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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Best Buckeye;1128513; said:
Hey! he did do his part to get us to the NC game and beat Scum. Sure he made a lot of freshman mistakes and he certainly wasn't Super great out of the gate, but he was good enough to achieve what he did and I can't fault him for that.

We beat Scum and played in another NC game in '07, not too bad. We play the same this year with the talent and depth we have, '08 will be a great ride.
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just for clarification purposes id like people to state who they feel will start and who will throw the most passes against michigan next year.

ill put it this way, theirs a few people on here that know a helluva a lot more about football than me. id be very interested to here peoples answers.

also this is a crazy thread, id say pretty much every position or position group has me worried to some extent. i will say that competition is a great thing...
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MililaniBuckeye;1128375; said:
I was addressing buckeyesin07's statement "So you think that how two passes were thrown against YSU is more indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season". Since the YSU game is a regular season game, then his performance would by default indicate how he'd play in regular season. Now, I think I know where you're trying to go with this...you're saying that if I said our spring game and the YSU regular season game are about the same level of challenge, then Henton's not-too-stellar performance in the spring game should weight just as much. I say no, with the reasons being:

1. Four and a half months had passed since the spring game, and Henton had all that practice time to iron stuff out.

2. Game situations have always been, and always will be, different than practice and scrimmage situations.

Understood the jist of what you were trying to say, just needed some clarification.
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The coaches certainly made a mistake in trying to throw the jump ball to Robo too much, especially against Purdue. That one got old against Minny and Washington, other teams caught on. The again you can't simply blame the coaches because Todd's ball placement was way off and even YSU would have picked him. As someone else mentioned, if Todd can play Krenzel I think it's his job to keep. He shouldn't try to improvise...if nobody is open, don't get skittish and get sacked, or throw it up for grabs...throw the freakin' ball away, it's a simply great play if used correctly. Let Henton and Pryor create magic with their feet when needed and Todd will have the reigns ideally. However, he is going to need bring his A game to hold off Henton, especially if Henton starts making good decisions with the ball.
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Yeah I agree... IMO Todd was at his best when teams obviously didn't know what his game was like, but once they knew he threw the deep ball well and didn't like pressure the rest is history.

Todd sticks in there and throws with the best of them and takes some shots in the process, but we have to get away from the deep ball this year. Sure throw it up once in a while but not 4-6 times a game.

Also I think Todd will throw the most passes against michigan...

I think todd will go for around 2500 yards 22 tds 8-10 int's...
Pryor will get 500 yards rushing on only around 70 carries or so.
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RB07OSU;1128614; said:
The coaches certainly made a mistake in trying to throw the jump ball to Robo too much, especially against Purdue.
My old man said this a few times and it just bugs the hell outta me.. please observe


The play to the right is one i just drew quickly in paint.. the deep balls todd is lofting are not hail mary plays.. its not the coaches saying 'go deep todd'.. it's him making a read on the coverage.. and sometimes he's made a shitty read, and sometimes he made a shitty throw.. and sometimes he's thrown a strike. But its not the play calling.
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Henton will be the starter for the season opener...

wow.....you have balls my friend. I have been going back and forth with a good friend of mine in regards to Boeckman and his performance down the stretch......it was simply below par against Michigan and LSU......not unexpected with a first year starter in my opinion......he has proven he can get the job done but also struggled late. The question is does Henton get the opportunities to really make the impact needed to win the job over a first team all-conference quarterback? I believe that Henton will get some chances, but I have some serious doubts he will start the opener......even if Boeckman struggled this spring and fall.....I still believe JT will stick with the proven senior until the last possible moment....

I am not bashing TB, I know there were factors in the Michigan game (weather) and LSU game....playing catch-up and having to throw on most downs....in my book he should be the starter...I believe he will make a huge leap from last year.
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MililaniBuckeye;1128666; said:
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Henton will be the starter for the season opener...

I'm OK with that if AH takes it from Todd. But if Todd falters and that's the reason...well I'd better have an attitude adjustment about my season expectations.
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God, I'm gonna miss Beanie, he is the glue.

Not to take anything away from the rest of the backs we have but they don't have near the skill sets Beanie has.

Decent QB and superior RB = tOSU success.

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