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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Phil's Top 62 Quarterbacks

#2 Curtis Painter (Purdue)
#7 Todd Boeckman (Ohio State)
#25 Kellen Lewis (Indiana)
#33 Juice Williams (Illinois)
#48 Brian Hoyer (Michigan State)
#50 Adam Weber (Minnesota)
#56 CJ Bacher (Northwestern)
#59 Jake Christensen (Iowa)

Phil's Top 66 Running Backs

#1 Beanie Wells (Ohio State)
#6 Javon Ringer (Michigan State)
#12 PJ Hill (Wisconsin)
#17 Tyrell Sutton (Northwestern)
#32 Kory Sheets (Purdue)
#44 Evan Royster (Penn State)
#45 Marcus Thigpen (Indiana)
#49 Carlos Brown (Michigan)
#50 Brandon Minor (Michigan)
#56 Kevin Grady (Michigan)

Phil's Top 67 Wide Recievers

#11 Brian Robiskie (Ohio State)
#17 Derrick Williams (Penn State)
#22 Greg Matthews (Michigan)
#27 Greg Orton (Pudue)
#32 Eric Decker (Minnesota)
#33 Arrelious Benn (Illinois)
#44 Deon Butler (Penn State)
#48 Andy Brodell (Iowa)
#50 Ray Small (Ohio State)
#51 Brian Hartline (Ohio State)
#59 Kyle Jefferson (Wisconsin)
#65 Jordan Norwood (Penn State)

Phil's Top 41 Tight Ends

#2 Travis Beckum (Wisconsin)
#8 Andrew Quarless (Penn State)
#17 Tony Moeaki (Iowa)
#24 Garrett Graham (Wisconsin)
#27 Jeff Cumberland (Illinois)
#38 Jake Ballard (Ohio State)
#40 Rory Nicol (Ohio State)
#41 Jack Simmons (Minnesota)

Phil's Top 25 Fullbacks

#2 Chris Pressley (Wisconsin)
#17 Dan Lawlor (Penn State)

Phil's Top 40 Centers

#7 AQ Shipley (Penn State)
#11 Ryan McDonals (Illinois)
#14 Rafael Eubanks (Iowa)
#15 Jim Cordle (Ohio State)
#28 John Moffitt (Wisconsin)

Phil's Top 60 Guards

#5 Steve Rehring (Ohio State)
#7 Kraig Urbik (Wisconsin)
#13 Roland Martin (Michigan State)
#19 Andy Kemp (Wisconsin)
#20 Seth Olsen (Iowa)
#22 Dan Doering (Iowa)
#23 Rich Ohrnberger (Penn State)
#26 Ben Person (Ohio State)
#52 Pete Saxon (Indiana)
#56 DJ Burris (Minnesota)
#58 Nedward Tavale (Minnesota)

Phil's Top 60 Tackles

#1 Alex Boone (Ohio State)
#7 Sean Sester (Purdue)
#15 eric Vanden Heuvel (Wisconsin)
#17 Stephen Schilling (Michigan)
#26 Gabe Carimi (Wisconsin)
#43 Dace Richardson (Iowa)
#55 Xavier Fulton (Illinois)

Phil's Top 60 Defensive Ends

#3 Maruice Evans (Penn State)
#5 Greg Middleton (Indiana)
#7 Matt Shaughnessy (Wisconsin)
#10 Tim Jameson (Michigan)
#17 Lawrence Wilson (Ohio State)
#25 Brandon Graham (Michigan)
#35 Corey Wootton (Northwestern)
#37 Will Davis (Illinois)
#39 Willie VanDeSteeg (Minnesota)
#50 Rob Rose (Ohio State)
#52 Cameron Heyward (Ohio State)
#60 Derek Walker (Illinois)

Phil's Top 60 Defensive Tackles

#5 Terrance Taylor (Michigan)
#9 Mitch King (Iowa)
#19 John Gill (Northwestern)
#32 Matt Kroul (Iowa)
#34 Doug Worthington (Ohio State)
#35 Will Johnson (Michigan)
#36 Phillip Taylor (Penn State)
#41 Greg Brown (Indiana)
#42 Dexter Larimore (Ohio State)
#44 Jason Chapman (Wisconsin)
#46 D'Angelo McCray (Illinois)
#55 Jared Odrick (Penn State)
#56 Chris Baker (Penn State

Phil's Top 55 Inside Linebackers

#1 James Laurinaitis (Ohio State)
#13 Obi Ezeh (Michigan)
#37 Elijah Hodge (Wisconsin)
#38 Chris Colasanti (Penn State)

Phil's Top 66 Outside Linebackers

#2 Marcus Freeman (Ohio State)
#6 Anthony Heygood (Purdue)
#8 Sean Lee (Penn State)
#20 DeAndre Levy (Wisconsin)
#24 Jonathan Casillas (Wisconsin)
#25 Steve Davis (Minnesota)
#26 Ross Homan (Ohio State)
#30 Martez Wilson (Illinois)
#32 Will Patterson (Indiana)
#33 Eric Gordon (Michigan State)
#35 AJ Edds (Iowa)
#37 Tyrell Sales (Penn State)
#40 Greg Jones (Michigan State)
#48 Jonas Mouton (Michigan)

Phil's Top 65 Cornerbacks

#1 Malcolm Jenkins (Ohio State)
#2 Vontae Davis (Illinois)
#11 AJ Wallace (Penn State)
#17 Donald Washington (Ohio State)
#25 Donovan Warren (Michigan)
#34 Morgan Trent (Michigan)
#40 Allan Langsford (Wisconsin)
#44 Chimdi Chekwa (Ohio State)

Phil's Top 44 Free Safties

#6 Anderson Russel (Ohio State)
#7 Shane Carter (Wisconsin)
#26 Steve Brown (Michigan)
#39 Nick Polk (Indiana)

Phil's Top 44 Strong Safties

#8 Anthony Scirrotto (Penn State)
#17 Kurt Coleman (Ohio State)
#30 Austin Thomas (Indiana)
#31 Otis Wiley (Michigan State)
#33 Tori Williams (Michigan State)

Phil's Top 23 Kickers

#6 Austin Starr (Indiana)
#15 Kevin Kelly (Penn State)
#20 Ryan Pretorious (Ohio State)

Phil's Top 22 Punters

#10 Jeremy Boone (Penn State)
#12 AJ Trepasso (Ohio State)
#15 Ryan Donahue (Iowa)

Phil's Top 20 Kick Returners

#3 AJ Wallace (Penn State)
#17 Arrelious Benn (Illinois)
#20 Marcus Thigpen (Indiana)

Phil's Top 21 Punt Returners

#5 Derrick Williams
#13 Andy Brodell (Iowa)`
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He has Small over Hartline??? #50 & #51, I know, but at this point in their careers I don't think it's even close imo.

BH should be much higher, and until he does something more on the field, I'm surprised that Ray is even that high in the ranks...but definitely should not be ahead of Hartline no matter where you feel he is in the grand scheme of WRs.

Having said that, hopefully Ray comes into his own this year and realizes all the expectations I had for him when he commited back when. How deadly would that be!?! :biggrin:



I'm also surprised Cam Heyward didn't get a little more 'love' with the great Frosh Season he had. And no B-Saine in the top 50 RBs, but scUM's third string is shown? (maybe Brandon hasn't shown enough yet...but how much more have all 3 Mich backs shown?)
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Phil Steele's 2008 Top Individual Units


#11 Purdue
#12 Ohio State
#18 Indiana
#24 Minnesota
#29 Illinois

Running Backs:

#1 Ohio State
#6 Wisconsin
#19 Northwestern
#21 Michigan State
#25 Michigan

Wide Receivers:

#6 Ohio State
#17 Penn State
#21 Wisconsin

Offensive Line:

#2 Ohio State
#6 Wisconsin
#10 Penn State
#12 Iowa
#23 Illinois

Defensive Line:

#2 Penn State
#3 Ohio State
#8 Michigan
#18 Illinois
#19 Iowa


#1 Ohio State
#20 Wisconsin
#27 Penn State

Defensive Backs:

#2 Ohio State
#13 Michigan
#16 Penn State

Special Teams:

#2 Penn State
#5 Ohio State
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Funny how losing to SC is a foregone conclusion, according to Athlon Sports. I am actually glad that everybody is down on OSU, again, so that we can have the last laugh leaving the Coliseum.
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tonystarx;1182664; said:
Funny how losing to SC is a foregone conclusion, according to Athlon Sports. I am actually glad that everybody is down on OSU, again, so that we can have the last laugh leaving the Coliseum.

Seriously. Athlon has some serious distaste for the Buckeyes. The editor of the magazine would apparently rather watch the NCAA Flowboarding championships than another BCS title game with the Buckeyes as a participant.
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Shivvy77;1182671; said:
Seriously. Athlon has some serious distaste for the Buckeyes. The editor of the magazine would apparently rather watch the NCAA Flowboarding championships than another BCS title game with the Buckeyes as a participant.

Yeah, it's pretty obvious. Athlon's editors could have at least told the writers that not every mention of Ohio State needs to include a recap of the NC games.
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OregonBuckeye;1172886; said:
His rankings are usually pretty bad, IMO. But, he provides a lot of info and that's what I love about the magazine.

Yep, still feel this way.

Robo, Hartline, Ballard, and Heyward are all too low, especially the latter 3. Ask Jake Long if he thinks there are 50+ DE's better than Cam Heyward in the county.
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Phil has us in the BCSNCG vs. Florida. Just got the magazine last night.

The magazine isn't supposed to be a fortune teller, it's information first (clearly) and predictions as an added bonus.

And he does have his annual "In 2002, only 2 other magazines picked Ohio State to win the Big10, I picked them as my #1 Dark Horse contender, and they went out and shocked #1 Miami FL and won the National Championship!" shpeil.
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