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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

OSUBuckeye4Life;1144647; said:
More disruption and plays in the backfield. Honestly, I was expecting a rather dominant performance given the fact the DT's were at "full strength" and the Oline was FAR from it.

Maybe that was due to the defenses they were allowed to play. IIRC on 1st and 2nd down, they were restricted to base D, then on 3rd was all out blitzes if they wanted. Ill wait to pass judgement until a couple games into the season, when we see the benefits of stunts, and blitz packages.
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leroyjenkins;1144672; said:
Maybe that was due to the defenses they were allowed to play. IIRC on 1st and 2nd down, they were restricted to base D, then on 3rd was all out blitzes if they wanted. Ill wait to pass judgement until a couple games into the season, when we see the benefits of stunts, and blitz packages.

I agree for the most part. They didn't exactly be put in a position to "shine." I wasn't trying to pass judgement, at least too harshly, which is why I added the remark about them having time to work it out.

They were my biggest question mark going into the season. Because of that, they are put under a finer microscope with me.
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gators312414;1147268; said:
Besides Linebacker James Laurinaitis and cornerback Malcolm Jenkins, who are some more Ohio State Defensive players I should keep tabs on?:biggrin:

Freeman, Coleman, Russel, Wilson, Heyward...more, more, more besides unity and unmeasurables I don't believe there are many holes in the D even if we lose some players due do disciplinary issues(D-Wash, Jam-O, Clifford?.)
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gators312414;1147268; said:
Besides Linebacker James Laurinaitis and cornerback Malcolm Jenkins, who are some more Ohio State Defensive players I should keep tabs on?:biggrin:

Cameron Heyward, made #1 overall draft pick Jake Long his bitch as a true freshman on several plays last year.

2:40 into this video is one example, #97 coming off the right edge

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=BGg4V_sufT8]YouTube - Ohio State Michigan 2007 "Desire" Highlights[/ame]

Marcus Freeman is another one. Probably one of the most underrated linebackers (if not players period) in the Big Ten due to being overshadowed by Laurinaitis. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he were a first day draft pick next year.
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I figured as much.:biggrin:

Ohio State had a Top Defense last year:

1st in the Nation in Pass Defense: 150.15 ypg

3rd in the Nation in Rushing Defense: 82.8 ypg

1st in the Nation in Total Defense: 233.00 ypg

1st in the Nation in Scoring Defense: 12.8 ppg

4th in Pass Effiecinecy Defense: 98.73 rating

5th in Pass sacks: 3.31 pg

8th in tackles for loss: 7.92 pg

Ohio State also had a Top 3 defense two years ago. I don't expect that to change this season.
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Video: Room to improve

Veteran OSU defense not giving in to complacency

Zack Timmons

Issue date: 4/25/08 Section: Sports

Strong defense has become almost second nature for the Ohio State Buckeyes.Losing just two starters from a year ago, the unit should be one of the top in the country in 2008.But complacency can cripple even the best of teams."Stay aggressive, stay hungry and take it one day at a time," defensive tackle Doug Worthington said. Worthington's philosophy will be easy to adopt - after losing two National Championship games in as many seasons, the Buckeyes need little incentive to stay hungry.Defensive end Vernon Gholston and linebacker Larry Grant are the only two players gone from a defense that finished first in yards allowed last season.

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gators312414;1147284; said:
Ohio State also had a Top 3 defense two years ago. I don't expect that to change this season.

Very astute, and thanks for the kudos. On that note, don't expect much of anything to change except the outcome of the bowl game this year. Bizzank.
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Buckeye86;1147282; said:
Cameron Heyward, made #1 overall draft pick Jake Long his bitch as a true freshman on several plays last year.

2:40 into this video is one example, #97 coming off the right edge

YouTube - Ohio State Michigan 2007 "Desire" Highlights

Great eye on this one - and just a straight bull rush too - amazing considering the age and would-be (should-be) strength difference.
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