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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

lvbuckeye;1185598; said:
Beanie is front and center on Phil Steele's national edition... it's a great mag. absolutely loaded with information...
How can I get my hands on it? As long as he doesn't trash (and not necessarily glorify either) Ohio State I'd take time to read it.
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tonystarx;1186210; said:
How can I get my hands on it? As long as he doesn't trash (and not necessarily glorify either) Ohio State I'd take time to read it.

Should be at any major book store. Barnes & Noble or Borders, etc. I have even heard of a Walmart having it.

It's my favorite magazine, hands down. However, he is pretty proud of himself.
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OregonBuckeye;1189566; said:
Is that Phil Steele's rankings?

Phil Steele's unit rankings for us are:

_______________National_____Big 10
Quarterbacks _____#12________#1
Running Backs ____#1_________#1
Receivers ________#6_________#1
Offensive Line ____#2_________#1
Defensive Line ____#3_________#2 (behind Penn State)
Linebackers ______#1_________#1
Defensive Backs __#2_________#1
Special Teams ____#5_________#2 (behind Penn State)
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Buckeye86;1189584; said:
Phil Steele's unit rankings for us are:

_______________National_____Big 10
Quarterbacks _____#12________#1
Running Backs ____#1_________#1
Receivers ________#6_________#1
Offensive Line ____#2_________#1
Defensive Line ____#3_________#2 (behind Penn State)
Linebackers ______#1_________#1
Defensive Backs __#2_________#1
Special Teams ____#5_________#2 (behind Penn State)

We all already knew this but seeing that is just more confirmation of how loaded we are on paper. This team is dripping with talent, experience, and depth. Thanks for posting those. I really want to go out and buy one myself but they're too damn expensive.
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OregonBuckeye;1189585; said:
We all already knew this but seeing that is just more confirmation of how loaded we are on paper. This team is dripping with talent, experience, and depth. Thanks for posting those. I really want to go out and buy one myself but they're too damn expensive.
That's what spending an hour or two at Barnes and Nobles (or the like) is for :wink:
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Buckeye86;1189584; said:
Phil Steele's unit rankings for us are:

_______________National_____Big 10
Quarterbacks _____#12________#1
Running Backs ____#1_________#1
Receivers ________#6_________#1
Offensive Line ____#2_________#1
Defensive Line ____#3_________#2 (behind Penn State)
Linebackers ______#1_________#1
Defensive Backs __#2_________#1
Special Teams ____#5_________#2 (behind Penn State)

They have us #5 in special teams huh? I'd say that's pretty generous. I think that is the one are we definately need to improve on this coming season. Return game, kicking game, return coverage...

Maybe Steele knows JT well enough to know that after last season, this year our special teams will be much more special! :biggrin:
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I remember seeing a website quote the #3 D-line ranking and assuming they had it mixed up with the O-line. Are there any Buckeye D-linmen ranked nationally? Seems like Steele has a much higher opinion of our D-line than most of the people on this board. :tongue2:
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generaladm;1189595; said:
I remember seeing a website quote the #3 D-line ranking and assuming they had it mixed up with the O-line. Are there any Buckeye D-linmen ranked nationally? Seems like Steele has a much higher opinion of our D-line than most of the people on this board. :tongue2:
DL talk often gets caught up in the terrors on the edge, and Wilson, Heyward are a pretty good duo (maybe not unanimous #3 good). Hopefully the struggles of youth are put behind them, especially inside.
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If you guys know where to get these on the internet I'd love to have one (or a few). I'm stuck in SE Asia (I know...poor me), but I do have a US-based APO address so it's just like shipping to California. If you happen to stumble upon one, please PM me or post here.
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