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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1128197; said:
I'd say a split squad in Apr isn't all that much better than a first-string YSU squad in Sept. Talent-wise OSU is light years ahead of YSU, but execution-wise an Apr intra-steam scrimmage and Sep game against YSU isn't all that far apart.
I agree with this statement, but I'm laughing that we're having to "argue" this. This debate has really digressed.

It would appear that this entire thread can be boiled down to a few groups:

1) Groups who believe Todd's job is secure unless he's either injured or folds under pressure

2) Groups who believe that the race is pretty wide open although Todd is probably QB 1A. Feeling is that he has to prove that he's the QB from early-mid season and not the QB from late season where it is felt his (d)evolution was not positive. Most people in this group think Henton could push for considerable time or the starting role at some point this season.

3) People in the Pryor camp who feel he is just too talented and that he'll push for real playing time with meaningful snaps.
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MililaniBuckeye;1128152; said:
Uh, no one was effective in that scrimmage (which is what it was). I just re-watched the YSU game yesterday, and his only drive of the game was by far the most impressive and efficient of any of our possessions that game. He threw two passes, both of which hit the crossing receiver perfectly...first one was dropped by Sanzenbacher (maybe a tad too much zip on the pass) and the second was caught by Washington for the TD. Going by what I saw in an actual game vice a glorified scrimmage, I'd say that Henton could hold his own.

So you think that how two passes were thrown against YSU is more indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season than how a QB leads an offense (or doesn't, as the case may be) down the field during many drives in an intersquad scrimmage? I disagree. Heck, I might even be able to look good throwing two 10-yard slants, if that's all my performance is based on. But over the course of a day, my lack of QB ability would be clear when I'm made to run 40+ plays and make 15+ throws.
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daddyphatsacs;1126816; said:
I hate to be a realist here but anyone that thinks that Todd B. will be unseated next year is misguided. Tressel is not going to take a green QB into Southern Cal. next season........not when he has a team that could run the table. People here sometimes tend to get caught up in the buzz and measurables..........they forget that heady leadership sometimes trumps all. Todd B. has that going for him next season.

Great post here. Boeckman will be the man next year- hype or no hype. I would love to see us use all 3 Quarterbacks in different situations, because now we have that ability. It would really bring a new dimension to our offense.

Regardless, we're going undefeated. :biggrin:
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Bleed S & G;1128222; said:
Whats the point your trying to make?

You said Krenzel won a championship and as good as Troy was, he didn't. You than said it's about the brains.

I'm saying it's not. VY wasn't a Molecular Genetics major yet he won a ring/trophy.

I thought I gave a rather easily understandable reply.
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Brutus1;1128262; said:
You said Krenzel won a championship and as good as Troy was, he didn't. You than said it's about the brains.

I'm saying it's not. VY wasn't a Molecular Genetics major yet he won a ring/trophy.

I thought I gave a rather easily understandable reply.
I was attempting to say, making the proper reads is as important as athletic ability. Not making timely mistakes is just as important as being 6'5 or having a 4.5 forty.
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buckeyesin07;1128217; said:
So you think that how two passes were thrown against YSU is more indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season than how a QB leads an offense (or doesn't, as the case may be) down the field during many drives in an intersquad scrimmage?

Uh, that's exactly what I said. Seeing as the YSU game was a regular season game, I'd say that's pretty "indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season".
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MililaniBuckeye;1128287; said:
Uh, that's exactly what I said. Seeing as the YSU game was a regular season game, I'd say that's pretty "indicative of how Henton would play during the regular season".
Not trying to get into it with you, but didn't you say that the so-called regular season game that you speak of with YSU was comparable to the Spring game?
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Bleed S & G;1128194; said:
Taos, what the hell are you smoking to think he will be stellar no questions asked? I mean seriously.. the last 3 games were not pretty.

No, but what I'm saying is he looks like he either began to regress or folds under pressure.

so hold on a second.. if i were to say todd lost the national championship game, you would say it was a team loss correct? but then you turn around and and say he took us to the game? no, the team took us to the national championship. todds 3 (or 4?) interception 0 TD preformance against Illinois almost cost us that trip. Plus, beanie, line, and defense beat scUM.. we didn't 'air it out' much.

Taos, what did henton show? obviously enough to leap frog robbie.

I wonder just how things would have gone if Robo had held on to that dropped TD pass in the BCS game?
I think it could very well have changed things completely as it was the turning point in that game. (Dropped pass then blocked field goal that went almost the entire other direction then led to LSU score and lead.)
How we would be looking at Todd differently if Robo had held onto one ball in a critical situation?
How much closer would that game have been?

And Henton got to #2 by default as Robbie had regressed in his ability as a QB.
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Taosman;1128341; said:
And Henton got to #2 by default as Robbie had degressed in his ability as a QB.

That strikes me as more than a little unfair. Implying that Henton made no strides of his own is absurd, based on the reports out of camp last season.
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Bucky Katt;1128342; said:
That strikes me as more than a little unfair. Implying that Henton made no strides of his own is absurd, based on the reports out of camp last season.

He didn't do anything on the field(one td pass in end of game against YSU).
He got hisself in trouble. And Bauserman in spite of his talent was very rusty.
#2 by default.
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