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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

I always get Phil Steele's magazine. People do the same thing every year, complain about his rankings, but when the dust settles, his are closer than the rest of the preseason magazines.

I AM like a lot of you, I could really do without the article that will no doubt be in this years magazine that praises his success. He always says "I had Ohio State as one of my strongest dark horse teams, when no other team had them ranked in the top 25. They went on to win the Nation...." blah blah blah.

Dude, we know you're good, that's why your magazine sells.

Also, I would pay $5 more for the magazine if every 10 pages wasn't an ad for "Sum Doosh, the Best Handicapper! Five 90-Star picks,....EVERY WEEK! 61.58% over the last 4 years!" Ugh.

Those are my only gripes, I enjoy the magazine thoroughly. I'm getting Blue Ribbon in the mail this year as well, and Phil Steele's was mailed out today. Already have Lindy's and Athlon's sucks anyway.

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jwinslow;1175254; said:
Darrell Scott is 2nd team All-B12 per Steele :roll2:
In other words he thinks he's one of the top four backs in the Big XII. Doesn't seem unreasonable. Running back is the easiest position to come in as a freshman and make an impact(it happens every year) and the Big XII is pretty thin at running back after the departure of Charles, Temple and Patrick. I really don't see four backs in that conference that I can say for sure are better and I definitely don't think there are four that have more talent. I fully expect him to go over 1,000 yards and I wouldn't be totally shocked if he made first team.
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I always get Phil Steele's magazine. People do the same thing every year, complain about his rankings, but when the dust settles, his are closer than the rest of the preseason magazines.

I AM like a lot of you, I could really do without the article that will no doubt be in this years magazine that praises his success. He always says "I had Ohio State as one of my strongest dark horse teams, when no other team had them ranked in the top 25. They went on to win the Nation...." blah blah blah.

Dude, we know you're good, that's why your magazine sells.

Also, I would pay $5 more for the magazine if every 10 pages wasn't an ad for "Sum Doosh, the Best Handicapper! Five 90-Star picks,....EVERY WEEK! 61.58% over the last 4 years!" Ugh.

Those are my only gripes, I enjoy the magazine thoroughly. I'm getting Blue Ribbon in the mail this year as well, and Phil Steele's was mailed out today. Already have Lindy's and Athlon's sucks anyway.

athlon has beaten steele the last three years in terms of accuracy.

this is according to athlon.....so that may or may not be totally accurate.
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mstevmac;1177142; said:
Football: Athlon Ranks Buckeyes Second - The Ohio State Buckeyes Official Athletics Site - OhioStateBuckeyes.com


This is the news report from OSU's official site. There is a link in the article to go directly to Athlon.

Athlon Sports Preseason Top 25
4. USC
9. LSU


Florida @ #1??? WTF?

Yeah, it's bogus. I don't even see scUM or N tre ame.
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Unit Rankings

Lindy's has them in detail. Lindyssports.com is what's in the mag. I keep my annuals and reread them when the new ones come out. Like to see how accurate (and also like to see how many Ohio boys are in the two deeps of other B10 schools).

Folks, just remember, 'opinions are like a_ _ holes' - everyone's got one. These guys make their living from these mags, and why do you think there's regional issues? Because they can spin the information differently to each section of the country, appealing to each market. That's called product differentiation, and it works.

I buy Midwest editions (Steve, call or e-mail and they'll ask which cover/edition you want) (Don't know if they've got a South Africa edition, though), as well as a Pac10 issue of Athlon. I read it and then give to our minister that is a die-hard (imagine that) USC booster. The comparisons are sometimes vivid, and sometimes subtle.

Just read and enjoy. In 2002 OSU was ranked 13th. We won. Two years ago, we were ranked 1/2 (with Notre Dame), we made it to the BCS game, they didn't (and we lost). Last year OSU was ranked 13th again - 'it would be unrealistic to think OSU could go back to the BSC based on all the offensive firepower they lost' - OSU DID make it, but lost.......take the Stats in, and make your own predictions, I do.....review from year to year and see who's right......

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger:Nothing eloquent or astounding, just plain folks.
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Shivvy77;1178223; said:
There seems to be lots of pre-season chatter about a Florida v. Ohio State rematch in the BCS Nat'l Championship game. I'd relish a rematch against the Gators but I'd prefer not to play them in Miami.

The Gators? It wouldn't mattered where we would play against them.
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I agree that the lionization of Georgia for '08 is mostly unfounded. Sure, they will have a solid squad, but I would expect to see 2-3 loses at the end of the season. The thing that always strikes me when watching SEC/southern teams is how sloppy and out of control they play. Seems like every other series ends with the ball bouncing arond on the turf, and 22 guys tripping over each other. Anyone remember the USF/Auburn game? For most of the game, USF's offense went backwards and punted, only to get the ball back two plays later, when the Tigers coughed it up. A lot of the "big" plays you see in the SEC are actually broken plays. Playing out of control can work sometimes, especially for teams that like to all out blitz, but eventually that style will cost you at least one game. Apparently, a lot of people see teams jump around and pound their chests after every play and assume that they must be the most skilled. If UGA can make it thru their conference with less than two losses and buck the SEC annual tradition of losing to a chump (Kentucky, S. Carolina, Ole Miss, Miss St., UL Lafayette all qualify), then I would put them in the top 3. I just don't see it happening.
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