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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

According to dictionary.com, it's not a word. :tongue2:

I'm excited to see who comes out on top of this QB situation, although I think it's Boeckman's to lose at the moment. Will there be competition? Yes. And there should be. As others have said, though, Tressel seems to be a pretty loyal guy. And he should have progressed since last year.

On the other hand, I'd love to see what Henton can do. I think he has some special tools that Boeckman doesn't have, and he could help the team tremendously.
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Taosman;1128346; said:
He didn't do anything on the field(one td pass in end of game against YSU).
He got hisself in trouble. And Bauserman in spite of his talent was very rusty.
#2 by default.
By all accounts, he did plenty on the practice field.. Especially at the QB position, it's not all won on gameday. What you do in practice has a lot to do with it.
There is no such thing as #2 by "default" at tOSU..
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Sportsbuck28;1128314; said:
Not trying to get into it with you, but didn't you say that the so-called regular season game that you speak of with YSU was comparable to the Spring game?

I was addressing buckeyesin07's statement "So you think that how two passes were thrown against YSU is more indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season". Since the YSU game is a regular season game, then his performance would by default indicate how he'd play in regular season. Now, I think I know where you're trying to go with this...you're saying that if I said our spring game and the YSU regular season game are about the same level of challenge, then Henton's not-too-stellar performance in the spring game should weight just as much. I say no, with the reasons being:

1. Four and a half months had passed since the spring game, and Henton had all that practice time to iron stuff out.

2. Game situations have always been, and always will be, different than practice and scrimmage situations.
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Guys, I will tell you this as a fact not an opinion.

Henton was considering leaving...he was convinced to stay. Robbie was considering leaving...he was offered a TE shot as consolation.

Henton passing Rob was not an accident in timing. He is being given every opportunity this spring and it is not a "wink wink" opportunity so the team can keep viable depth.
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osugrad21;1128391; said:
Guys, I will tell you this as a fact not an opinion.

Henton was considering leaving...he was convinced to stay. Robbie was considering leaving...he was offered a TE shot as consolation.

Henton passing Rob was not an accident in timing. He is being given every opportunity this spring and it is not a "wink wink" opportunity so the team can keep viable depth.
Agreed , and I also think he showed enough that the staff decided to convince him to stay otherwise he would be gone.
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MililaniBuckeye;1128287; said:
Uh, that's exactly what I said. Seeing as the YSU game was a regular season game, I'd say that's pretty "indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season".

YSU= Illinois or Michigan?

Henton has a history in high school of being a gamer. But. Does that mean he can game his way out of interceptions and reading defenses? He's good, but not that good.
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Taosman;1128419; said:
Henton has a history in high school of being a gamer. But. Does that mean he can game his way out of interceptions and reading defenses? He's good, but not that good.

Exactly right. So thank goodness he has Coach Daniels teaching him all of that. However, the great ones have traits that cannot be coached...the blanket statement is gamer. Henton has that potential...
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Steve19;1128173; said:
I really don't like these discussions very much because they always border on bashing the players, eventually. That said, I need to say this: I am not at all impressed with Todd.

First, our OOC schedule last year was not a strong schedule and the Big Ten was also in a down cycle. Todd consistently underthrew wide open receivers and looked good only because the receivers made him look good.

Second, when things got tough, Todd did not lift his game. He had a terrible game against Illinois and TSUN. I completely agree with Mili's characterization of him as skittish. Tressel put the ball in Beanie's hands for a reason.

I am of the opinion that Antonio would have beat out Todd out for the starting position by the fifth game last year and I think that he will play bigger a role this year than many folks think.

I think Grad21 is right, this quarterback battle is far from decided.

I agree 100% and I really want to stress I'm not trying to bash TB. I think he played about the same all year and the better teams just made him pay for it.

Go back and watch that Washington game, he threw a couple of balls that should have been easy picks and would have changed that game drastically. They were just stone cold drops by a pretty bad defense.

Maybe he'll progress a lot and be the man this year but given what we all saw last year and what Grad is telling us how can anyone seriously think its just a case of fans being spoiled by Troy or whatever?

The QB spot is not settled.
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Jaxbuck;1128437; said:
I agree 100% and I really want to stress I'm not trying to bash TB. I think he played about the same all year and the better teams just made him pay for it.

Go back and watch that Washington game, he threw a couple of balls that should have been easy picks and would have changed that game drastically. They were just stone cold drops by a pretty bad defense.

Maybe he'll progress a lot and be the man this year but given what we all saw last year and what Grad is telling us how can anyone seriously think its just a case of fans being spoiled by Troy or whatever?

The QB spot is not settled.
I completely agree with you.

In all honesty, if the opposing defenders had any hands, his interception total would've come close to Peyton Manning's from his rookie year in the league (And for those too lazy to look it up, it was 28). The thing with Todd was that he just seemed to throw the ball up there, didn't try and put it where only his guy could get it.

Maybe I just got used to watching Troy zip those slants into Gonzo, Ginn, Robo, and Hartline, but his slant throws were just, plain, slow.

Don't mean for this to come off as bashing TB, but it was just something I noticed.
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