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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

Oh8ch;1129230; said:
I have never heard an OSU coach under JT throw a kid under the bus. (Even a slow white kid.)

Nor have I but sometimes you will hear a "so and so needs to make better decisions with the ball" or "he has some progression to do in this area". He is subtle in pointing out a bad performance, which is very classy, but he and the other coaches took the blame in the Purdue game.

On TB being faster than Troy Smith in the 40...unfortunately Todd never gets 20 yards untouched in a straight line to get going. Troy Smith would smoke Todd in the first 20, which would enable him to actually run 40 yards or more. Also, Troy was very elusive and had great pocket presence to get away from that first defender, something that TB doesn't have.
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mercer_buckeye;1129241; said:
yeah your right I didn't think of it like that, it's just that todd looked slow when I saw him play in high school I guess six years at OSU will build ya up

Wasn't Todd All Ohio in 2 sports? He's no slug. He is actually a quite good athlete.

High School: A four-year starter for the Redskins ... led St. Henry to the Division V state title game as a freshman ... threw for 7,021 yards and 64 touchdowns in his varsity career, including his freshman season when he threw for 2,520 yards and 23 touchdowns ... coached by father, Tim Boeckman, who is now the athletics director at St. Henry ... also earned all-state honors in basketball and baseball ... was a four-year letterman in basketball and a three-year letterman in baseball ... averaged 18.6 points per game as a junior ... attended same high school that sent Bobby Hoying and Jim Lachey, among others, to Ohio State.
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man this one moves fast. I just saw the post a few pages back broaching the topic that maybe JT's QB development should come into question.

The way I see it in the 7 years he's been at OSU he's developed 2 NFL QB's, one of which won the Heisman. Zwicks few games started aside Tressel has turned his last two major starters into NFL QB's with TB, AH/JB and Pryor all still waiting to add to that legacy.

So Zwick didn't turn into Elway, imo there is nothing wrong with that record of QB development.
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Nor have I but sometimes you will hear a "so and so needs to make better decisions with the ball" or "he has some progression to do in this area". He is subtle in pointing out a bad performance, which is very classy, but he and the other coaches took the blame in the Purdue game.

On TB being faster than Troy Smith in the 40...unfortunately Todd never gets 20 yards untouched in a straight line to get going. Troy Smith would smoke Todd in the first 20, which would enable him to actually run 40 yards or more. Also, Troy was very elusive and had great pocket presence to get away from that first defender, something that TB doesn't have.
troy had one run longer than 34 yards in his ohio state career...
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I have never heard an OSU coach under JT throw a kid under the bus. (Even a slow white kid.)

Sorry for the vague reference. That was actually intended as a backhanded swipe at Cooper, who would toss the occasional kid under a bus.

I just saw the post a few pages back broaching the topic that maybe JT's QB development should come into question.

Appreciate the use of the word "broach". I actually don't think the coaches have a problem developing QB skills, but I do think this discussion - which often tends to be critical of Todd - should encompass that possibility.

What I do "sense" from what I observe - and without being close enough to have any accurate sense of anything - is that JT's focus on not making mistakes could easily lead a QB to second guess himself. Krenzel rarely made mistakes and not much seemed to bother Troy. But I could see some kids start to have head problems after an error or two. And head problems can lead to late throws, forced throws, poor mechanics - pretty much anything. Pure conjecture.
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mercer_buckeye;1129259; said:
Come on ya gotta think it's funny that he was All-Ohio in two sports and football is not one of them

Although he did get honorable mention his soph. year, but that was because his fresh. numbers were that good.

Funny? He threw for 7,000 yards and 64 touchdowns!
Do you have any clue to how hard it is to be All Ohio in one sport? :smash:
Todd was very good in 3!
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Oh8ch;1129292; said:
What I do "sense" from what I observe - and without being close enough to have any accurate sense of anything - is that JT's focus on not making mistakes could easily lead a QB to second guess himself. Krenzel rarely made mistakes and not much seemed to bother Troy. But I could see some kids start to have head problems after an error or two. And head problems can lead to late throws, forced throws, poor mechanics - pretty much anything. Pure conjecture.
This 'theory' may not be far off Oh8ch. I think after a mistake or 2, you can defiantly see the look on TBs face.. and his moxy change.

Taosman;1129317; said:
Do you have any clue to how hard it is to be All Ohio in one sport? :smash:
Especially in football
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Taosman;1128989; said:
Krenzel accuracy vs Boeckman accuracy? Do we want to go there? :p

we certainly can, but its not going to be a very enjoyable discussion for krenzel fans :wink:. but this is a perfect examply of why i think the krenzel and boeckman compairisons are a little misguided. yes, they were both white. but in reality, thats where the similarities end.

People have such short memories about Krenzels "accuracy".
Many... too many of CK's passes drew groans from the fans.
Now CK was very smart with his decisions, generally.

ya know what i think is funny about krenzel. he probably only threw 7 "great" passes in his 2 years as a starter. it just so happened they were all game winners or game changers.

Bleed S & G;1129070; said:
I guess heres the question - would you rather have TB or CK QB your team?

troy smith, any day of the week and twice on sunday. yeah yeah thats not a fair compairison. i fully realize that. but i wasn't trying to be fair :p. if i could pick any qb over the last 10 years neither of them would be at the top of the list. but if i had to choose between the two, i honestly don't know who i would pick. both have proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that if surrounded by the right talent can lead a team to the nc game. krenzel proved he could win it, though in all fairness i think he had a slightly better supporting cast at the time.

i believe boeckman has the ability to lead this team to a nc. i said it preseason last year and i still believe it today. however, as of the nc last year i don't believe he has ever slammed the door shut on henton and the rest. coupled with my belief that some of the others are better athletes with better mechanics, i think boeckman is going to have to work hard to keep his spot. if he is the same todd boeckman we saw in the nc game, don't be surprised if others find their way onto the field quickly.
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Taosman;1129317; said:
Funny? He threw for 7,000 yards and 64 touchdowns!
Do you have any clue to how hard it is to be All Ohio in one sport? :smash:
Todd was very good in 3!

Yeah "funny" like wow thats fuckin crazy. For christs sake he plays football at The Ohio State University and according to the Ohio high school athletic community it's the guys worst sport
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mercer_buckeye;1125855; said:
The reality is Boeckman wasn't good enough to make first team all-mac his senior year of high school. he's not a pressure player. but he has a great arm and is the hands down the best quarterback OSU has.

OregonBuckeye;1125873; said:
And that's relevant...how? Bart Tanski won Ohio's Mr. Football and he's walking on to Bowling Green. Last I checked, Todd was 1st team all Big-10 his first year as a starter and led the Big-10 in passing efficiency.

mercer_buckeye;1125879; said:
It's relevant because I want it to be and I hate St. Henry but seriously he came in as a project quarterback. He's not great but, he can get the job done. I hope you don't believe he was the best quarterback in the big 10 last year. I really hope nobody bought into the Heisman hype

Don't be hatin' on St. Henry's bro. Bobby Hoying came from there. I know we don't talk about him much on here, but perhaps you've heard of him anyway... :wink:
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A quick line from a PM to me--sent by someone who knows their shit--warrants listing here:

JT will not make the Texas mistake again...if TB is struggling, Henton will get the nod early.

Of course, Texas being the '05 version in The Shoe.
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