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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

I took the liberty of correcting a couple of typos in the transcript.


Football: Defensive Line Meets With the Media Tuesday

[URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059246"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059246"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059246"]Jim Heacock[/URL][/URL][/URL], defensive coordinator

On the defense
"We need to get better everyday. We need to be more dominant as a defense and need to get tougher up front. We have to get a better up front and improve our turnover margin."

On replacing [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059303"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059303"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059303"]Vernon Gholston[/URL][/URL][/URL]
"We have two different looks. One is with Lawrence (Wilson) at one end and Cameron (Heyward) at the other end and we are also working in [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"]Thaddeus Gibson[/URL][/URL][/URL] in there. I really wanted him to get some reps in that spot."

On [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"][URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"]Thaddeus Gibson[/URL][/URL][/URL]
"He has had a great off-season and he is going to be one of the guys that see a lot of action this season for us. He has been great in the weight room and so far has been solid."


[URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059472"]Todd Denlinger[/URL], senior defensive lineman

On the team
"We just need to work at getting more pressure as a team. It all starts with us on the defensive line. Last year the (defensive) tackles only had about four or five sacks we need to triple that this year."

On lessons from last season
"We need to collapse the pocket. So often we were just trying to get up field. Now we know that we need to get inside and work as a four man unit in order to break down the protection."

Cont'd ...
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CPD: Gholston loss bigger than you think, tackles must help fill the hole

More on yesterday's meeting with Coach Heacock.

Ohio State football: Gholston loss bigger than you think, tackles must help fill the hole

Posted by [URL="http://blog.cleveland.com/sports/about.html"][EMAIL="[email protected]"]Doug Lesmerises[/EMAIL][/URL]
April 02, 2008 02:59AM

The Buckeyes are considering playing a 12-man front to replace Vernon Gholston.

To the forces that make the world go round - love, greed and Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs - add four-man pressure.

Bugging the quarterback without blitzing. And though OSU defensive coordinator Jim Heacock likes to blitz, nothing beats a simple but effective rush.

... When I asked Heacock if he was happy with the pressure his defensive tackles applied last year, he said, "No." Quickly.

"I wasn't happy at all with the inside pressure," Heacock said.


"If you're going to be really good, you need four-man pressure," Heacock said. "And then it makes the blitz even better."

The two examples he used were the Super Bowl champion New York Giants and the Ohio State national champions of 2002. Two pretty good examples.

So while there's a lot to like about the 2008 Buckeyes, obviously, the tackles are a legit point of interest for the spring and preseason. And there aren't really other options. There isn't even a fifth tackle to rotate in with those guys. Freshmen Garrett Goebel, Shawntel Rowell and Willie Mobley will be here in the fall, but no one counts on true freshman to rush the passer from inside. So the four who were there last year must be better.
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BuckeyeXtra - The Columbus Dispatch : Returning starters cause big backup at linebacker
dispatch.com said:
Returning starters cause big backup at linebacker

By Ken Gordon

January 15 was looming -- the date by which juniors had to declare for the NFL draft.

In the halls of the Ohio State practice facility, Marcus Freeman and James Laurinaitis noticed an unusual amount of interest in their decision among their linebacker teammates.

Their backup linebacker teammates, that is.

"Yeah, I remember," Freeman said yesterday, leaning back in his chair and laughing. "We had a lot of younger guys (ask), 'Hey, are you guys leaving or are you staying?' I'm like, 'I don't know ...' "

Freeman and Laurinaitis both decided to stay, which was cause for celebration among the Buckeyes coaches and fans, no doubt.

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OSU has had a great defense most years recently. Don't see any reason why that would change this year since you all return 9 starts on that side of the ball. I just hope our young defense improves. And from the looks of things from watching Spring Practice and hearing various practice reports, our defense has improved a lot. Especially in areas that were weaknesses this year like D-Line and in the Secondary.

Your team is strong at every position it seems.
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Official site: Talking With the Defensive Backs

Some excerpts...

Release: 04/08/2008

[URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059405"]Paul Haynes[/URL], safeties coach

On the team: ?We have a lot of young guys that are making some solid impressions. [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059311"]Eugene Clifford[/URL] and [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1152320"]Nate Oliver[/URL] have both really stepped up and they are going hard everyday. This is what spring ball is all about the guys getting reps and playing hard.?

On Eugene Clifford: ?He has moved from corner to safety for us and has done a great job. We decided at the start of spring ball that we need more depth at the safety position and he (Eugene) played it in high school so it was an easy move for him.?

Taver Johnson, cornerbacks coach
On spring practice: ?At this point we are just starting to see what the guys can do. [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059461"]Andre Amos[/URL] has really been great for us coming back from the injury he had. He is going to make an impact for us come fall.?

Malcolm Jenkins, senior defensive back
On the team: ?I would say that I?m the leader and that [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059348"]Donald Washington[/URL] has really become a leader on the field. He is a great vocal guy and is not afraid to get in guys? faces. We share the leadership role.?

Kurt Coleman, junior safety
On the younger players on defense: ?[URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1151220"]Cameron Heyward[/URL] and [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059401"]Thaddeus Gibson[/URL] are looking really good. [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059420"]Chimdi Chekwa[/URL] is really stepping up and Jamario O'Neal is getting better and better. We have a lot of new faces on the team and everyone is looking really good.?

Donald Washington, junior cornerback
On the younger players: ?Everyone is doing a great job during practice and working really hard. [URL="https://admin.xosn.com/ViewArticle.dbml?SPSID=87743&SPID=10408&DB_OEM_ID=17300&ATCLID=1059420"]Chimdi Chekwa[/URL] is doing a great job and having a good spring season. We have a couple of young guys with a year under their belts that are really stepping up to the challenge.?
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Is there any possibility on pass rushing downs we might see Heyward move inside, and have Wilson and Gibson as speed rushing ends?
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OSU football: Defensive linemen take inspiration from champs

Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:27 AM
By Tim May


Forget the movie 300. For inspiration this spring, Ohio State defensive linemen are watching clips of football's version of the Fantastic Four.
The New York Giants used dominant play by their defensive front four to upset the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl. So did Louisiana State in its 38-24 win over Ohio State in the national title game.
Watching the latter game hurts a little, Ohio State defensive tackle Todd Denlinger said, but LSU defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey put on a clinic in it and other games last season.

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I don't care how good Gholston was there is no way you bring back this many experienced DL and not get a whole lot better. Improvements in experience, technique, muscle mass... And on top of that to get Wilson back.

This crew should be very effective.
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Oh8ch;1137053; said:
I don't care how good Gholston was there is no way you bring back this many experienced DL and not get a whole lot better. Improvements in experience, technique, muscle mass... And on top of that to get Wilson back.

This crew should be very effective.

ditto. especially the DT's. Stopping those inside runs (queue Hester) and more pressure from our front 4 should be rather considerable this year. I love big Vern, and we have other skilled DE's ready to step in and wreak havoc; but DT is were we must improve dramatically this season.

And improve we shall...
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Buckeneye;1137214; said:
but DT is were we must improve dramatically this season.

And improve we shall...

Was hoping to see more of an improvement in this area during the spring game, especially considering the Oline they were going up against, but I was somewhat underwhelmed.

Still have time though.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1144569; said:
Was hoping to see more of an improvement in this area during the spring game, especially considering the Oline they were going up against, but I was somewhat underwhelmed.

Still have time though.

Well the DTs did have 4 sacks on the day.

What were you expecting to see?
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