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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

Honestly, we don't know what Wilson is capable of.
Cam seems the most likely to be a dominator.
Rose, is young and getting bigger. Was hurt most of the year. Does he drop down? He's gotten huge!
Gibson could be terrific off the edge but he's kind of a wild card.
Denlinger was our best DT till he got hurt.
Abdallah showed some promise if he keeps working hard.
We shouldn't expect much from any freshman as much as we hope so.
A improved defensive line in the middle. But will it be improved enough?
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wilson is supposed to be a stud. he was the first player selected by the seniors in for the spring game if i remember correctly. he should be a huge boost for us at the DE spot to fill the loss of vern. gibson is very quick.. i see him from time to time playing baksketball at the rPac.. i'd like to see him at linebacker. DT shouldn't be a concern with Denlinger, Abdallah, Larimore, Worthington, Goebel, and (maybe some spot duty) cam heyward. we should have a very very stout front 7 next year.. hopefully we can improve in safety play a little bit.
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BuckeyeSoldier;1101687; said:
Cam's going inside.. or so ive been told.

Would be a surprise to me. We return all 4 of the 2 deep at DT and aren't exactly "deep" at DE. Unless he cannot help putting on some weight I dont see you moving someone from a spot where they are KNOWN to be productive to an "unknown." (unless it's a dire need and it isn't given who we return at DT).
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Sportsbuck28;1104226; said:
I actually thought that the safety play was very good this year..

The defensive line wasn't.

if by very good you mean you liked seeing missed tackles and safeties on their knees the 2nd half of the season then yeah. as far as the defensive line is concerned... we played well against the run, and seemingly had a good # of sacks come 2nd half of the season.
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mdoss2202;1104590; said:
if by very good you mean you liked seeing missed tackles and safeties on their knees the 2nd half of the season then yeah. as far as the defensive line is concerned... we played well against the run, and seemingly had a good # of sacks come 2nd half of the season.

I don't know what your referring to with your first statement, we must've been watching completely different defenses.

And the second statement, did you watch the LSU game? They pounded it right inside with Hester right over the DT's most of the game... I should've stated I have no problem with the DE's, but the play of the DT's leaves a lot to be desired.

Aren't you the same guy that thinks O'Neal should start over Coleman at safety?
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mdoss2202;1104064; said:
wilson is supposed to be a stud. he was the first player selected by the seniors in for the spring game if i remember correctly. he should be a huge boost for us at the DE spot to fill the loss of vern. gibson is very quick.. i see him from time to time playing baksketball at the rPac.. i'd like to see him at linebacker. DT shouldn't be a concern with Denlinger, Abdallah, Larimore, Worthington, Goebel, and (maybe some spot duty) cam heyward. we should have a very very stout front 7 next year.. hopefully we can improve in safety play a little bit.

I had a conversation with a buddy of mine who played on the DL here a year ago and I had asked him something about Vern and he told me that Lawrence is the real impressive one and that he was better than Vern. Albeit this was like 2 years ago before Vern really started playing (in games) to his potential, but LW is highly thought of by his teammates and I think will have a monster year.
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Yeah I'm excited about Wilson, but at the same time I mean we shoudl just let the guy get through a couple games first. The only full season he played in I wasn't particularly impressed but he was also just a sophomore that year playing in his first year. Wilson, if he stays healthy, will be our best dlineman.

Also I'd like to see Cam play on the inside only on 3rd down situations... As I've stated earlier in the thread it'd be cool to have a d-line of (Wilson, Rose,Cam, Gibson). The speed that front 4 could create would be unmatchable in the nation with all 4 dlineman being DE's or LB's. However, Rose/Cam also have the size strength to play on the interior as well at 290+
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Sportsbuck28;1104705; said:

I don't know what your referring to with your first statement, we must've been watching completely different defenses.

And the second statement, did you watch the LSU game? They pounded it right inside with Hester right over the DT's most of the game... I should've stated I have no problem with the DE's, but the play of the DT's leaves a lot to be desired.

Aren't you the same guy that thinks O'Neal should start over Coleman at safety?

aren't you the same guy who's favorite player is brian hartline? i think o'neal should be given a serious look at safety next season, especially if the game has in fact slowed down for him. he's a physical presence and a PHENOMENAL athlete. not to mention, i dont think kurt coleman is that great. he's gotta helluva motor, but there's just something i don't like about him. and yes, i did watch the lsu game, hester didn't run for 100 yards, and lsu only averaged 3.1 yards/carry.
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ryan20;1104721; said:
I had a conversation with a buddy of mine who played on the DL here a year ago and I had asked him something about Vern and he told me that Lawrence is the real impressive one and that he was better than Vern. Albeit this was like 2 years ago before Vern really started playing (in games) to his potential, but LW is highly thought of by his teammates and I think will have a monster year.

yeah, i've heard from multiple sources that LW was supposed to be superior to vern at the start of last season. i remember watch LW in one of the high school all star games, he was a freak and i can't wait to see him back on the field next season.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1104314; said:
Would be a surprise to me. We return all 4 of the 2 deep at DT and aren't exactly "deep" at DE. Unless he cannot help putting on some weight I dont see you moving someone from a spot where they are KNOWN to be productive to an "unknown." (unless it's a dire need and it isn't given who we return at DT).

well it could be wrong, it wasnt my opinion just what other dlinemen told me.
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