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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Let me preface this by saying that Todd deserves all the credit in the world for being a "program guy". He sat for four years and patiently waited his turn as opposed to taking the easy road and transferring somewhere that he could get playing time.

That being said, I think there are very real parallels between Todd and Zwick, minus the high profile recruit angle. Todd is a serviceable QB that maybe makes a few too many mistakes. As much as people may want him to be, he's just not a Krenzel-like game manager. Like has been pointed out, his stats swelled against less than stellar competition, then fizzled as we hit the "meat" of the schedule. Even as he was putting up nice numbers, he still made some noticeable mistakes (underthrowing recievers, not hitting them in stride, etc...) and you cannot argue his tendency to get rattled. Granted he was a first year starter, but he was in his 5th year in the program.

Also, like Zwick, he has a potentially much more dynamic QB behind him who could bring a whole different element to the offense with his legs. I'm talking Henton, not Pryor...not yet. The difference is that this year, as opposed to 2004, there are very real National Title aspirations. I think Henton has all the talent to be a fantasic QB and just wish he hadn't suffered the set back last season, because this would be a very different situation.

JT is very aware of all of the above, and I don't look for another "mishandling" of the QB situation like 2004 and (arguably) the first part of '05. If Todd shows one inkling of struggling against YSU, I look for a lot of Henton against OU and USC.

If you were to ask me who I honestly hoped will end up winning the job given Grad's assessment that there is indeed a fight for the job, put me in Henton's camp.

I understand the perils of an inexperienced QB, but I firmly believe that a bigger/even better Beanie, our WR corp, offensive line and defense would make the transition much smoother than the Zwick to Smith switch. Henton's skill set, combined with the other athletes, makes the offense potentially much more dynamic than a pocket passer like Todd. It may be Todd's misfortune of following the best Buckeye QB ever, but it's reality. The college football landscape is changing, and teams tend to have better success with more dynamic QBs.

Just my 2 cents.
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I also think he showed enough that the staff decided to convince him to stay otherwise he would be gone.

Not to take anything away from Henton at all, but with Robbie already leaving and Pryor still on the bubble I can't imagine the staff not making a strong pitch to keep him.

And pardon me for quoting myself, but when I wrote this:

JT QB recruits:

Zwick - never really developed
Smith - developed quite nicely, thank you very much
Boeckman - after four and a half years in the program there are arguments he is struggling
Schoenhoft - never developed at all
Henton - status largely unknown
Bauserman - status largely unknown

I thought someone might pick up on the suggestion that our coaching staff does not have an exemplary record of developing QBs. Yes, it is a small sample, and yes - there is Krenzel. But if Todd is in fact backsliding just why is that?
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I thought someone might pick up on the suggestion that our coaching staff does not have an exemplary record of developing QBs. Yes, it is a small sample, and yes - there is Krenzel. But if Todd is in fact backsliding just why is that?[/quote]

Do we really want to go there? :tongue2:
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Taosman;1128492; said:
But. It must be mentioned that Todd was coached to not over throw his receivers which resulted in most his interceptions.

He was coached to give his WRs a chance...to excuse the INTs completely to that fact is bogus.

The Small INT vs. LSU is an example of the WR costing him due to lack of effort...the Robo TD vs. Minny is how it was designed.
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Taosman;1128492; said:
Never understood your hatred for sentence structure.
It must be mentioned that Todd was coached to not over throw his receivers which resulted in most his interceptions.
That's quite the leap. But on the coaching subject, there were other coached fundamentals which broke down under pressure, which Boeckman readily admitted himself.
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Oh8ch;1128490; said:
I thought someone might pick up on the suggestion that our coaching staff does not have an exemplary record of developing QBs. Yes, it is a small sample, and yes - there is Krenzel. But if Todd is in fact backsliding just why is that?
It's my opinion that every player has a God-given ceiling to their abilities, perhaps Todd reached his. As far as backsliding, I don't like that word in regards to Todd. That indicates, on a level playing field, against even competition, he regressed. That's not necessarily the case, he did well against the weaker competition (PSU being an exception, he was in the zone in Happy Valley), then came back to earth as the quality of opponents improved.
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Watch out Todd!
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It was stated publicly by JT.
So most of his INTs were simply a product of a coaching choice? That's a copout if you ask me, and I can't imagine Boeckman using that as an excuse.

The UM int was forced. Two of the 3 ILL picks were forced into poor spots, and the third was very underthrown, into double coverage (which could count as forced as well). Only that last INT was a deep route out of the four... and not how Taos is attempting to spin them.

Those were mental and fundamental breakdowns, not Todd following JT's request to limit his deep throws.
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I wouldn't use the term "backsliding" IMO Todd had a "freshman year"
This is a new year and he will be given a chance to produce. He has a year under his belt now and either will be the QB we all would like him to be or he will lose his starting job. Whether that is a fault of his or the coaches is kind of immaterial as to whether he keeps it. If it truly is a fault of the coaches we will be blaming them later if you are into that.
I did get the point about the lack of development but if you think about it any of them could be the Qb , how good is another question. I am sure that if Henton bellied up in his chances to impress the staff they would not have tried to keep him under any circumstances.
So jmo Todd will be the leader this year and whether or not he keeps his job will depend on him.
Hey! he did do his part to get us to the NC game and beat Scum. Sure he made a lot of freshman mistakes and he certainly wasn't Super great out of the gate, but he was good enough to achieve what he did and I can't fault him for that.
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Best Buckeye;1128513; said:
I wouldn't use the term "backsliding" IMO Todd had a "freshman year"
This is a new year and he will be given a chance to produce. He has a year under his belt now and either will be the QB we all would like him to be or he will lose his starting job. Whether that is a fault of his or the coaches is kind of immaterial as to whether he keeps it. If it truly is a fault of the coaches we will be blaming them later if you are into that.
I did get the point about the lack of development but if you think about it any of them could be the Qb , how good is another question. I am sure that if Henton bellied up in his chances to impress the staff they would not have tried to keep him under any circumstances.
So jmo Todd will be the leader this year and whether or not he keeps his job will depend on him.
Hey! he did do his part to get us to the NC game and beat Scum. Sure he made a lot of freshman mistakes and he certainly wasn't Super great out of the gate, but he was good enough to achieve what he did and I can't fault him for that.

I agree with this thought. :biggrin:
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Taosman;1128516; said:
Josh! You hurt my feeling saying I was "spinning"! Shame! :tongue2:
Personally, I don't care about the INTs and near ones early vs Wash, or Purdue. He was a youngster, and that does apply for the full season to an extent. But in terms of progression, late in the year the breakdowns vs ILL & UM were concerning, and certainly not because of JT telling him not to overthrow the deep ball.

Do you disagree with that Taos?
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