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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Krenzel could also tuck it and run, and was the toughest son of a bitch I've ever seen.

Memories vary. CK was all about good decisions. When he ran it usually worked because he usually ran at the right time. I don't remember a lot of broken tackles and I certainly don't remember him outrunning too many folks. And he was not afraid to slide.

And he did throw some gosh-awful passes and IIRC most often behind the receiver.

By way of comparison:
Krenzel NC season: 12TDs, 7 Intercepts, 2100 yards, 59% comp
Krenzel as a senior: 15 TDs, 10 Intercepts, 2040 yards, 55% comp
Boeckman as a junior: 25 TDs, 14 Intercepts, 2379 yards, 64% comp

I guess Krenzel just looked smarter doing it. (You gotta be smart to win a NC by throwing 12 TD passes in 14 games.)

I love Krenzel. But his game was 90% decision making and 10% ability. He was the perfect JT quarterback.
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Memories vary. CK was all about good decisions. When he ran it usually worked because he usually ran at the right time. I don't remember a lot of broken tackles and I certainly don't remember him outrunning too many folks. And he was not afraid to slide.

And he did throw some gosh-awful passes and IIRC most often behind the receiver.

By way of comparison:
Krenzel NC season: 12TDs, 7 Intercepts, 2100 yards, 59% comp
Krenzel as a senior: 15 TDs, 10 Intercepts, 2040 yards, 55% comp
Boeckman as a junior: 25 TDs, 14 Intercepts, 2379 yards, 64% comp

I guess Krenzel just looked smarter doing it. (You gotta be smart to win a NC by throwing 12 TD passes in 14 games.)

I love Krenzel. But his game was 90% decision making and 10% ability. He was the perfect JT quarterback.
he also played with one heckuva defense...
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Oh8ch;1129065; said:
Memories vary. CK was all about good decisions. When he ran it usually worked because he usually ran at the right time. I don't remember a lot of broken tackles and I certainly don't remember him outrunning too many folks. And he was not afraid to slide.

And he did throw some gosh-awful passes and IIRC most often behind the receiver.

By way of comparison:
Krenzel NC season: 12TDs, 7 Intercepts, 2100 yards, 59% comp
Krenzel as a senior: 15 TDs, 10 Intercepts, 2040 yards, 55% comp
Boeckman as a junior: 25 TDs, 14 Intercepts, 2379 yards, 64% comp

I guess Krenzel just looked smarter doing it. (You gotta be smart to win a NC by throwing 12 TD passes in 14 games.)

I love Krenzel. But his game was 90% decision making and 10% ability. He was the perfect JT quarterback.
I guess heres the question - would you rather have TB or CK QB your team?
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Oh8ch;1129065; said:
his game was 90% decision making and 10% ability. He was the perfect JT quarterback.

Agree...his decision making was obviously his strong point. I think Todd has more ability than CK did, so if he can just improve his decision making...he'll be fine.

Troy followed up CK with some pretty timely decision making himself. And with talent and good decisions he won a heisman. I like Todd, I really do. But when you get a really good athlete at the QB spot like Henton to start making smart decisions with the football, Henton could be great! And with the weapons around him...I get excited just thinking about it! (Okay, no sick comments there!:))

Seriously though. For whatever the reason, OSU has struggled getting top notch athletes to play QB here. Now that Troy showed the world what an athlete can do in JT's offense, I think that's the way of the future. Guys have got to be able to improvise back there. And Henton and Pryor have that ability. Todd ran it a few times well last year, but when he scrambled and tried to make something happen, bad things happened. So if he can't simply manage the game and get it to his play-makers, I don't see any way to keep #2 off the field.

Anyway, I can't wait to hear some scrimmage reports on how this QB battle starts to take shape. And I do think it'll be a battle. I think Henton has a chip on his shoulder and is ready to blow it up out there!
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Bleed S & G;1128864; said:
My old man said this a few times and it just bugs the hell outta me.. please observe


The play to the right is one i just drew quickly in paint.. the deep balls todd is lofting are not hail mary plays.. its not the coaches saying 'go deep todd'.. it's him making a read on the coverage.. and sometimes he's made a shitty read, and sometimes he made a shitty throw.. and sometimes he's thrown a strike. But its not the play calling.

The coaches were quoted in the Purdue game saying that they were telling Todd to go deep to Robo and that they should have quit telling him that after the first INT. So unless they are just lying to cover Todd, it was the playcalling to a degree. I think he could have made much better throws though, so it wasn't totally the coaches fault. Any other game was on Todd though.
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RB07OSU;1129212; said:
The coaches were quoted in the Purdue game saying that they were telling Todd to go deep to Robo and that they should have quit telling him that after the first INT. So unless they are just lying to cover Todd, it was the playcalling to a degree. I think he could have made much better throws though, so it wasn't totally the coaches fault. Any other game was on Todd though.

I think I may be the one who raised the issue several posts back. the point I tried to make was that it raised three questions:
1. What was the receiver corps dropp off from 06? (which I consider to be extreme. Not as a slam on Robo and Hartline, but a recognition of just how gifted Ginn and Gonzo were)

2. How good was TB compared to Troy as a deep ball passer? (which of course invites going back to question 1 and an "apples to oranges" situation unless you believe that I'm wrong on 1)

3. Was it out of Todd's hands because the coaches kept calling the damn deep ball? (and it's the failure to hit the deep ball which ends up being the last offensive play the Bucks get to run against Illinois)
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I don't think TB's problem is decision making or ability it's poise the guy completely freaks out in the pocket. Unless he's facing down Youngstown State's pass rush. Go back and watch the film from the NC his knees literally give out. All of a sudden he's 6 feet tall, can't see a thing, and either just falls down or tries to find a way out of the pocket and gets crushed
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Oh8ch;1129065; said:
Memories vary. CK was all about good decisions. When he ran it usually worked because he usually ran at the right time. I don't remember a lot of broken tackles and I certainly don't remember him outrunning too many folks. And he was not afraid to slide.

And he did throw some gosh-awful passes and IIRC most often behind the receiver.

By way of comparison:
Krenzel NC season: 12TDs, 7 Intercepts, 2100 yards, 59% comp
Krenzel as a senior: 15 TDs, 10 Intercepts, 2040 yards, 55% comp
Boeckman as a junior: 25 TDs, 14 Intercepts, 2379 yards, 64% comp

I guess Krenzel just looked smarter doing it. (You gotta be smart to win a NC by throwing 12 TD passes in 14 games.)

I love Krenzel. But his game was 90% decision making and 10% ability. He was the perfect JT quarterback.
I realize that, but the image of him taking that "GOOD GOD HOLY FUCK" caliber of a hit from Vilma and Taylor in the 03 NC game, and not only that but getting up from it without showing any signs of pain, is forever embedded in my memory.
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Sportsbuck28;1129232; said:
I realize that, but the image of him taking that "GOOD GOD HOLY FUCK" caliber of a hit from Vilma and Taylor in the 03 NC game, and not only that but getting up from it without showing any signs of pain, is forever embedded in my memory.

Boeckman got crushed not once but twice by full-speed YSU rushers in last year's opener and got right up. Still, Krenzel shaking that hit off had to fuck with the Miami defense...
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