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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

I wonder just how good the SEC will be this year? LSU has QB issues and lost major talent. Tennessee needs a QB and has under performed in recent years. Georgia, media seems to really love them, but they almost always lose to Florida. Auburn could be very good. But they are installing a new offense and that defense was over rated last year. Bama? Naaa. Which leaves Florida to win it all. Is there another team Florida's equal in the SEC?
Not on face value it seems. And they're schedule sets up very well. I don't see them losing more than one if that.
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Shivvy77;1178223; said:
There seems to be lots of pre-season chatter about a Florida v. Ohio State rematch in the BCS Nat'l Championship game. I'd relish a rematch against the Gators but I'd prefer not to play them in Miami.
I don't think playing in Miami would be that big of a deal, we'd still bring more fans and have the majority of the stadium.
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Taosman;1178367; said:
I wonder just how good the SEC will be this year? LSU has QB issues and lost major talent. Tennessee needs a QB and has under performed in recent years. Georgia, media seems to really love them, but they almost always lose to Florida. Auburn could be very good. But they are installing a new offense and that defense was over rated last year. Bama? Naaa. Which leaves Florida to win it all. Is there another team Florida's equal in the SEC?
Not on face value it seems. And they're schedule sets up very well. I don't see them losing more than one if that.
If we win every game 42-41, then I would agree with you.:(

Our run defense is suspect. Beanie would feast on us.
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Taosman;1178291; said:
Wonder who the UM fans would pull for if a Florida vs OSU game happens?

Go down to a local mall and ask them, they'll be the kids wearing the new USC gear.

Seriously though, its like asking an OSU fan who they are going to root for in a ND/scUM game. The hate runs deep.
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