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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

This is obviously how it is going to shake down.
1: Todd
2: Henton
3: Pryor.
Pryor will go in on third downs and stuff, and probobly get more playing time(with Henton still being the #2)
Tress knows he can do more with Pryor when it comes to being an X-Factor and Todd still being the QB, more so then Henton.

But if Todd gets hit hard, injured or whatever, no question about it, Henton will be our QB.
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#10Troy Smith Fan;1126559; said:
This is obviously how it is going to shake down.
1: Todd
2: Henton
3: Pryor.
Pryor will go in on third downs and stuff, and probobly get more playing time(with Henton still being the #2)
Tress knows he can do more with Pryor when it comes to being an X-Factor and Todd still being the QB, more so then Henton.

But if Todd gets hit hard, injured or whatever, no question about it, Henton will be our QB.

I know what you're saying, but I don't see how you can call Henton the number two if he plays less than Pryor. And if Todd goes down (or is beaten out by AH), wouldn't Pryor be getting the same amount of playing time, if not more?
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MUBuck;1126573; said:
I know what you're saying, but I don't see how you can call Henton the number two if he plays less than Pryor. And if Todd goes down (or is beaten out by AH), wouldn't Pryor be getting the same amount of playing time, if not more?
If Todd goes down, Henton is practically guaranteed to be the starter, and he might be anyway even if Todd doesn't go down.

But Pryor would probably be more effective as a quarterback who gets plays like Tebow did, simply because those plays require athletic ability more than anything, and we all know Pryor has tons of that.

So yes Henton is #2 on the depth chart.. But Pryor is #2 on the "Throw in for weird/funky formations to give our offense a new wrinkle" chart.

Or at least that's how I see it.
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Well, at this point I think Todd may be wishing they had used him in the Alamo Bowl, because he doesn't really need any more eligibility.

Going back to the Michigan State game, Coach T lost confidence in Todd. I didn't realloy keep track, but after that two-lost-fumbles sequence, Todd was not asked to do much. Tressel protected him. He got rattled and he never recovered. Tressel tried to win the rest of the games without putting any pressure on Todd. With Beanie, it almost worked.

We have a lot of practices to get Henton solidified as #1 with Terrelle as backup.

I just don't see Todd doing much more than holding a clipboard in meaningful situations.

Go ahead and ding me but wait until the middle of the Big Ten season to send me any nasty-grams. I just don't think Todd is gonna get the magic back.

The real battle will be between Henton & Pryor. Just MHO

Coach is either having trouble admitting it or he just is protecting Todd.

This is going to be a great season, and there's only one way we can improve on the last couple of years, right?

NC 2008!!!
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Besides the overall nature of your post, this line in particular was unbelievable.
Going back to the Michigan State game, Coach T lost confidence in Todd. I didn't realloy keep track, but after that two-lost-fumbles sequence, Todd was not asked to do much.
:roll2: You know, I was going to bring up how Beanie didn't get enough touches against Wisconsin (too much passing early on imo), or how Boeckman was able to rack up INTs vs ILL with no chances (like the deep INT down 7 in the 4th)... then I remembered what game came immediately after the MSU game. Do you? :smash:

Not sure how a fan 'didn't realloy keep track' of a game on national television, especially the track record at that location.

I'm not even going to deal with the rest of this. It is great to have a mind-reader of Tressel on board though, that's remarkably useful :roll2: BTW, can you tell me why JT started putting so much trust in such a raw passer (Pryor) and a rookie still trying to handle the mental side of the position? Interesting that those concerns are schluffed off (for athleticism & potential I assume) after years of calculated coaching just because of some bad outings, of which the new rookie qbs will certainly have... potentially including one vs SC which could doom their season.
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I just don't think Todd is gonna get the magic back.

With JT it has never been about magic. It has been about playing sound mistake free football. As a sixth year QB Boeckman has a huge advantage in that department and I don't see a third year player with all of six attempts under his belt overcoming that regardless of his athleticism.

I don't see how you can call Henton the number two if he plays less than Pryor.

JT is always talking about getting the best players on the field. If Pryor really is all that - and I think he is - I could see JT integrating some plays that exploit his strengths.

I know that JT has not made a habit of designing plays around young players. But this kid is not Tim Tebow. Tebow runs a 4.6. This kid is a freak unlike any player we have had including Ted Ginn.

You wont see him running the offense on a regular basis. But I will be disappointed if we don't see some special plays featuring Pryor as the year rolls by and he there is no reason he can't line up behind center to run them.
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Hey man, I hope you're not REALLY bangin' your head against the wall.

But you know that Tressel knows a clutch performer from a guy who is good but not great. I don't think Todd is a clutch guy, or if he way, he's not anymore.

I truly feel bad dumping on him, too, and I'm not doing it lightly, so... halfway through the big ten season I'll come back to this thread and say I was wrong, or I was right.

I thought this was a quarterback discussion thread, and I missed it if there was a ground rule laid out that we had to all first agree that TB was the starter, period.

Here's one more thought - I hope whoEVER is QB will actually get the ball to the TE this year. Seems like the last few years it's talked about in August but never really pans out.
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Did you watch the penn state game?

I'm all for giving Henton a clear shot this spring, but we don't even know if the backups are decent, let alone the unworthy 'good', or the rarely obtained 'great'.

I don't mind questioning Boeckman. But I find it quite preposterous to suggest JT took the ball out of his hands after MSU, when he was lights out the very next game, attacking in diverse sets. IMO, he took too many touches away from a rumbling Beanie vs Wisky. But most of all, OSU lost their only game and never regained possession because Boeckman was allowed to be too aggressive downfield, leading to the last change of possession with 8 min left vs ILL.
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MUBuck;1126573; said:
I know what you're saying, but I don't see how you can call Henton the number two if he plays less than Pryor.

Pryor's size and speed are why he may get more snaps, not his ability at the QB position. Henton is no doubt the second option at QB, even if Pryor gets more snaps. Pryor brings more to the table, although Henton brings quite a bit as well.

I feel like I'm bashing Henton. That's not my intention at all. The guy is a fantastic athlete whom I'd love to see get a ton of time.

Hypothetically, it's similar to having Donovan McNabb and Michael Vick on the same team. One is clearly a better QB, but the other is going to get a ton of playing time because he can do one thing extremely well. Yes, I know, the argument here is flawed. I'm just trying to prove a point. :tongue2:
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307, I have had similar thoughts myself. It depends on what Tressel wishes to do with the package QBs. Perhaps he'll deploy both in certain sets. They both have clear edges over the other, Henton is a much better passer, and Pryor a runner. Both have the ability to do the other, but not on the same level as the other qb.

If Tressel is simply focused on winning this year (with everyone returning), and not developing for next (when there is massive turnover), Pryor may well be the most dynamic athlete to insert into the formation... while not being as ready to run the entire playbook like Henton, as a starter in '09.

However if Tressel wishes to deploy a more complete & balanced attack in his package QB situations, that may instead be Henton. If he's building for the future and feels Henton is better starter material a year later, perhaps he plays AH over Pryor even if TP is the best package QB.

It will be interesting to watch.
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However if Tressel is building for the future and/or wishes to deploy a more complete & balanced attack in his package QB situations, that may instead be Henton.

Are you arguing that Pryor will not get the job till his fourth season - only after Henton graduates?
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I was a bit unclear, and absolute in my pontifications. I really have no idea what to think about those two moving forward. Henton strikes me as much better starting material for a Tressel team (with only one year under Pryor's belt), but Pryor may possess more confidence and upside. I really wonder if they would've had enough seats for the spring game had Pryor made it in for spring quarter.

Entering the '07 season, it seemed clear Boeckman was the heir apparent... but it was certainly possible Henton could progress to the point of surpassing him in '08. Unfortunately, a questionable police force got in the way of that progression. Likewise, I wonder if Pryor's youth will give Henton an edge early in '09 if Pryor is still adjusting.

But I'm all over the map at this point... so I'll leave it at that.
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Oh8ch;1126780; said:
With JT it has never been about magic. It has been about playing sound mistake free football. As a sixth year QB Boeckman has a huge advantage in that department and I don't see a third year player with all of six attempts under his belt overcoming that regardless of his athleticism.

Agreed, but if Todd doesn't improve on his 2 TD, 6 INT performance over the last three games of last season, we will see Henton take over
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I hate to be a realist here but anyone that thinks that Todd B. will be unseated next year is misguided. Tressel is not going to take a green QB into Southern Cal. next season........not when he has a team that could run the table. People here sometimes tend to get caught up in the buzz and measurables..........they forget that heady leadership sometimes trumps all. Todd B. has that going for him next season.
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