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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

I am secretly pulling for Jamario this year...I don't know where guys like he and Clifford are going to find time at the moment, but if it happens it can only be a good thing...
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wadc45;1114795; said:
I am secretly pulling for Jamario this year...I don't know where guys like he and Clifford are going to find time at the moment, but if it happens it can only be a good thing...

Coleman could move to nickel and Oneal could come in at safety...We play enough nickel to where he could get a lot of time, but he also has to fight with Amos and Chekwa...
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wadc45;1114795; said:
I am secretly pulling for Jamario this year...I don't know where guys like he and Clifford are going to find time at the moment, but if it happens it can only be a good thing...

I like Anderson Russel but I wouldn't put it past Jamario to beat him out this year. Russel is a good tackler but he couldn't catch an INT to save his life. He had to have at least 5 easy picks that he dropped last year. There will be some competition for sure and I wouldn't mind seeing Russel and O'Neal at safety, with Coleman at nickel. Coleman is the perfect size for a nickel.
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RB07OSU;1115752; said:
I like Anderson Russel but I wouldn't put it past Jamario to beat him out this year. Russel is a good tackler but he couldn't catch an INT to save his life. He had to have at least 5 easy picks that he dropped last year. There will be some competition for sure and I wouldn't mind seeing Russel and O'Neal at safety, with Coleman at nickel. Coleman is the perfect size for a nickel.

The biggest knock on Jamo for some time now is the fact that he isn't good with the play book. The guy has the physical tools to be lights out, but he spends more time thinking on the field instead of reacting. I highly doubt that he would beat out Russell. Russell is one of the best tacklers on the defense, and he hits very hard. Not to mention his height. Sure he does drop some int's, but one could argue that he did his job by being in position to make those plays. Perhaps someone else who had better hands wouldn't have been able to get his hands on the ball. Who knows?

To finalize my point, to say that a 2 year starter (one season shortened due to injury) will be unseated is a bit of a stretch.
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Well, obviously Russell knows the defense and his assignments well enough to even be in the right spot to have a shot at the interceptions. I am sure he knows what he needs to work on and he can only get better.
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I dont know what to make of Russell.. he showed alot of flashes.. but second half the season, his tackling was weak.. and he was no where to be found around the LOS.. I'll chalk it up to the injury he suffered vs Kent St..

Coleman and Russell could both play CB though... and if that means getting a safety who can actually come up and lay some wood, then im all for it..

Doss, Allen, Whitner... Im missing the safety that actually makes plays against the run.. it's been missing for two yrs now
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Russell has been set back by his injury and should be much improved this year.
ONeil is the most physically gifted. The light hasn't come on, yet.
Coleman may be more of a corner playing safety. But, is very gifted.
We have very good starters, but the back ups are all questions.
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Buckeyecty4;1115954; said:
I dont know what to make of Russell.. he showed alot of flashes.. but second half the season, his tackling was weak.. and he was no where to be found around the LOS.. I'll chalk it up to the injury he suffered vs Kent St..

Coleman and Russell could both play CB though... and if that means getting a safety who can actually come up and lay some wood, then im all for it..

Doss, Allen, Whitner... Im missing the safety that actually makes plays against the run.. it's been missing for two yrs now

I would agree with that...he looked great initially and then he seemed to drop off. I realize he was in good position to at least drop the ball and I'm not trying to hate on Russel really but just trying to say I don't see O'Neal beating out Russel as impossible. Maybe it's not likely but I just wouldn't bet against it...on a quick sidenote does anyone have the coachtressel.com link for the pictures? I couldn't find them on their site.
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Buckeyecty4;1115954; said:
I dont know what to make of Russell.. he showed alot of flashes.. but second half the season, his tackling was weak.. and he was no where to be found around the LOS.. I'll chalk it up to the injury he suffered vs Kent St.

I rewatched the second half of the Wisconsin game two nights ago and Russell was all over the place. A blitz of his forced a sack, and he shut down their stud TE (Beckum?) on two third downs (once stepping in front of him to knock the pass down and the other time blanketing him to the sidelines forcing the QB to throw it away). I think he also had a TFL (can't remember for sure).

No way O'Neal jumps him as starter unless Russell gets hurt again...
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wadc45;1114795; said:
I am secretly pulling for Jamario this year...I don't know where guys like he and Clifford are going to find time at the moment, but if it happens it can only be a good thing...

Why secretly...

Anyways...if Jamario has gotten that big, there may be reasons. Speculation only of course.

1. Possible move to fullback or running back
2. Possible move to LB with a redshirt year to learn the position.
3. Possible move to LB without a redshirt year.
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goodguy;1116398; said:
Why secretly...

Anyways...if Jamario has gotten that big, there may be reasons. Speculation only of course.

1. Possible move to fullback or running back
2. Possible move to LB with a redshirt year to learn the position.
3. Possible move to LB without a redshirt year.

No offense, but I seriously doubt all of those options. He is nowhere near the size of a B10 FB, nor is he anywhere near physical enough. I see where you are going with LB, but again, don't think he's physical enough, not to mention we are already loaded. He has a much better chance of PT staying at DB.
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MUBuck;1116414; said:
No offense, but I seriously doubt all of those options. He is nowhere near the size of a B10 FB, nor is he anywhere near physical enough. I see where you are going with LB, but again, don't think he's physical enough, not to mention we are already loaded. He has a much better chance of PT staying at DB.

I know, but the curtain is closing on O'neils career and maybe a position switch would better suite him. I was just speculating due to his increase in muscle mass. I also don't know that Jamario's coverage skills are adequate to play DB

Maybe Jamario could move to DT....
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how to force more turnovers?

When JT phones me to ask for advice on how the 2008 defense can cause more turnovers, what should I tell him?

If I am reading my 2007 statistics correctly, OSU only recovered 8 fumbles (somewhere around 88th) and only intercepted 11 times (also somewhere around 88th). This is an overall ranking of around 100th. I came up with these stats by pasting this web site into Excel and sorting on various columns:

Is the OSU defense forcing 3-and-outs before the other team can fumble or throw an interception? Is the OSU defense showing excellent form in leg tackling instead of trying for spinal injuries by hitting the ball with their helmet? Did Vernon keep sacking the QB before that QB could throw a poor pass?

One enduring memory that I have of the LSU game was Ohio State blitzing someone and LSU then completing a short pass in the direction of where the blitz came from. I also remember seeing OSU players trying to strip the ball but then miss the tackle. So there are no easy answers.

Overall, I don't remember any JT team causing lots of turnovers, except maybe the 2002 team.

Although LSU was also near the statistical top for team defense, LSU forced 36 turnovers, trailing only South Florida and Cincinnati. Speaking of South Florida, I am now re-reading that South Florida beat WVa/R2 by forcing 2 fumbles and an interception in the first half, even before knocking White out of the game.

Think of what a few forced turnovers could have done for OSU in the 2006 and 2007 title games? (I am not even going to bring up the infamous Illinois touchdown/fumble in 2007.)

Should I advise JT to get a totally dominating defensive line (starting with sending Vernon to the NFL)? Or should I advise JT to have call more maximum blitzes and let Jenkins cover the whole field from his safety position?

Let me know ...
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