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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Ohio State football: Breaking down the national title hopes

by Doug Lesmerises Wednesday October 08, 2008, 4:36 PM

AP photoOhio State needs another upset of USC and fullback Stanley Havili, among many other things, to get back in the national title picture.

Ohio State left tackle Alex Boone is waiting for the Buckeyes to move up in the polls.
"That has surprised me," Boone said Tuesday. "Every week I'm kind of like, where are we? And people are like, 14th, and then 14th again and now 12th, and I'm kind of like, man, I thought everybody was losing in front of us? But at the same time anything can happen. Each year the BCS shakes out different and weird."
(If you're the type of person who hates early polls and projecting scenarios and wants to sit back for everything to take care of itself, since anything can happen and you're waiting for college football to go to a playoff anyway ... then you might want to stop reading here.)
(Wait, wait, wait. If you're the kind of person who likes what-ifs and talking about the future, dig in.)
(If you're waiting for more discussion about Steve Rehring missing two series Saturday to go to the bathroom, here's a Boone quote, "I'm sitting on the sidelines and all I know is someone's like, where's Steve going? And I look over and he's running. And I'm like, I don't know why he's running, maybe he forget his mouthguard or something. And he comes back and someone was like, he had to go to the bathroom. I was like, who leaves a football game to go to the bathroom? That's Joe Paterno style.")
To start, let's look at the 11 teams ranked ahead of Ohio State in the Harris Poll and the games they have remaining against other teams ranked ahead of the Buckeyes.
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USC at #4 and Oklahoma State at #10 is an absolute joke.


01. Texas .....(44) 6-0 1,505 05
02. Alabama ...(14) 6-0 1,452 04
03. Penn State .(3) 7-0 1,416 06
04. Southern Cal ...4-1 1,198 09
05. Texas Tech .....6-0 1,195 07
06. Oklahoma .......5-1 1,147 01
07. Florida ........5-1 1,145 12
08. Brigham Young ..6-0 1,143 08
09. Georgia ........5-1 1,010 10
10. Oklahoma State .6-0 ..958 17
11. Ohio State .....6-1 ..920 11
12. Missouri .......5-1 ..886 02
13. Utah ...........7-0 ..819 13
14. LSU ............4-1 ..776 03
15. Kansas .........5-1 ..676 15
16. Boise State ....5-0 ..648 16
17. Michigan State .6-1 ..468 19
18. Virginia Tech ..5-1 ..467 18
19. Wake Forest ....4-1 ..376 21
20. South Florida ..5-1 ..334 20
21. North Carolina .5-1 ..321 NR
22. California .....4-1 ..169 25
23. Vanderbilt .....5-1 ..147 14
24. TCU ............6-1 ..138 NR
25. Ball State .....7-0 ..135 NR

Others receiving votes: Tulsa (6-0) 121; Minnesota (6-1) 55; Florida State (4-1) 49; Pittsburgh (4-1) 45; Georgia Tech (5-1) 31; Northwestern (5-1) 21; Cincinnati (5-1) 18; Oregon (5-2) 14; South Carolina (5-2) 10; Boston College (4-1) 3; Connecticut (5-1) 3; Fresno State (4-2) 2; Notre Dame (4-2) 2; Kentucky (4-2) 1; Miami (Fla.) (3-3) 1.

Dropped out: No. 22 Northwestern (5-1, lost to then-No. 19 Michigan State 37-20), No. 23 Auburn (4-3, lost to Arkansas 25-22), No. 24 Wisconsin (3-3, lost to then-No. 6 Penn State 48-7).
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I'm sorry USC fans, but you tell me there isn't a media bias for Southern Cal. Sanchez through 3 int's against ASU, they struggled to move the ball most of the game...and their defense bailed them out. Sound familiar? And Florida destroys LSU...and USC is ranked higher!! C'mon!! Another thing, I haven't seen a defensive team in the Big12, or anything close to one.
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BuckeyeMac;1289611; said:
Ok State moving up 9 spots in the AP is ridiculous...When we beat PSU, I guess we'll be ranked top 3 then right? :shake::roll2:

I said Okie state's ranking was a joke because it was way too low. They've done more than Texas Tech at this point, they just didn't start out ranked. I voted them #4 this week, based on what they've done this year. I fully expect them to lose a couple games, but their play this year has earned them a #4 spot for me.

I don't look at how many spots somebody should move up or down. I compare teams year-to-date results, and try to slot them based on that. That road win at Mizzou, at this point looks as impressive as anything anybody besides what 'Bama and Texas has done.
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alpo;1289613; said:
I'm sorry USC fans, but you tell me there isn't a media bias for Southern Cal. Sanchez through 3 int's against ASU, they struggled to move the ball most of the game...and their defense bailed them out. Sound familiar? And Florida destroys LSU...and USC is ranked higher!! C'mon!! Another thing, I haven't seen a defensive team in the Big12, or anything close to one.

The Media Poll (AP) has USC ranked #6.


1. Texas (39) 6-0 1,599
2. Alabama (26) 6-0 1,582
3. Penn State 7-0 1,492
4. Oklahoma 5-1 1,306
5. Florida 5-1 1,284
6. USC 4-1 1,247
7. Texas Tech 6-0 1,210
8. Oklahoma State 6-0 1,184
9. Brigham Young 6-0 1,131
10. Georgia 5-1 1,081
11. Missouri 5-1 984
12. Ohio State 6-1 908
13. LSU 4-1 893
14. Utah 7-0 834
15. Boise State 5-0 714
16. Kansas 5-1 620
17. Virginia Tech 5-1 540
18. North Carolina 5-1 416
19. South Florida 5-1 397
20. Michigan State 6-1 371
21. Wake Forest 4-1 330
22. Vanderbilt 5-1 258
23. Pittsburgh 4-1 182
24. Ball State 7-0 166
25. California 4-1 115

Beating PSU is the only opportunity we will have to advance in the polls. We obviously have to win at MSU this week, but I still don't think we will budge in ranking afterwards.

I'm happy to see LSU get dropped. They suffered a bad road loss like we did and got hammered in the polls. Good to see that it wasn't only us that got jobbed.
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Sorry, rocketman, my bad, I hadn't actually seen the AP poll yet, but, I still am not 100% convinced that the coaches themselves actually vote in the USA today poll(another conversation for another time). I agree with everything else you said, though. My little rant wasn't about us and our ranking.
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rocketman;1289623; said:
Beating PSU is the only opportunity we will have to advance in the polls. We obviously have to win at MSU this week, but I still don't think we will budge in ranking afterwards.

I'm happy to see LSU get dropped. They suffered a bad road loss like we did and got hammered in the polls. Good to see that it wasn't only us that got jobbed.

We'll be 10 if we beat MSU and one of the non-traditional powerhouses ahead of us loses (BYU, Texas Tech specifically).

Oklahoma State looks like a damn good team, possibly a top five team.

I don't mind USC's jump.. it is drastic, but I think they're better than both BYU and Texas Tech..
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I disagree a lot with these polls. We have a bad outing, win, and we stay right where we are. USC has a horrible outing, yet move up 3 spots. What gives.? I bet if we win out, even beating PSU at #3, we will only move up maybe a spot, or even 2. If we lose a tight one, we will def drop into the 20's. The polls are so bias against us.

Anyway, I have to disagree with you 3074326, it doesn't matter if you "think" USC is better than both TTU and BYU, they haven't played like it. If you base teams off of their "potential", then we would be number one or two for a very long time. You have to prove it week in and week out.
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