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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

OHSportsFan9;1105671; said:
I'll just throw this out there, but I can envision a situation where Pryor is the backup, that is, with Henton starting. Yes, Boeckman would fall to three.

I think Henton might win the starting spot and then Tressel will find it hard to keep Pryor off the field. Boecks may be squeezed out.

Like I said, just throwing it out there as a "way too early" prediction.

If Boeckman weren't a senior, I could envision that too. But unless Boeckman continues to regress or Henton just blows the coaches away, Tressel will start the 6th year senior.
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Just curious as to what you are smoking? :biggrin:
I guess I'm smoking some game film from the last half of the season. :p

Just kind of going out on a limb.

Again, it's not likely, but if Henton wins the number one spot, and Pryor shows enough early on to warrant some small PT, then Boeckman might be left out.

I guess I would say it could end up like this: 1. Henton, 2. Boeckman, 3. Pryor. Now if Henton gets injured, Boeckman is there to step in w/ his experience. But during a game, Tress may be more likely to put Pryor in for a few plays moreso than Todd.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1105656; said:
With that said, I disagree with Milli about Pryor only seeing "garbage time." Pryor brings a skill set NOBODY (including Henton) has at thsi time.

Raw talent isn't a "skill set". He may see the field as a true frosh, but barring injury to Boeckman or Henton, the only time he'll see it is in garbage time.
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Did I miss something, did Terrelle Pryor already commit? If not then why is he even being brought up as getting playing time on a team he hasn't signed with? Why aren't we focusing on talking about using Todd Boeckman and Antonio Henton similar to Matt Flynn and Ryan Perriloux(it's probably already been stated)? I know Pryor's favoring us a lot now, but he hasn't signed on the dotted line(yet), and let's not set ourselves up for a letdown.
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pnuts34;1105783; said:
Did I miss something, did Terrelle Pryor already commit? If not then why is he even being brought up as getting playing time on a team he hasn't signed with? Why aren't we focusing on talking about using Todd Boeckman and Antonio Henton similar to Matt Flynn and Ryan Perriloux(it's probably already been stated)? I know Pryor's favoring us a lot now, but he hasn't signed on the dotted line(yet), and let's not set ourselves up for a letdown.
I don't believe you've taken this thought far enough.

Proposition: No further discussion of 2008 tOSU QBs UNTIL the the 2008-09 season is over. Wisdom by hindsight is so much clearer than speculative prediction.
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jwinslow;1105707; said:
Pryor has a clear edge as a runner... something that can be featured in the 'package QB' reps.

Henton has the edge in passing, and that's what Tressel emphasizes at QB (look how Troy Smith changed from a scrambling QB to one who almost never ran). The staff is gong to want to develop Pryor, not just throw him out to the wolves. He'll probably get some snaps, but only under controlled conditions. The #1 and #2 slots on the depth chart will be filled with Boeckman and Henton (not necessarily in that order).
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MililaniBuckeye;1105706; said:
Raw talent isn't a "skill set". He may see the field as a true frosh, but barring injury to Boeckman or Henton, the only time he'll see it is in garbage time.

Wasn't referring to "raw talent." Was talking about his running ability which would be unparelleled at that position the minute he set foot on campus.

MililaniBuckeye;1105850; said:
Henton has the edge in passing, and that's what Tressel emphasizes at QB (look how Troy Smith changed from a scrambling QB to one who almost never ran). The staff is gong to want to develop Pryor, not just throw him out to the wolves. He'll probably get some snaps, but only under controlled conditions. The #1 and #2 slots on the depth chart will be filled with Boeckman and Henton (not necessarily in that order).

It's his first year. Of course the staff will put an emphesis to make him a more well rounded QB but the fact remains he brings an element to the position that no other QB can fill. Look no further than Tim Tebow and Chris Leak from two years ago.

As I said before, I dont expect to see Mr. Pryor's name in the #2 slot on the depth chart but I do expect a few running packages to be installed just for him. I also expect them to be run at times other than "garbage time."
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World peace? - sounds remarkably boring.

However I can envision a 2009 Henton-Pryor system; :biggrin:

edit: That said; 2008 is the topic. I'm curious to see TB's progression. More importantly how he handles pressure.
Working on that internal clock and checking down to his other options aside from Robo and Hartline;
We have terrific QB coaches and Tressel having a hand in their only makes things that much better. I do truly look
forward to Boeckman being one of the better QB's tOSU has had in a long time.
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Boeckman and Henton will be 1 & 2 next fall and likely through the season.

If Pryor commits, he will see the field in every game.

If Todd is the starter, there will be a package for Pryor for every week.

If Antonio is the starter there will be a package for Pryor every week.

The package will expand over the season.

If Todd or Antonio gets hurt, the other takes over as the starter.

Don't look for a transfer, don't look for TP to start.
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MaxBuck;1105963; said:
Envision world peace.

Done. :wink:

Boeckman and Henton will be 1 & 2 next fall and likely through the season.

If Pryor commits, he will see the field in every game.

If Todd is the starter, there will be a package for Pryor for every week.

If Antonio is the starter there will be a package for Pryor every week.

The package will expand over the season.

If Todd or Antonio gets hurt, the other takes over as the starter.

Don't look for a transfer, don't look for TP to start.
I guess I would say it could end up like this: 1. Henton, 2. Boeckman, 3. Pryor. Now if Henton gets injured, Boeckman is there to step in w/ his experience. But during a game, Tress may be more likely to put Pryor in for a few plays moreso than Todd.

so grad, is what I said similar to what you're saying?

For those who think I'm smoking crack, when I said Boecks could fall to three, I didn't mean necessarily on the depth chart, but rather Tressel would skip over his number 2 spot and throw Pryor in instead.
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Pretty much.

Pryor will play. He will see significant time but he will in all likelihood be #3. He will have specific packages just for him.

Going into spring, Henton and Boeckman will battle. Antonio will get his shot.
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osugrad21;1106068; said:
Boeckman and Henton will be 1 & 2 next fall and likely through the season.

If Pryor commits, he will see the field in every game.

If Todd is the starter, there will be a package for Pryor for every week.

If Antonio is the starter there will be a package for Pryor every week.

The package will expand over the season.

If Todd or Antonio gets hurt, the other takes over as the starter.

Don't look for a transfer, don't look for TP to start.
Gosh, with this wealth of talent next year, I can't wait for NCAA 09.
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