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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

MililaniBuckeye;1130259; said:
A quick line from a PM to me--sent by someone who knows their shit--warrants listing here:

JT will not make the Texas mistake again...if TB is struggling, Henton will get the nod early.

Of course, Texas being the '05 version in The Shoe.

Or the UT mistake in '06 where he put all the 2nd stringers in and then we marched down and scored a TD on 'em.

OK, I know it has nothing to do with this, but it is, nonetheless, a fond memory.
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martinss01;1128973; said:
i guess im the only person who thinks mili isn't as crazy as he appears. well... he probably is, but i don't think his opinion that henton has a serious shot at the starting position coming out of spring ball proves it. :tongue2:

yes, boeckman should come into camp with a significant lead over the contenders. lets face it, he lead us to a big 10 title and a nc game. hard to argue those credentials. but to be perfectly honest, i don't think he ever "won" the starter spot. imo others simply "lost more" than he did. boeckman's issues are pretty evident. he lacks arm strength, has a tendancy to try to do too much with the ball, and does not handle pressure or contact well.

personally i find the krenzel compairisons rather lacking. i can only remember 1 occasion in which krenzel being hit by a defender(s) affected his play during his entire career. i can count 5 games in which pressure affected boeckman significantly. let alone individual plays.

now thats not to say he is hopeless. all of those difficulties can be addressed. the reason i see henton as having a serious shot is this. henton seemed to have all the physical stuff well in hand last spring. his issues were mental. boeckman's issues are a mix of both. its just that he was a little further along up stairs than henton was. if henton has taken a step forward in his grasp of the game/offense and boeckman is the same guy we saw last year... i think henton has a legit shot.

I 100% believe Mili here and that is not to bash TB. We really are in a peculiar position. We have a superiorly talented team but the pieces aren't fitting together in quite the way you would hope. Just check out of skill positions. TB is a good QB but he lacks play making ability. Robo is an amazing route runner with great hands, but he lacks game breaking speed and he too is not a play maker. Hartline is also great, but to me he is a lesser version of Robo. Beanie is amazing but it's not often that he is going to change the game in one play. He is a punishing running back who will take off little chunks at a time.

Now while all of these players are of NFL caliber, to say the least for a few, they don't make a great O together. So the way I see it, we have 3 options.

1 Change our #2 receiver for someone like Thomas. Unfortunately I don't think Thomas or any of the other incoming freshman are ready for responsibility like this.

2. Run more 3 receiver sets. If we could do this with correct timing and efficiency this might work.

3. Change our QB to one of our equally talented but play making QB's. The obvious argument here is that TP isn't ready, but Henton probably is.

We know he has intangibles from his play in high school and he obviously has the speed and elusiveness that would take the staleness out of our offense. We also know that he has been progressing quickly as is evident from his play last year. If he has kept up at the same pace, it is not a stretch to assume that he has eclipsed TB. And even if it's a tie he has got to be given the nod because of what he brings and what we lack.

The only problem is that we would be benching a senior, seriously hurting his pro aspirations, who some would say has done enough to solidify his spot. It will be interesting to see if JT pulls the trigger or not. And personally I am not a fan of JT's dual QB system. I think it has to be one or the other, otherwise we are going to suffer.
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Football notebook: Quarterbacks impress Wells

Saturday, April 5, 2008 3:16 AM
By Tim May


For those who can't watch Ohio State's closed spring practices, tailback Chris "Beanie" Wells reported the play of the three quarterbacks -- starter Todd Boeckman, Antonio Henton and Joe Bauserman -- has been impressive.
"All three of them are looking real good," Wells said.
For Henton and Bauserman, especially, that is imperative, because everyone knows the nation's No. 1 recruit, quarterback Terrelle Pryor of Jeannette, Pa., is on his way in June. Wells said Henton, a third-year sophomore-to-be, has stepped up his game.

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Henton has always struck me as a gamer. Krenzel and Troy were both like that too.

No offense, but based on what?

I see a lot of folks who are hot after Henton, but he was 3 for 6 last season - plus a spring game. Other than second hand practice reports what am I missing?

the pieces aren't fitting together in quite the way you would hope. Just check out of skill positions. TB is a good QB but he lacks play making ability.....Beanie is amazing but it's not often that he is going to change the game in one play. He is a punishing running back who will take off little chunks at a time.

I need help understanding these statements.

Beanie had four games in which he had single carries of 40 yards or longer - including TD runs of 62 against UM and 65 against LSU. He had carries of 20 or more in 9 games.

Boeckman had passes of 40 yards or longer in 10 of 13 games. He had 5 TD passes for 50 yards or more. And somebody was catching those.

I checked 11 of Troy's games his senior year and in only 3 did he complete a pass longer than 37 yards. And he was throwing to Ginn and Gonzo.
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Oh8ch;1133735; said:
No offense, but based on what?

I see a lot of folks who are hot after Henton, but he was 3 for 6 last season - plus a spring game. Other than second hand practice reports what am I missing?

His first pass attempt ever was dropped by Sanzenbacher on a crossing pattern against YSU...had Sanz caught the ball, he was in full stride to split the safties for a TD. The pass was spot on. Henton's next pass was another crossing pattern--again hitting the WR in stride--this time to Washington who scored. I remember his garbage time run at Washington where he gained about 17 yards almost effortlessly, albeit running out the clock (called back by a penalty). I'll go back on re-watch the second half of the Northwestern game to look at his 2-4 effort...
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Oh8ch;1133735; said:
No offense, but based on what?

I see a lot of folks who are hot after Henton, but he was 3 for 6 last season - plus a spring game. Other than second hand practice reports what am I missing?

None taken. Based on his horrible performance in the spring game and how much better he looked against YSU. Based on his high school team losing the first 3 games of the season when he was injured and not losing another when he came back. I think he's very confident in himself in game situations.
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Just watched the second half of the Northwestern game. Henton ran the second drive of the half, and was 2-for-2 and ran twice for about 19 yards (10 yards for a first down and 9 yards on a first-down play). The drive stopped inside the Northwestern 15 on a Mo Wells fumble. Henton also ran the next drive (after Grant blocked the punt at the NW 1), handing off to Mo Wells for the TD. His third drive, he handed off twice to Marcus Williams and on third down was forced out of bounds after having to scramble to due a low shotgun snap. Fourth drive, keeper for 2 yards, handoff to Johnson for no gain, third down rolled left under pressure and threw a very questionable pass into a very crowded covereage (ball was intercepted but defensive PI was called to give us a first down). Next first down, he ran left for 13 yards, but it was wiped out due to holding. Repeat first down, keeper for no gain. Second down, scramble for 5 yards, and my recording stopped there so I didn't see his two incompletions. All in all, he looked very poised and confident.
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MililaniBuckeye;1133774; said:
Just watched the second half of the Northwestern game. Henton ran the second drive of the half, and was 2-for-2 and ran twice for about 19 yards (10 yards for a first down and 9 yards on a first-down play). The drive stopped inside the Northwestern 15 on a Mo Wells fumble. Henton also ran the next drive (after Grant blocked the punt at the NW 1), handing off to Mo Wells for the TD. His third drive, he handed off twice to Marcus Williams and on third down was forced out of bounds after having to scramble to due a low shotgun snap. Fourth drive, keeper for 2 yards, handoff to Johnson for no gain, third down rolled left under pressure and threw a very questionable pass into a very crowded covereage (ball was intercepted but defensive PI was called to give us a first down). Next first down, he ran left for 13 yards, but it was wiped out due to holding. Repeat first down, keeper for no gain. Second down, scramble for 5 yards, and my recording stopped there so I didn't see his two incompletions. All in all, he looked very poised and confident.

Nice observation, Mili! It looks like he can run the ball really well!
But, can he read a defense on the fly? Can he not throw the ball into double coverage? Just playing devil's advocate here. Game experience is so crucial. Everybody wants the best guy under center.
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Who do y'all think should start?

I'm thinking (at least at the start of the season) you should start Boeckman and bring Pryor in for running plays like we did Timmy Tebow his freshman year. That might be the best plan for Ohio State.
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