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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

I'll agree that Todd wasn't all their that day, and I'll certainly acknowledge the fact that the weather was piss-poor.

We'll never truly know the reasons behind our offensive play-calling that day, and unless God or Tressel calls up and tells anyone, it will never be understood. Regardless, whats done is done and were suppose to be focusing to the 2008 season.

Personally? I believe Henton will be a great QB as well as Pryor, however i'm not sure when exactly we'll see them as I have a strong confidence in Todd's ability to grow as a QB. Especially when he has Tressel and Daniels in his corner to aid with that progression. Now I would love to see some specific packages drawn up just for AH and TP, especially in the red zone, the personnel we return only equals out for an extremely balanced attack.

If Todd's the trigger man, so be it... If AH is our man, so be it...

We all look forward to seeing either or because most of us know both are quite capable of leading us to another championship. That said, must we bicker about such things?
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We'll never truly know the reasons behind our offensive play-calling that day, and unless God or Tressel calls up and tells anyone, it will never be understood.
The only unit capable of beating OSU that day was the defense. Ride Beanie and let the D dominate the rest.
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jwinslow;1127185; said:
The only unit capable of beating OSU that day was the defense. Ride Beanie and let the D dominate the rest.

Exactly, it wasn't necessary for us to pass, the weather wasn't friendly and Todd was slipping a bit - I'm not seeing the argument some are making apparently... or the point behind it.
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Poe McKnoe;1127121; said:
Wow, such emotion for a stupid topic.

How did those 19 plays work out for us? Did we really have to pass?

I think it's a pretty good option to put it in Beanie Wells' hands...He did end up with 222 yards rushing.

Did you watch the game, dipshit? Here's a refresher on those 19 plays:

Drive from 3rd qtr: 1 run, 1 pass, 2 yards, punt
First drive: 3 runs, 6 yards, punt
Second drive: 3 runs, 8 yards, punt
Third drive: 3 runs, -3 yards, punt
Last drive: 7 runs, 1 knee, 36 yards

Counting the carry-over drive from the 3rd quarter, we had four straight 3-and-outs with a total of 13 yards. Tressel didn't think he could rely on Boeckman to be mistake-free, so he rolled the dice and relied on the defense to keep Michigan out of the end zone. Our 3-and-outs weren't exactly burning the clock, yet Tressel still preferred to not have Boeckman throw it.
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MililaniBuckeye;1127222; said:
Did you watch the game, dipshit? Here's a refresher on those 19 plays:

Drive from 3rd qtr: 1 run, 1 pass, 2 yards, punt
First drive: 3 runs, 6 yards, punt
Second drive: 3 runs, 8 yards, punt
Third drive: 3 runs, -3 yards, punt
Last drive: 7 runs, 1 knee, 36 yards

Counting the carry-over drive from the 3rd quarter, we had four straight 3-and-outs with a total of 13 yards. Tressel didn't think he could rely on Boeckman to be mistake-free, so he rolled the dice and relied on the defense to keep Michigan out of the end zone. Our 3-and-outs weren't exactly burning the clock, yet Tressel still preferred to not have Boeckman throw it.

The first drive of the 3rd quarter ended with a 62 yard rushing TD I thought. It put us up 14-3 against a team that hadn't done anything all day.

Now I agree he didn't have much confidence in Boeckman DUE TO THE WEATHER. I'm not sure how many QB's Tressel would have wanted chucking it in that situation.
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Buckeneye;1127184; said:
...I have a strong confidence in Todd's ability to grow as a QB. Especially when he has Tressel and Daniels in his corner to aid with that progression.
I felt the same last season up until he regressed the last three games of the season.

jwinslow;1127185; said:
The only unit capable of beating OSU that day was the defense.
Or a unit with a healthy QB or a star WR that could catch passes. Granted, the defense rose up, but the point still is that if Boeckman wasn't so shaky that day--weather, nerves, whatever--we would've seen more passing in the second half to help sustain clock-eating drives. Instead, we get a five-drive series where we go 4-and-out, 3-and-out, 3-and-out, 3-and-out, and 3-and-out, with the average TOP being around 2 minutes per drive.

Many are blowing off Todd's off day because our defense (or more likely, Michigan banged up offense) kept Michigan to 3 points. We may be singing a different tune had Michigan got a big play or two and got close or even took the lead, and had to have relied on a Boeckman-led comeback.
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Did Boeckman have an injured thumb/hand in the Michigan game?
Did he have an injury for the Illinois game?
If he was injured, Tress choose to let him play.
Maybe he had to as Henton wasn't ready and Schonhoft had regressed.

I think when you look at how Henne did for comparison (68 yards)it says a lot about how bad conditions were.
That's the bottom line for me.
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MililaniBuckeye;1127229; said:
I felt the same last season up until he regressed the last three games of the season.
Many are blowing off Todd's off day because our defense (or more likely, Michigan banged up offense) kept Michigan to 3 points. We may be singing a different tune had Michigan got a big play or two and got close or even took the lead, and had to have relied on a Boeckman-led comeback.

The game ended with our taking a knee in scoring position. The score could have been much more lopsided. :biggrin:
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jwinslow;1127185; said:
The only unit capable of beating OSU that day was the defense. Ride Beanie and let the D dominate the rest.
Agreed, it was "Tressel Ball" .. and it makes perfect sense why the playcalling was the way it was

MililaniBuckeye;1127222; said:
Tressel didn't think he could rely on Boeckman to be mistake-free, so he rolled the dice and relied on the defense to keep Michigan out of the end zone.
I haven't agreed with some of the stuff you've said in this thread, but this I do agree with.

MililaniBuckeye;1127229; said:
I felt the same last season up until he regressed the last three games of the season.
And this I agree with too. Sure there are many other factors for the losses, but TB wasn't the same QB the last few games of the year from where I was watching the games from. Boeckman began to regress IMO near the end of the season.. the only other thing i can think of as a reason other than a "regression" would be as the games got tougher he didn't handle the pressure well at all.

We may be singing a different tune had Michigan got a big play or two and got close or even took the lead, and had to have relied on a Boeckman-led comeback.
Yes.. not to trash TB, because IMO he very well could lead us to a national title, I think we kinda saw a Boeckman lead comeback against LSU.

We need a Krenzel at the helm.. and thats Boeckmans biggest advantage over Henton/Pryor/Bauserman.. he's been in the system much longer. However, IMO, Boeckman folded last year under pressure.
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If I was the coaches I would come after Boeckman full tilt this year to get him reps against an aggressive attacking defense. what better defense to do that than our own? If todd struggles a bit and Henton/pryor excell then don't be surprised to see boeckman on a short leash in the beginning of the season....

Because i mean lets face it Todd did lose his composure from after the PSU game on. I think he can regroup and get things back in store, but Todd has obviously got to play better than he did the last 3 games or we will see Henton at some point as the starter. This offense isn't inexperienced anymore and we are too talented to be held back so now its up to Todd to just play smart ball and distribute. We don't need him to throw for 300 yards we just need him to play error free smart football. We have too many weapons to rely on todd and the only player who shoudl be leaned on heavily to an extent is Beanie Wells. Beanie is our horse and everyone else just needs to not dick it up.
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If you listen to what Tressel has had to say thus far, and what Pryor has had to say thus far, the picture is pretty clear: Boeckman is entrenched as the starter, Pryor will be worked on to the field as his talents and development allow in a "Tebow role", and Henton and Bauserman are locked in a battle for the true backup spot, with Bauserman having made strong strides forward.

What I'm hoping to see is for the Bucks to really dominate some early competition so that all four guys get live snaps. It was good to see Schoenhoft, Henton and Boeckman play early on last year, as it gave everyone game experience and as fans we got a good look at where these guys were in their development.

As far as how Boeckman played at the end of the season, I think that a few things came into play. First, he saw excellent pass rushes for the first time all year, and he didn't do well under pressure. Second, he saw defenses that were faster, had better coverage, and which had more sophisticated schemes. I think that all of that can be addressed with coaching and with our significantly tougher schedule this year.
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Taosman;1127013; said:
2007 OSU vs scUM;
Hampered by a nagging shoulder injury, senior quarterback Chad Henne (Wyomissing, Pa./Wilson HS) completed 11-of-34 passes for 68 yards

Boeckman-7-13 for 50

Yea! Henne was CLEARLY superior that day. :roll1:

You just proved my point about some are just using an emotional argumant in this.
Don't be a fool. TSUN receivers drops several balls. Henne's numbers would have been dramatically different with any sort of receiving corps that day. Yeah, Henne was superior that day because he never lost his cool in spite of injury and absolutely HORRIBLE play of his own receivers. Meanwhile, Todd lost his confidence. Honestly, I think Todd is going to have a really solid year this year but TSUN wasn't his day.
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Bleed S & G;1127262; said:
Yes.. not to trash TB, because IMO he very well could lead us to a national title, I think we kinda saw a Boeckman lead comeback against LSU.
That "comeback" was a relatively meaningless TD near the end of the game against a softer coverage.

Bleed S & G;1127262; said:
We need a Krenzel at the helm.. and thats Boeckmans biggest advantage over Henton/Pryor/Bauserman.. he's been in the system much longer. However, IMO, Boeckman folded last year under pressure.
Boeckman can't be a Krenzel if he folds under pressure.

Folks may take my stance on Boeckman as bashing him, but it's not. I simply have concerns over how he played in the last three games of the year, the last two being the biggest two games of the year.
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MililaniBuckeye;1127488; said:
That "comeback" was a relatively meaningless TD near the end of the game against a softer coverage.
I was referring to his pick he threw that put the nail in the coffin. I was not impressed with TB in the BCS game, not when the outcome was in question.

Boeckman can't be a Krenzel if he folds under pressure.
Agree 100%, TB is nowhere near CK and thats what we need. And even someone as gifted athletically as Troy Smith couldn't win a title.. it's about the brains.
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