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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Millani and I are sort of close in what we're trying to say... Bleed S&G it's not necessarily BRAINS as much as "folding under pressure" as Millani said.

I absolutely could be wrong about this, and TB could have a great year.

But I don't think I'm wrong about the crisis in cofidence Tressel had with Todd... which would mean he was wondering what, as a coach, he should do.... I think we saw the resultant mushy offensive plan the last few weeks, with the exception of the brutal beat down of Meatchicken...

This is gonna be one heck of an interesting year. So many stars on this team, including.... SO MANY QB's.

C'mon, September!
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matcar;1127471; said:
Don't be a fool. TSUN receivers drops several balls. Henne's numbers would have been dramatically different with any sort of receiving corps that day. Yeah, Henne was superior that day because he never lost his cool in spite of injury and absolutely HORRIBLE play of his own receivers. Meanwhile, Todd lost his confidence. Honestly, I think Todd is going to have a really solid year this year but TSUN wasn't his day.

"Don't be a fool'" ? Maybe you need to take that to the Poli Forum. :shake:

And as for saying it was the receivers fault he didn't look better.
QBs don't operate in a vacuum where they throw balls to themselves. To say Henne was better because his receivers dropped balls(weather related)
is nonsensical.
The stats tell all. Henne=68 yards Boeckman=50 yards
Henne was only 18 yards better and he was a 4 year starter and All Big Ten performer.
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Taosman;1127604; said:
"Don't be a fool'" ? Maybe you need to take that to the Poli Forum. :shake:

And as for saying it was the receivers fault he didn't look better.
QBs don't operate in a vacuum where they throw balls to themselves. To say Henne was better because his receivers dropped balls(weather related)
is nonsensical.
The stats tell all. Henne=68 yards Boeckman=50 yards
Henne was only 18 yards better and he was a 4 year starter and All Big Ten performer.

Not too mention was trying to throw alot more throughout the game with tOSU pounding the game away.
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this is all pretty silly. Tressel trusted Todd until he threw a pick at the end of the first half. At that point Tressel knew what they were going to do in the second half.

Even before the throw that almost cost us a field goal, the passing game was laregly ineffective due to the weather.

Throwing was a recipe for failure. Receivers had trouble making cuts, catching the football, and the timing sucked. Quarterbacks had trouble with their grip, accuracy, and again timing.

Tressel doesn't like to fail. Tressel rode the big fella to victory while depending on the defense.

Saying Tressel took the game out of Todd's hands because he didn't trust him is basically correct. But because no QB was going to be successful in that, not because he thought Todd couldn't handle it.

Why create your own bad breaks on offense because of the weather when you can force Michigan into dealing with the weather on offense. I think Vernon appreciated our gameplan.
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Guys, if you really believe TB is secure in that spot, you are fooling yourself.

He may take every meaningful snap next season...but he will earn those snaps.

If Henton did not get sidetracked, I'm not sure we didn't have a 2 QB system last year.

Right now, regardless of what the public depth chart says, you have 1A and 1B...and Pryor will get 20-30% of the total snaps.
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billmac91;1127624; said:
this is all pretty silly. Tressel trusted Todd until he threw a pick at the end of the first half. At that point Tressel knew what they were going to do in the second half.

Even before the throw that almost cost us a field goal, the passing game was laregly ineffective due to the weather.

Throwing was a recipe for failure. Receivers had trouble making cuts, catching the football, and the timing sucked. Quarterbacks had trouble with their grip, accuracy, and again timing.

Tressel doesn't like to fail. Tressel rode the big fella to victory while depending on the defense.

Saying Tressel took the game out of Todd's hands because he didn't trust him is basically correct. But because no QB was going to be successful in that, not because he thought Todd couldn't handle it.

Why create your own bad breaks on offense because of the weather when you can force Michigan into dealing with the weather on offense. I think Vernon appreciated our gameplan.

Bingo. Tress took a chance before the half and it backfired. The conditions were terrible for passing, and once Beanie popped the long TD run to put us up 11 JT chose to take no chances until scUM made a move and forced us into it.

Our defense never let them in it, so there was no need to force the issue by passing the ball. Unlike some fans, JT wasn't concerned with putting up 30 on them (while risking giving them a cheap score on a turnover). He simply wanted to win the game. He did.
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Taosman;1127604; said:
"Don't be a fool'" ? Maybe you need to take that to the Poli Forum. :shake:

And as for saying it was the receivers fault he didn't look better.
QBs don't operate in a vacuum where they throw balls to themselves. To say Henne was better because his receivers dropped balls(weather related)
is nonsensical.
The stats tell all. Henne=68 yards Boeckman=50 yards
Henne was only 18 yards better and he was a 4 year starter and All Big Ten performer.
Did you watch the game? Todd, unfortunately was having trouble getting the ball in the vicinity of the receiver on more than one occasion. Henne, yeah his shoulder was obviously a problem, but he was in the vicinity. And Taos, obviously the game isn't played in a vacuum, but if one guys receivers are dropping the ball that was at least catchable and the other guy isn't putting the ball in a catchable position, then there's a difference in performance. Don't suggest otherwise as you look like a complete homer. And I don't care if Henne was a 12 yr vet and Super Bowl MVP, the point is that he played with the confidence that Todd lacked, and it showed. Sheesh, and you accuse me of nonsense statements???

Facts are that as the teams got better last year, Todd's play diminished and even casual fans could see him struggle. As Grad has noted, we're foolish if we think that Todd isn't going to have to work damn hard to keep his position. In spite of everything I've said about his struggles late in the season, I actually think he'll come back from that stronger and he'll hold onto the position.
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Let me throw this out there and see where it goes -

JT QB recruits:

Zwick - never really developed
Smith - developed quite nicely, thank you very much
Boeckman - after four and a half years in the program there are arguments he is struggling
Schoenhoft - never developed at all
Henton - status largely unknown
Bauserman - status largely unknown
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Oh8ch;1127726; said:
Let me throw this out there and see where it goes -

JT QB recruits:

Zwick - never really developed
Smith - developed quite nicely, thank you very much
Boeckman - after four and a half years in the program there are arguments he is struggling
Schoenhoft - never developed at all
Henton - status largely unknown
Bauserman - status largely unknown

Oh yeah...and some kid named Pryor - yet to be determined :biggrin:
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Pryor .. status unknown.
So the question is do you stay with Todd because he has a year under his belt, or start to develop one of the others and hope they develop rapidly?
Without being in the mainstream I would have to say you start out with Todd and see what he has learned going into his second year and get a look at the rest to see where they stand.
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Oh8ch;1127726; said:
Let me throw this out there and see where it goes -

JT QB recruits:

Zwick - never really developed
Smith - developed quite nicely, thank you very much
Boeckman - after four and a half years in the program there are arguments he is struggling
Schoenhoft - never developed at all
Henton - status largely unknown
Bauserman - status largely unknown

Boeckman obviously has his issues, but I think people are too hard on the guy. If you are the QB of a team that goes to the national title game, you're doing something right.

His main problem is that he is the guy who had to follow Heisman Trophy winning Troy Smith.
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OmahaBeef;1127735; said:
His main problem is that he is the guy who had to follow Heisman Trophy winning Troy Smith.

No, his main problem is that he turns the football over too much. Read Grads post above for how that sits with JT (playing time).
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OmahaBeef;1127735; said:
If you are the QB of a team that goes to the national title game, you're doing something right.

Actually, I'd say Beanie had more to do with our getting to the title game. Let's look at the last four games of the season:

Wisconsin: Down 17-10 in the third quarter, Beanie gets pissed, tells Tressel, "give me the ball", and carries us to a big win by running for 3 TDs. Boeckman has a decent game.
Illinois: Boeckman throws 3 INTs, 0 TDs, while Beanie has a so-so game (20-76, 3.8 ypc). We lose at home.
Michigan: Boeckman never settles in, doesn't adjust to the weather, fumbles twice and throws and balloon INT, and is skittish the whole game. Beanie again carries us on his shoulders to a win, with the best OSU RB performance ever against Michigan.
LSU: We all saw it. Beanie was the bright spot in our offense the entire night. Boeckman made a few nice throws, but offset that with an overall shaky performance.

I feel if Boeckman plays shaky at all against YSU and Ohio, we'll see Henton start at USC.
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In a way Mili proves my argument that it's a team game and the loses were team loses and not to be put solely at Boeckman's feet.
How can anyone blame the Illinois loss when you see the defense can't stop the Illinois in critical situations?
And how many team mistakes were made in the NC game?
Off sides. Running into the punter. Dropped TD pass. Failure by the defense (again) to stop a running game in crucial situations?
Stop trying to make Boeckman a scapegoat for team issues.
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