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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

RB07OSU;1128614; said:
As someone else mentioned, if Todd can play Krenzel I think it's his job to keep. He shouldn't try to improvise...if nobody is open, don't get skittish and get sacked, or throw it up for grabs...throw the freakin' ball away, it's a simply great play if used correctly. Let Henton and Pryor create magic with their feet when needed and Todd will have the reigns ideally. However, he is going to need bring his A game to hold off Henton, especially if Henton starts making good decisions with the ball.

Yeah this was exactly my point a few pages ago.
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Crashcup;1128922; said:
God, I'm gonna miss Beanie, he is the glue.

Not to take anything away from the rest of the backs we have but they don't have near the skill sets Beanie has.

Decent QB and superior RB = tOSU success.


Bit early to talk about Beanie leaving.....dont cha think?

Bucky Katt said:
[Thump]Mili would just welch on it anyways :roll1:[/Thump]

[Mili]Shut up, you fat fuck.[/Mili]


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Oh8ch;1128490; said:
Not to take anything away from Henton at all, but with Robbie already leaving and Pryor still on the bubble I can't imagine the staff not making a strong pitch to keep him.

And pardon me for quoting myself, but when I wrote this:

I thought someone might pick up on the suggestion that our coaching staff does not have an exemplary record of developing QBs. Yes, it is a small sample, and yes - there is Krenzel. But if Todd is in fact backsliding just why is that?

OK...I'll bite!

I think the staff did a great job of developing the one truly talented athlete they had at QB...Troy.

As for the other guys on the list...JT did, IMO, the very best he could with Krenzel. I, for one, never expected CK to do as well as he did.

And as for the other guys on the list...I just don't think they are extremely gifted QB's. I don't think this is a failure of our staff to develop them as much as the idea that these kids just aren't ever going to be phenomenal qB's.

If our coaches are to blame for anything, I'd say it's failure to recruit better at the QB spot. Certainly not a problem with their ability to develop kids.

Someone mentioned earlier that each kid has a ceiling. Perhaps Todd just reached his ceiling last year. The rest is decision making. JT can't make a kid make the right read...he can only coach him up on the practice field and in the film room to understand the correct read. And based on things that Troy said during his run...JT does a great job of teaching those things.

Now it's up to Todd. He alone has to make better decisions with the football. No one else can do that for him. He has to stay within his game. Maybe the coaches were guilty of trusting in Todd a little too much and letting him do a little too much. But this year...I don't think he'll be on a very long leash. Just too much potential behind him.

As always...just my opinion.
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i guess im the only person who thinks mili isn't as crazy as he appears. well... he probably is, but i don't think his opinion that henton has a serious shot at the starting position coming out of spring ball proves it. :tongue2:

yes, boeckman should come into camp with a significant lead over the contenders. lets face it, he lead us to a big 10 title and a nc game. hard to argue those credentials. but to be perfectly honest, i don't think he ever "won" the starter spot. imo others simply "lost more" than he did. boeckman's issues are pretty evident. he lacks arm strength, has a tendancy to try to do too much with the ball, and does not handle pressure or contact well.

personally i find the krenzel compairisons rather lacking. i can only remember 1 occasion in which krenzel being hit by a defender(s) affected his play during his entire career. i can count 5 games in which pressure affected boeckman significantly. let alone individual plays.

now thats not to say he is hopeless. all of those difficulties can be addressed. the reason i see henton as having a serious shot is this. henton seemed to have all the physical stuff well in hand last spring. his issues were mental. boeckman's issues are a mix of both. its just that he was a little further along up stairs than henton was. if henton has taken a step forward in his grasp of the game/offense and boeckman is the same guy we saw last year... i think henton has a legit shot.
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Krenzel accuracy vs Boeckman accuracy? Do we want to go there? :p

People have such short memories about Krenzels "accuracy".
Many... too many of CK's passes drew groans from the fans.
Now CK was very smart with his decisions, generally.
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Taosman;1128989; said:
Krenzel accuracy vs Boeckman accuracy? Do we want to go there? :p

People have such short memories about Krenzels "accuracy".
Many... too many of CK's passes drew groans from the fans.
Now CK was very smart with his decisions, generally.
Krenzel could also tuck it and run, and was the toughest son of a bitch I've ever seen.
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