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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

I'm thinking (at least at the start of the season) you should start Boeckman and bring Pryor in for running plays like we did Timmy Tebow his freshman year. That might be the best plan for Ohio State.

I made this point in the Pryor thread but I will say it again here.

When Tebow was a Frosh he and Leak were the only QBs on the roster. Your best RB was DeShaun Wynn. Before Pryor sees the field he needs to take practice reps away from some pretty talented and experienced players. Tebow did not have that problem. Florida needed Tebow to run the ball.
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DDN: Ohio State QB Boeckman excited to see what Pryor can do

Ohio State QB Boeckman excited to see what Pryor can do

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Thursday, April 10, 2008

COLUMBUS ? One of the largest media contingents of the spring lined up in front of a table inside the Woody Hayes Athletic Center this evening, April 10.

The subject was Todd Boeckman, the Ohio State quarterback working through his second spring as the starter.

But one of the main questions was about a player not participating in these practices. Terrelle Pryor, the nation's No. 1 recruit and record-setting Pennsylvania quarterback who signed with the Buckeyes, will be on campus in the fall, and many were wondering how Boeckman feels about Pryor's upcoming presence.

"I'm looking forward to it," Boeckman said. "From what I've heard, I heard he's a great athlete. Get him in here in the film room, see how he handles that, that's first of all. It's a mental game. At first, you have to know how to handle that. I'm excited to see what he can do."

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[URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059410"]Nick Siciliano[/URL], offensive quality control coach

On [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059330"]Todd Boeckman[/URL]
?He seems to be more confident, which is huge for a quarterback. He studied film all winter and is having a great spring.?

On [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059414"]Antonio Henton[/URL] and [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1175673"]Joe Bauserman[/URL]
?It?s a daily battle. They are both having great springs and it is neck-and-neck. They both ask a lot of questions, which is good for a young quarterback.?
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Oh8ch;1133735; said:
No offense, but based on what?

I see a lot of folks who are hot after Henton, but he was 3 for 6 last season - plus a spring game. Other than second hand practice reports what am I missing?

I need help understanding these statements.

Beanie had four games in which he had single carries of 40 yards or longer - including TD runs of 62 against UM and 65 against LSU. He had carries of 20 or more in 9 games.

Boeckman had passes of 40 yards or longer in 10 of 13 games. He had 5 TD passes for 50 yards or more. And somebody was catching those.

I checked 11 of Troy's games his senior year and in only 3 did he complete a pass longer than 37 yards. And he was throwing to Ginn and Gonzo.

Let me help you out then. Grab your calculator and tally up all the rushes that Wells had. Then I want you to divide 4 by that number.

I know Boeckman can throw the deep ball as well. Better than Troy according to our coach. But that doesn't make him a play maker. We need someone who can make things happen when they need to happen. Troy always came through no matter what your stats say.

So now I need help understanding your post. Are you trying to tell me that Boeckman is a play maker, or that Beanie isn't a punishing style back, or that Troy isn't a play maker? Or are you trying to play devils advocate? Your going to have to give me more than isolated stats to do that.

Honestly tell me if you believe we have an offense that can score when it needs to? We have exceptional players, but we don't have the explosive element to compliment our steady execution. We are prone to stalling against good teams. We need one player on the field that even has the potential to change the game to keep defenses honest so that we can keep up our steady execution.

Taosman;1137811; said:
If the game slows down for Todd, the sky is the limit for what he and this team can do! :biggrin:

Unfortunately for us, there is not a lot of pressure in practice. Remember that Troy was looked over for Zwick in a similar situation. I hope JT is keeping an open mind because reports sound as though the battle is already over.
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Buckeneye;1138769; said:
@ Scarlet

When I checked, our last championship was won not by an explosive offense... but by consistency, mistake free - steady play.

I'll take that any day of the week.

With a play maker at the QB position...

OregonBuckeye;1138773; said:
Maybe you should take your own advice and keep an open mind about Boeckman.

I have gotten to watch Boeckman up close for a season. Unfortunately this is something you have or you don't have. This is college football so Boeckman will be at the very least marginally better. I am not arguing that Henton is better than Boeckman, I argue that he has the intangibles that are missing from this offense.
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SS, are you admitting you don't have an open mind about Boeckman?
I have gotten to watch Boeckman up close for a season. Unfortunately this is something you have or you don't have. This is college football so Boeckman will be at the very least marginally better. I am not arguing that Henton is better than Boeckman, I argue that he has the intangibles that are missing from this offense.
Like the 1 read and go, which Troy also struggled with through September 2005? That was not only rust that held him back.

Henton is not Troy late 2005. Maybe he'll become that, but he's very much early troy without the same arm or playmakers at WR (I think the '08 crop are good enough, but three first round WRs are not starting this year). This may be enough to run wild in the b10, but OSU will need much more to overcome USC & whoever they meet in the BCS (hopefully).
Remember that Troy was looked over for Zwick in a similar situation.
Smith clearly had the better upside, but I think early 04 would still have been ugly with Troy under center. NC State & Iowa would've given Troy a lot of trouble.
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ScarletStorms;1138895; said:
With a play maker at the QB position...

I have gotten to watch Boeckman up close for a season. Unfortunately this is something you have or you don't have. This is college football so Boeckman will be at the very least marginally better. I am not arguing that Henton is better than Boeckman, I argue that he has the intangibles that are missing from this offense.

If TB can just learn to not force it, and to throw it away when he's got nothing, he'll be fine. I think that is something a QB can learn.

As far as playmakers...that would be Beanie and IMO Saine this year. Those two can change the game in one play. So maybe our QB doesn't need to be the playmaker as much as he just needs to be smart and not turn it over.

That said, I do tend to agree that TB hasn't been the guy to count on when we needed to come up big. Troy was that guy and CK was that guy. Can TB grow into that role this season?

If we're down 4 with 2 minutes to play at USC, will TB make all the right decisions to lead us to the TD? Last year...no. This year...we shall see.

I sure hope so. And for now, he's obviously the best option we have anyway. Henton probably has more upside, but it'd take him a while to grow into that role as well. You don't just step onto the field in your first real meaningful PT and become the hero as a QB. So Todd has got to be the answer if we're going to beat USC the third game of the year.
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