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2008 tOSU QB discussion (official thread)

KodiakBuck;1066798; said:
Whenever I hear that Pryor is going to light it up next year I can't help but think of Ryan Perillicious and the struggles he faced as a freshman at LSU. I'm not saying Pryor isn't going to be great, but he's not going to be great next year.

It's Perrilloux, FYI. I don't care, but now others are referring to him as Perillicious, and it sounds like an STD or something.
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First, it's hard to believe JT won't go with TB. Just because that's what JT does(senior). I could be wrong but he'll have plenty of weapons and a solid O line: any QB can come in and essentially "manage" the game and if TB gets the nod to start the year it may be for good.

Second, I do believe Henton will be used a little more often than we think, just not starting the game...as a decoy WR or QB and maybe they split TB out wide and run AH. Mix it up a little, I think we all would like to see more variety out of next years offense.

Lastly, and not to be a downer but, I'm not real confident in TP chosing OSU. I really hope I'm wrong but it's alot to ask for. LSU coming into play now and Ore still in the picture he visits tsun this friday and I think more and more that OSU isn't as high up as we'd like to think.:( TB and AH are a combo we should probably get used to.:)

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TS10HTW;1068047; said:
Lastly, and not to be a downer but, I'm not real confident in TP chosing OSU. I really hope I'm wrong but it's alot to ask for. LSU coming into play now and Ore still in the picture he visits tsun this friday and I think more and more that OSU isn't as high up as we'd like to think.:( TB and AH are a combo we should probably get used to.:)


:io: Not saying that I agree about TP, but I do feel comfortable with AH. I was able to watch a couple of his HS's playoff games (albeit on the computer) from his senior campaign and I think he can be a very good QB for tOSU, JT must agree or I don't think RS would have been moved to TE and now transferred.

I also think that some are putting too much emphasis on AH's running abilities, yes he is pretty fast and elusive, but from what I have seen of him, he is a pass first, escape but still look to pass, run last kind of QB (the kind that personally I like best)

That's what makes the TB/AH combo so intriguing to me, put some running/option plays in for AH early and then later in the season unleash him on some unsuspecting sucker (scUM) Using the same formations and player groupings, it'd give rr and his 3-3-5 fits :biggrin:
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TS10HTW;1068047; said:
...and I think more and more that OSU isn't as high up as we'd like to think.:( TB and AH are a combo we should probably get used to.:)


I agree that maybe we are not as high as we were, so to speak, but that's assuming that we ever were as high as we thought we were. How do we know?

But at this point, I believe that our chances are still 50% with all the other teams consisting of the other 50%. The thing that concerns me the most is the, Charlie Batch-a-liscious dating his aunt-a-liscious, influence that he somehow seems to need, but I'm still not all that concerned...not yet anyway.
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GrizzlyBuck;1068295; said:
...put some running/option plays in for AH early and then later in the season unleash him on some unsuspecting sucker (scUM) Using the same formations and player groupings, it'd give rr and his 3-3-5 fits :biggrin:

daveeb;1068315; said:

Nevertheless, a mobile qb will slow down an attacking defense, and that's what they'll have.

There are other ways of slowing down an attacking defense though; like having the best O-Line in the conference, if not the nation. Mark me down as someone who would prefer we use a QB with experience (TB) when we're gunning for a championship.
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DaddyBigBucks;1068320; said:
Nevertheless, a mobile qb will slow down an attacking defense, and that's what they'll have.

There are other ways of slowing down an attacking defense though; like having the best O-Line in the conference, if not the nation. Mark me down as someone who would prefer we use a QB with experience (TB) when we're gunning for a championship.

DBB, while I agree that an experienced QB gives you the best chance to succeed, if he progresses, which I hope TB does. I hope however that JT and the staff use AH in some capacity other than mop-up. If OSU puts all of their eggs in the TB basket and he is ineffective or is injured, then the potentially special season could go up in smoke.

I'm obviously just speculating, since I'm not one of the elites :biggrin:, but it would not suprise me at all if AH gets some meaningful possessions in the first two games, if for no other reason to give SC something to gameplan for. If AH is effective, I can see him getting maybe one possession out of 4-5, if the game situations allows, and although I was not a big fan of the Stanley Jackson/Joe Germaine rotation, I think that Henton is a more gifted passer than Jackson was, so I think you add a dimension versus just changing dimensions (passer for a runner)

Thanks daveeb, for the info on the 3-3-5 being out at TSUN, I saw where scUM had hired a D-coord, but had not checked into specifics, other than some of his defenses really upped their sack totals

Funny he went from coaching under a true Michigan man (though jacka$$) in Harbaugh, and he goes to Michigan under someone who while still a jacka$$, seems to be a polar opposite of what a "Michigan Man" purports to be.
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Boeckman has been learning almost as long as Tressel has coached at OSU. I think he played over expectations because we did not expect much from a grayshirt QB. I thought Boeckman was making great strides but after MSU things began to go downhill. I am sure this can be worked on and confidence will make him the starter not to mention TP and Henton breathing down his neck. It is too much for a high school QB to come in and run the type of offense and learn the complete system like Boekman and even Henton know. I do think that TP will have his own offense and plays that will allow him to create and show the natural ability and another thing teams will have to prepare for next year. I mean do you really want to see a 6'6'' QB with Saine and Wells behind him running left behind Boone? Same can be said for Henton.
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1068426; said:
Boeckman has been learning almost as long as Tressel has coached at OSU. I think he played over expectations because we did not expect much from a grayshirt QB. I thought Boeckman was making great strides but after MSU things began to go downhill.

This is only part true the psu game was the week after sparty, he looked sharp in that one(19/26 3 Tds). And TB was 17/28 w/ 2 TDs the following week vs wisc.

GrizzlyBuck;1068404; said:
DBB, while I agree that an experienced QB gives you the best chance to succeed, if he progresses, which I hope TB does. I hope however that JT and the staff use AH in some capacity other than mop-up. If OSU puts all of their eggs in the TB basket and he is ineffective or is injured, then the potentially special season could go up in smoke.

I'm obviously just speculating, since I'm not one of the elites :biggrin:, but it would not suprise me at all if AH gets some meaningful possessions in the first two games, if for no other reason to give SC something to gameplan for. If AH is effective, I can see him getting maybe one possession out of 4-5, if the game situations allows, and although I was not a big fan of the Stanley Jackson/Joe Germaine rotation, I think that Henton is a more gifted passer than Jackson was, so I think you add a dimension versus just changing dimensions (passer for a runner)

Thanks daveeb, for the info on the 3-3-5 being out at TSUN, I saw where scUM had hired a D-coord, but had not checked into specifics, other than some of his defenses really upped their sack totals

Funny he went from coaching under a true Michigan man (though jacka$$) in Harbaugh, and he goes to Michigan under someone who while still a jacka$$, seems to be a polar opposite of what a "Michigan Man" purports to be.

I'm not sure that article about there D coor said directly they weren't going to run a 3-3-5 just that it was a system thing...I think they may still be a 3-3-5 with a lot of variations. His idea is that they're flexible and attacking but I don't remember him saying he would not run it. If I'm wrong I apologize.
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CONGERSBUCKEYE;1068426; said:
Boeckman has been learning almost as long as Tressel has coached at OSU. I think he played over expectations because we did not expect much from a grayshirt QB. I thought Boeckman was making great strides but after MSU things began to go downhill. I am sure this can be worked on and confidence will make him the starter not to mention TP and Henton breathing down his neck. It is too much for a high school QB to come in and run the type of offense and learn the complete system like Boekman and even Henton know. I do think that TP will have his own offense and plays that will allow him to create and show the natural ability and another thing teams will have to prepare for next year. I mean do you really want to see a 6'6'' QB with Saine and Wells behind him running left behind Boone? Same can be said for Henton.

Perfectly stated, imvho. Response not needed since this sums it all up exactly, but thanks anyway and this is the reason I'm ecstatic for having found this site.
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TS10HTW;1068047; said:
Lastly, and not to be a downer but, I'm not real confident in TP chosing OSU. I really hope I'm wrong but it's alot to ask for. LSU coming into play now and Ore still in the picture he visits tsun this friday and I think more and more that OSU isn't as high up as we'd like to think.:( TB and AH are a combo we should probably get used to.:)

I personally feel strong that we already landed him. I think hes a smart kid and realizes the potential at tOSU, and a more NFL type offense that we run compared to tsun with RR. Also with the problems that RR has going on with WV (A law suit and possible THEFT charges against him). Not to mention the lose of both WR's, its a mess up there and I dont think he wants any part of it (personally I wouldnt). But if he decides to, oh well, we'll beat him with TB and Henton. I do like him as an athlete, but the more and more I have thought of it this last week, if hes not fully comitted to being a Buckeye with less then 3 months from Sping practice maybe its in our best interest that he doesnt come. Its a prestigious honor to be a BUCKEYE and if he doesnt want that by now so be it. As a kid if tOSU wanted me to play football for them I would have vebal comitted in the 8 grade.

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