. After that, LSU was the better team and Todd didn't help or hurt us anymore than anyone else.

So, I think the Todd's decline in performance and confidence was very real and it came against some of the better competition he faced. So, he's got some growing, learning, maturing to do. Well...don't we all, and certainly wouldn't we expect that of someone in his 1st year as a starter? I do...and I expect that JT will help Todd grow and improve this spring and next fall. I expect Todd to be much steadier next year.
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2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.
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Taosman;1127013; said:
2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.

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Taosman;1127013; said:
2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.

Sorry, dude, but numbers do NOT tell the whole story.

How many drops did Manningham have? Anyone who watched the game could tell who had a better day.

Please note, I'm a fan of Todd as starter. I'm not a fan of bad arguments.
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Taosman;1127013; said:
2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.

Next time, watch the game instead of glancing through box scores. Box QBs had off days, but Boeckman had the ball taken completely out of his hands by Tressel after his second fumble and his interception. Boeckman threw 13 passes for the game, but only two in the second half (interception happened at the end of the first half). He threw one pass in the third quarter (incomplete) while we ran the ball 13 times. In the fourth quarter, Boeckman threw one pass (incomplete) the last play of the drive that carried over from the third quarter and wasn't allowed to attempt a pass to rest of the game (four drives, 17 plays). That's one fucking pass attempt in a quarter where we ran 19 plays. I'd say that's a pretty bold statement by the head coach about his confidence in his QB at the time.
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MililaniBuckeye;1127114; said:
Next time, watch the game instead of glancing through box scores. Box QBs had off days, but Boeckman had the ball taken completely out of his hands by Tressel after his second fumble and his interception. Boeckman threw 13 passes for the game, but only two in the second half (interception happened at the end of the first half). He threw one pass in the third quarter (incomplete) while we ran the ball 13 times. In the fourth quarter, Boeckman threw one pass (incomplete) the last play of the drive that carried over from the third quarter and wasn't allowed to attempt a pass to rest of the game (four drives, 17 plays). That's one fucking pass attempt in a quarter where we ran 19 plays. I'd say that's a pretty bold statement by the head coach about his confidence in his QB at the time.

Wow, such emotion for a stupid topic.

How did those 19 plays work out for us? Did we really have to pass?

I think it's a pretty good option to put it in Beanie Wells' hands...He did end up with 222 yards rushing.
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Taosman;1127013; said:
2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.

Is this argument about who was less worse in The Game? Constructive. I'd have to say it was a pretty rough day all around.

I would hope that Chad Henne would be superior (not saying that he was) since he was a 4 year starter.
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Remember The Game was a cold and wet one. The players were slipping all over the place, especially Todd and Beanie. Todd was having a particularly difficult time planting his back foot after dropping back.
I'm not so sure the lack of pass attempts was due to a lack of trust in the QB but more a lack of trust in the field conditions. I'm not on the staff so I don't know the true reasoning but it's likely some combination of the two points above.
All that being said, Tressel puts a lot of value into his seniors, as Krenzel remained the QB in 2003, Todd will be our QB in 2008. This topic may as well shift to who is the number 2 QB and how much PT the number 2 and 3 will get.
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MililaniBuckeye;1127114; said:
I'd say that's a pretty bold statement by the head coach about his confidence in his QB at the time.

Oh, brother. :roll1: The weather was dogshit. I repeat, dogshit. The players could not get in and out of their breaks. They were slipping all over the field. The passing game just wasn't going to work, no matter how good of a QB you had. So why in the hell would Tressel pass the ball when it was clear scUM couldn't move the ball worth jack squat? He's up by 11 early in the 3rd and scUM hadn't threatened since early in the first quarter. You claim it was because he had no confidence in Boeckman; I claim it was because he knew scUM wasn't going to come back so he wasn't going to help them out by risking an interception. You want to claim Boeckman wasn't a good QB(or whatever the hell it is you're trying to prove)? Use the second half of the MSU game, the Illinois game, or the LSU game to support your argument but don't use The Game because that isn't fair to Todd.
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