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2008 tOSU Defense discussion (official thread)

Gibson should be ready to make an impact in here somewhere...

wilson coming back is going to squeeze heyward which may prompt the move inside.. the question then becomes is it better to have cam play inside and let wilson take back over outside or keep him outside so rose/larimore/worthington/abdallah can rotate inside... its a good problem to have.
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Taosman;1103952; said:
After dwelling on 2002, 2006 and 2007. I've come to believe how the season finishes will come down to just how good the defense is over all.
It's really that simple.

I agree but to add to this the biggest thing is whether we can develop a dominant front four. Biggest difference between a good defense and a championship defense is a dominant four man line.
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Taosman;1103961; said:
I look at who we got and compare that to 2002, 2006 Florida and 2007 LSU
and I don't think we have the quality inside as those defenses. :(

Even if that's true, we aren't facing 2002 tOSU, 2006 UF, or 2007 LSU. It's impossible to tell anyway. I'd be shocked if they didn't get a whole lot better though. We haven't returned this much on the d-line since '03 plus we're bringing in 5 freshmen. I expect great things from Heyward, Wilson(though it may take him a little while to get going), and Larimore and improvement from Worthington, Denlinger, and Rose.
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OregonBuckeye;1103967; said:
Even if that's true, we aren't facing 2002 tOSU, 2006 UF, or 2007 LSU. It's impossible to tell anyway. I'd be shocked if they didn't get a whole lot better though. We haven't returned this much on the d-line since '03 plus we're bringing in 5 freshmen. I expect great things from Heyward, Wilson(though it may take him a little while to get going), and Larimore and improvement from Worthington, Denlinger, and Rose.

I agree completely - there will be some real improvement. And remember, it's not as if 2006 LSU was as good as 2007 LSU, nor was junior Glen Dorsey as good as senior Glen Dorsey - these guys improve alot from year to year. I think the line will be very solid if not very good to great this year.
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Taosman;1103961; said:
I look at who we got and compare that to 2002, 2006 Florida and 2007 LSU
and I don't think we have the quality inside as those defenses. :(
They've got an entire off-season to work things out on the practice field and in the weigh room... why don't we wait until we play a game to judge our team compared to past NC's.
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I look at the guys on the roster and I don't see a Wil Smith or a even a Big Vern.
And do we have one dominating tackle? Maybe you could slide Cam Heyward down, but that weakens DE.
Looks like we have a bunch of "lunch pail" type guys outside of Heyward.
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Taosman;1104015; said:
I look at the guys on the roster and I don't see a Wil Smith or a even a Big Vern.
And do we have one dominating tackle? Maybe you could slide Cam Heyward down, but that weakens DE.
Looks like we have a bunch of "lunch pail" type guys outside of Heyward.
IIRC, wasn't Wilson considered better than Vern before the season started?

You never know what's going to happen. Our line should be our biggest question-mark before the season begins, but for all we know, it could be our biggest strength by the time it ends.
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Cam is going to be beast off the edge, I don't think he will match Vern's production but still should be real good. Wilson and Rose if healthy could be big time sack guys of the edge too. Plus Rose and Heyward can play inside some too. Gibson has shown that he has a ton of potential rushing the passer too. To me the inside guys just need to step it up. I don't see why they couldn't, their definitely is not a lack of talent along the d-line.

I agree with Xcrunner completely.
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Taosman;1104015; said:
I look at the guys on the roster and I don't see a Wil Smith or a even a Big Vern.
And do we have one dominating tackle? Maybe you could slide Cam Heyward down, but that weakens DE.
Looks like we have a bunch of "lunch pail" type guys outside of Heyward.

Once again, it's impossible to know how this group will perform. Did we know Will Smith would be Will Smith his first year here? Did we know Cam Heyward would have the kind of year he had last year? Great players always emerge at Ohio St. I don't understand your pessimistic viewpoint.
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