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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

CONGERSBUCKEYE;1128118; said:
I will not be surprised if Henton beats Todd out. Zwick was a safe play but Troy brought another element. I am sure Todd will start but Henton and Pryor will get their fair share of chances and create more offensive options. Pryor will have set plays to master. The best players play. JT changed kickers last year that I thought was a good sign of living behind his talk. Henton would have caught Todd last year. Todd's experience was his benfit over Henton but now has the system experience and will get more game time. I personally believe that if Henton would have been used more last year and in the bowl game it would have made recruiting Pryor that much harder. Let the games begin. There is a reason Henton and Pryor are highly recruited and Todd grayshirted. Not meaning that as a knock on Todd. Todd does a great job with his abilities and time in the program. Just going to be hard to keep the other two on the sidelines. Henton who was supposed to Transfer leads Ohio State to the Promise Land. Expect the unexpected.

Hmmmmm, history tells me that JT is loyal almost to a fault. Bellisari - Krenzel, Zwick - Smith, and last year, between the dog house and the need to throw a bone or two to Schoenhoft, Henton got how many snaps?

It takes something major to cause him to make a lineup change. Unless Boeckman totally blows up, a very unlikely situation given that the first two games are YSU and Akron, but then comes USC and Troy. If Todd struggles in those two games you might... might... see Henton get some time.

Because he can't be at the school this spring I don't see TP doing much more than a spotlight play or two per game till the middle of the season.
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My comments in bold:
Taosman;1127901; said:
The truth is Todd was the starter when we won the Big Ten. Because no one else available had any game time experience.
That led the Big Ten in passing efficiency. Due entirely to his early- and mid-season efficiency.
He was getting Heisman talk. Before the last four games of the year.
The guy that took us to the National Championship game. He was the QB when we went to the NC game. Beanie "took us there" as much as anyone else did.
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buckeyesin07;1128142; said:
Probably because in what we saw of Henton last year (Spring Game), he was less than effective (and that's being very, very kind).

Uh, no one was effective in that scrimmage (which is what it was). I just re-watched the YSU game yesterday, and his only drive of the game was by far the most impressive and efficient of any of our possessions that game. He threw two passes, both of which hit the crossing receiver perfectly...first one was dropped by Sanzenbacher (maybe a tad too much zip on the pass) and the second was caught by Washington for the TD. Going by what I saw in an actual game vice a glorified scrimmage, I'd say that Henton could hold his own.
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Uh, no one was effective in that scrimmage (which is what it was). I just re-watched the YSU game yesterday, and his only drive of the game was by far the most impressive and efficient of any of our possessions that game. He threw two passes, both of which hit the crossing receiver perfectly...first one was dropped by Sanzenbacher (maybe a tad too much zip on the pass) and the second was caught by Washington for the TD. Going by what I saw in an actual game vice a glorified scrimmage, I'd say that Henton could hold his own.
mili ysu vs inner squat scrimmage, who has more talent?
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jimotis4heisman;1128154; said:
mili ysu vs inner squat scrimmage, who has more talent?

Sept YSU would match up well with our Apr scrimmage squads. Remember how well YSU's defense handled our offense most of the game? Besides, if YSU wasn't that great, why didn't Boeckman lead to something like 45 first half points?
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RB07OSU;1128105; said:
However, Todd did struggle immensely against the best 3 teams we played all year, so you can't ignore that. Todd will get pushed for playing time this year and it is only going to help the team. He will either get better or he will see the field less if someone else is playing better.

I agree that competition is a good thing. But I can't help but wonder if maybe that heat behind him will make him push a little too hard? I felt that during TB's bad stretch, he was just trying to make things happen that just weren't there...throwing late over the middle, hanging up deep balls, scrambling and trying to throw on the run...

Todd will be okay if he can just play within himself. He's not Troy. He can't pull crap out of his hat at the last minute. Not trying to put down Todd. But he needs to be more of a Krenzel. He needs to manage the game and not do anything stupid. Play smart and he keeps his job. But start trying to make something out of nothing and turn it over...and I don't see how you can't give Henton his shot.

At the beginning of last season, I remember folks saying that TB's biggest advantage was that he'd been in the system and was smart. That Tress could trust him not to do anything stupid. Turning the ball over 3 times a game isn't smart football and why wouldn't the younger guy get a shot in that scenario?

I hope Todd rights the ship this year...but I also hope he's not on too long of a leash. Like others have said, I think the USC game will be a great measure for tons of reasons. But I think this will be Todd's big chance at proving he can handle the big game. If not...???
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I really don't like these discussions very much because they always border on bashing the players, eventually. That said, I need to say this: I am not at all impressed with Todd.

First, our OOC schedule last year was not a strong schedule and the Big Ten was also in a down cycle. Todd consistently underthrew wide open receivers and looked good only because the receivers made him look good.

Second, when things got tough, Todd did not lift his game. He had a terrible game against Illinois and TSUN. I completely agree with Mili's characterization of him as skittish. Tressel put the ball in Beanie's hands for a reason.

I am of the opinion that Antonio would have beat out Todd out for the starting position by the fifth game last year and I think that he will play bigger a role this year than many folks think.

I think Grad21 is right, this quarterback battle is far from decided.
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Bleacher Report: Ohio State Football: Is Everyone Being Too Tough on Todd?

Ohio State Football: Is Everyone Being Too Tough on Todd?

by Rod Vedder (Columnist)
March 31, 2008

Spring ball has started around the nation this past week, much to the delight of football fans everywhere. With the beginning of the season still five months away, we are thankful to have our teams in the news again.

In Columbus, the excitement is especially high with the recent signing of Terrelle Pryor to round out one of the best recruiting classes in recent memory for the Buckeyes. This has, however, brought questions and speculation with it, as the issue now becomes, "How much Pryor are we going to see?"

The Columbus Dispatch reported that the Ohio State coaching staff has done a self-analysis of their offense over the past three seasons, and have discovered that the 2005 version, with Troy Smith running the closest thing to a spread that the Buckeyes ever have, was the most potent and effective.

Some discussion has pointed to Jim Tressel and Co. trying to advocate a balance between that year and 2007's power-run attack with an occasional deep ball. This also has led to discussions about Terrelle Pryor providing a change of pace with a spread-option look, much like Tim Tebow in Florida's system in 2006 when they went on to win the national title.

However, this is about the same time that criticism starts to rain down on Ohio State's senior incumbent quarterback Todd Boeckman.

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Face it, being the Qb at tOSU is similar to a kernel of popcorn thrown on a hot surface. You either learn to stand the heat or "POP".
I don't foresee Todd getting even a half season to show his improvement.
If he doesn't shown lots of progress then someone else will get PT.
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Taosman;1127772; said:
Ya gotta wonder what Mili and some others have been smoking to believe
that Boeckman will be anything but steller when he takes the field this fall.
We better hope the defense, mostly the D-line has gotten way better or it will be another 11-2 season with a disappointing end. :wink2:
Taos, what the hell are you smoking to think he will be stellar no questions asked? I mean seriously.. the last 3 games were not pretty.

rocketman;1127791; said:
Do some of you guys honestly believe that Boeckman, the guy who started all 13 games last year, has no hope whatsoever of improving?
No, but what I'm saying is he looks like he either began to regress or folds under pressure.

Taosman;1127901; said:
The truth is Todd was the starter when we won the Big Ten.
That led the Big Ten in passing efficiency.
He was getting Heisman talk.
The guy that took us to the National Championship game.
so hold on a second.. if i were to say todd lost the national championship game, you would say it was a team loss correct? but then you turn around and and say he took us to the game? no, the team took us to the national championship. todds 3 (or 4?) interception 0 TD preformance against Illinois almost cost us that trip. Plus, beanie, line, and defense beat scUM.. we didn't 'air it out' much.

Taos, what did henton show? obviously enough to leap frog robbie.
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jimotis4heisman;1128176; said:
so split squad is equal to ysu?

im just curious.

I'd say a split squad in Apr isn't all that much better than a first-string YSU squad in Sept. Talent-wise OSU is light years ahead of YSU, but execution-wise an Apr intra-steam scrimmage and Sep game against YSU isn't all that far apart.
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Personally I can't wait for the Spring game.. I think it will tell us loads.

Tressel has a reputation for starting those who are more experienced, but when it comes down to it, he will start the QB who will turn the ball over less.

If AH has an interception-free spring game/first 2 games (I fully expect him to split time with Boeckman in against YSU/Akron), I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest to see him start against USC, especially if Boeckman DOES throw a pick or two.

It should also be noted that, so far, it has seemed like Tressel likes mobile quarterbacks quite a bit. Krenzel wasn't a spread QB or anything, but he could certainly scramble when needed. And as much as AH looks like a run-first quarterback, he has definitely shown the ability to use his feet more as an opportunity to get out of the pocket and throw the ball downfield rather than scramble for yardage. And that is certainly a trait that Tressel seems to care about quite a bit.
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