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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

An article that than mentions the Buckeyes without a negative comment. I'm confused. Also of note:
There are apparently 4 better teams in the Big 12 (OU, UT, Missouri, TT) better than Big 10 # 2 (Wisconsin # 16),
Also from the Big 10 Illinois 18 and Penn State 24
Ntre Ame makes an appearance at #25. I'm willing to bet they win 8 games and sneak in with that schedule and get whooped in a bowl game they don't belong in.

Edit for More:
3 ACC (#6 Clemson, #20 VT, #22 WF) Clemson seems a bit high. I don't think I could put them in any top ten until 7-8 games into any season. Aren't we always waiting on them to explode.
1 more B12 (KU at #17) for 5 Total
5 SEC (#1 UGA,5 UF, 10 Auburn 12 LSU 14 UT) Not too many, but UT and 1 of Auburn, LSU feel high.
2 Big East (#7 WVU, 19 Pitt) Probably right. Prediction Rutgers makes it into the top 25.
3 Pac 10 (#4 USC, 15 ASU, 21 Oregon) It's highly possible is better than that.
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I am not surprised that the Big Ten teams are ranked so poorly in preseason polls. It is time that our conference brothers took care of business in the preseason and then shined in the OOCs.

We need a couple of marquee wins and some solid performances. Do that, and the rankings will take care of themselves.
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I think outside of the Buckeyes, MSU might be the most important team to the conference. Say they beat a Cal and bowl-bound ND out of conference. That would be huge amounts of credibility to the conference. I will also be rooting for the Illini in the Missouri game. It was close last year, but unfortunately, no Rashard this year. Those could be some huge wins. Don't think State Penn plays anyone to report out of conference. And like the most of you, I think scUM may be bad out of conference including losses to Utah and Notre Dame. As far as I can remeber Wisky plays Fresno State which may or may not mean anything.

So MSU is really important.
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Wisky-Fresno State is only important if Fresno State wins, unfortunately. Penn State has Oregon State and Syracuse on the schedule and Purdue has Oregon on the schedule. Those could all help the conference image, and as far as I can tell they're all winnable games. Fortunately Michigan doesn't have any huge OOC games (Utah? Nah.) that will embarrass the conference. They might lose to some 1a non-BCS teams, but at least they don't have anything like last year's Oregon game looming on the horizon.

Oh, and I think OSU plays some team from California this year. Not sure, I need to double check.
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Wisky-Fresno State is only important if Fresno State wins, unfortunately. Penn State has Oregon State and Syracuse on the schedule and Purdue has Oregon on the schedule. Those could all help the conference image, and as far as I can tell they're all winnable games. Fortunately Michigan doesn't have any huge OOC games (Utah? Nah.) that will embarrass the conference. They might lose to some 1a non-BCS teams, but at least they don't have anything like last year's Oregon game looming on the horizon.

Oh, and I think OSU plays some team from California this year. Not sure, I need to double check.
The Oregon State and Syracuse games also only matter if State Penn lose. Oregon State is supposed to be bad. And Syracuse is ... well... Syracuse. I really doubt Purdon't can beat Oregon.

Also look at the first part of my statement.
Outside of the Buckeyes
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Fresno is getting some solid pre-season hype as the next Boise State (then again, BYU is getting the same too)

So Wisky taking care of business is quite crucial. Purdue beating Oregon really helps, then obviously tOSU - USC.
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t_BuckeyeScott;1192714; said:
Oregon is well coached team with solid talent and a great offensive team.Oregon should win easy.

mercer_buckeye;1192719; said:
I don't know that I would call a spread offense with an entirely new backfield a great offense.

Good point mercer, but to me the bigger issue is that this game is in West Lafayette. How will the Ducks handle the travel, time-zone, crowd and smell?
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mercer_buckeye;1192719; said:
I don't know that I would call a spread offense with an entirely new backfield a great offense.

Lost track of what I was saying. I meant scheme, not team.

DaddyBigBucks;1192742; said:
Good point mercer, but to me the bigger issue is that this game is in West Lafayette. How will the Ducks handle the travel, time-zone, crowd and smell?

They managed pretty well in Ann Arbor last year. I also believe they've got an underrated defense that will return 7-8 starters.
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