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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

alpo;1282552; said:
Auburn still ranked is a joke.

I wouldn't count us completely out yet, though, provided we win out and get decidedly more impressive each week...especially on defense, because I believe we will on offense. I agree, no pollster is going to give us any breaks this year whatsoever, but, at the same time, I don't think anybody goes undefeated, even Oklahoma, speaking of which, the part that constantly nags me about them is that while we were getting so called 'torched' in the last 2 NC's, OK was getting embarrassed in BCS games by considerably lesser opponents, (Boise State and West Virginia), yet no talking heads ever seem to remember or harbor any OK hate.

Anyway, you gotta figure the Big12 and SEC are going to start knocking each other off starting next week. If we're still rolling when we entertain Penn State, and then bump them off in a big way...who knows.

I see what you're saying, but that's just gonna be a logjam of one loss teams ahead of us. Also, if we do knock off State Penn, I think we all know they'll just be called "overrated".
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A win over Penn State may see us ranked about #7. We will not rise higher on voter's dance cards because they will not want to take a chance that we get into the NC game.

We can still get into a BCS bowl and we can still finish #2 in the country. This season is not over and the teams above us have a lot of losing to do.

The wildcard in all of this is the Ohio State offense. Start putting 40 points on the board and we'll see movement.
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Ohio State football: Buckeyes edge up in the polls

by Doug Lesmerises Sunday October 05, 2008, 1:25 PM

Ohio State moved up slightly in the polls after its 20-17 win at Wisconsin on Saturday night. The Buckeyes went up one spot to No. 11 in the coaches poll and moved up two spots to No. 12 in the AP poll released this afternoon.
The difference was Florida, which is ranked ahead of the Buckeyes in the AP and behind OSU in the coaches poll.
Basically, the Buckeyes moved only because teams ahead of them lost - South Florida in the coaches poll and South Florida and Auburn in the AP poll. While beating a ranked team on the road, Ohio State did not jump any teams in front of them that did not lose.
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osugrad21;1282875; said:

My AP ballot
1. Alabama
2. Oklahoma
3. Missouri
4. Penn State
5. Texas
6. Vanderbilt
7. LSU
8. Texas Tech
9. Oklahoma State
10. Utah
11. BYU
12. USC
13. Ohio State
14. Georgia
15. Florida
16. Virginia Tech
17. Boise State
18. California
19. Pitt
20. South Florida
21. Michigan State
22. Ball State
23. Northwestern
24. Wake Forest
25. Florida State

AYFKM? What an idiot! I don't mind tOSU's place, but Vandy and Utah in the top 10?

Screw the pollsters. They're idiots.
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While I think Oklahoma State has put up some pretty big numbers on offense this year but #9 is stretching it. They have played a couple of decent teams and they are unbeaten but they won't be for long so it's only a matter of time for them.

However, putting Vanderbilt:shake: up there to #6 is ridiculous just because they beat Auburn. They only beat South Carolina by 7 and only to down a mighty Rice team by 17 at home.

In addition, what is Pittsburgh:blush: and South Florida doing up there. Pittsburgh loses to Bowling Green and they are ranked #15... please. They haven't even played anyone else except for South Florida and South Florida lost to them at home so USF doesn't even belong in the top 25 either until they beat a quality opponent and I don't think you find much quality in the Big East.

I also think Illinois can beat quite a few teams that are ranked from 15-25.
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TheIronColonel;1283598; said:
I hope I'm not the only person who realizes that Ball State would beat Auburn by 3 touchdowns. It's a complete fucking travesty that they're even sniffing the top 25 right now.

Their defense is keeping them in it. They shouldn't be there, but it's an SEC school. They're all top 25 teams, duh.

Been saying this all along, but we're out.. it doesn't matter that we have a different team. We're still Ohio State. Next year will be a clean slate with Pryor and the other frosh.
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The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
The O-Zone has posted the BCS rankings for this week for the information currently available (two of the six computer rankings haven't been released yet).

tOSU comes in at 13

Top 25:
1 Oklahoma
2 Alabama
3 Missouri
4 Texas
6 Penn State
8 Vanderbilt
9 Utah
10 Georgia
11 Texas Tech
12 BYU
13 Ohio State
14 Boise State
15 Florida
16 Virginia Tech
17 Northwestern
18 Kansas
19 Oklahoma State
20 Michigan State
21 Ball State
22 Wake Forest
23 South Florida
24 Georgia Tech
25 North Carolina

Computer Rankings:
1 Alabama
2 Vanderbilt
3 Missouri
4 Oklahoma
5 Utah
6 Texas
7 Northwestern
8 Penn State
9 Boise State
10 Georgia
11 Virginia Tech
12 Ball State
13 USC
14 LSU
15 Ohio State
16 Michigan State
17 Texas Tech
18 Georgia Tech
19 Wake Forest
20 Oklahoma State
21 BYU
22 North Carolina
23 Duke
24 California
25 Tulsa
Bold indicates WTF factor.
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mross34;1284131; said:
The-Ozone, Ohio State Football, Wrestling, Softball, Basketball, Hockey, Baseball and More
The O-Zone has posted the BCS rankings for this week for the information currently available (two of the six computer rankings haven't been released yet).

tOSU comes in at 13

Top 25:

Computer Rankings:

Bold indicates WTF factor.

I'll say! What The Phuk!!!!! #2 Vanderbilt#5 Utah, #7 Northwestern,?
What dimwitted computer spit this out? I know which one I am just pizzed!:[censored]ed:
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