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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Gatorubet;1170417; said:
I was skimming a few of those pre-season rags at Barnes & Noble, and threw one of them (Athlon?) back on the rack after I saw "Quarterback concerns" as a negative on the positives/negatives quick review box about the '08 Gators. :shake:

i can't imagine that referring to anything other than the worry that tebow might get injured or something. i know urban is supposed to be developing an honest to God ground game this year, but if he doesn't... yeesh. i saw what happened in the bowl game, that was brutal. tebow can't take punishment like that for another year, can he?
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1169999; said:

:biggrin: I'll get that signature
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Notre Dame on the Big Ten cover. :shake:

I thought Notre Dame was too big for a conference because they are a "national program." After last year I think they would fit it better on this cover.


Will Notre Dame win the Commander-in-Chief trophy!? the suspense is killing me.
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How Hard is it to Hit Percy Harvin on a ten yard crossing pattern?`

Darn hard.......with all of that SEC speed, he's from sideline to sideline in a blink of an eye. All Tebow has to do is not blink, and throw at the left hash as soon as the ball is snapped, and Percey will be across from the right hash just that fast :biggrin:.

On the other hand, when you've got the reigning Heisman winner back at Qback, it's kinda hard to say with a straight face that there's 'qback questions'.....or that Michigan was higher in the recruiting than OSU....

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