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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Buckeneye;1163799; said:
Honestly, that game outcome could have been the complete opposite if it wasnt for a few things..... Robo dropping that sure TD pass didnt help either.

You know, I keep seeing that, but it was not a drop. The defender made one of the best plays of the season on that ball, and still pics showing the ball it Robo's hands don't do it justice from a factual standpoint. The ball was never in his control and it was slapped out in a brilliant bit of defensive work.

And - yeah - had it been six, the whole game dynamic could have changed. I personally think that the monkey on the back thing is stronger than you think, and that you started to play tight when LSU blocked the FG. I sensed a "Oh shit- not again!" vibe in the house that may have made good athletes play tight. It happened to UF in the 70s amd 80s, when no matter how good we were we knew we would lose to the mutts. In the Ball Coaches regime and after, the mutts knew that they would lose, despite having a better team than us numerous times.

I think you played tight from the late second quarter on, and the Buck offensive play calling fed into that.
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TheIronColonel;1163663; said:
[sarcasm]I agree completely. Anthony Gonzalez couldn't get open because he's too slow. Brian Robiskie couldn't get open because he's too slow.

Also, Florida didn't live on 5-7 yard passes because of the 10 yard cushions we gave their receivers at the line of scrimmage. It's because they're waaaaaay too fast for our DBs to cover. Our all-american DBs. Who run in the 4.3-4.4 range.[/sarcasm]

Speed is just a convenient excuse that people who can't identify flaws in offensive or defensive schemes use to justify a win or loss. That's it. There is one and only one guy (no, not Percy Harvin - Ginn was just as fast) in the last two NCG games who had frightening speed that we couldn't match at all: Trindon Holliday. That's hardly a fault with OSU, though, because here's the thing - no one else has anyone who can run with him either. So go ahead, keep believing that speed is the problem. Be my guest.

Yea their stats from those games back that up well.
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Gatorubet;1163278; said:

Seriously, fucking beat USC and the speed noise will subside. I mean, they are the Gods of Football, and even when they don't play in the BCS Championship Game, they still can be co-champs. Clean their fucking clock in LA, and the speed/skill subject can be essentially dropped.

Yep! All assumptions/guesses/scarlet and gray glasses/claims will be on the field. They roll,and there is no turning back. I will DEFINITELY be waiting to see what TB brings to that game. I think that's what a lot of the qb discussion/fears or whatever are based on in the other thread.
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Gatorubet;1164020; said:
You know, I keep seeing that, but it was not a drop. The defender made one of the best plays of the season on that ball,

He had the ball for just a split second and should have had the presence of mind to adjust accordingly to the defender. I'll agree, it was a brilliant defensive play, but Robo should have caught that pass.
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Lindy's Rankings.....

Top 25
1. Georgia
2. USC
3. Ohio State
4. Oklahoma
5. Missouri
6. Florida
7. Lsu
8. Texas
9. Clemson
10. West Virginia
11. Wisconsin
12. BYU
13. Auburn
14. Arizona State
15. Kansas
16. Texas Tech
17. Wake Forest
18. Illinois
19. South Florida
20. Alabama
21. Oregon
22. Fresno State
23. Pittsburgh
24. Tennessee
25. Florida State

...oh and *insert random joke* at this Athlon cover.....

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TheIronColonel;1166221; said:
From about 17 through 25, it looks like he just drew names out of a hat. Alabama at 20 kind of surprises me...didn't they finish like 7-6 and lose to Louisiana-Monroe last year?

You aren't supposed to look at any of the preseason from 15 on up. They just stick teams in there that are typically good and no one cares. Besides, now that Alabama has Nick Saban, no sports writer who wants to make any fans on a national level can leave Alabama out of the preseason top 25. I wouldn't be surprised to see Notre Dame in the top 25. Ok -Maybe a little surprised.
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Holy hell, I wasn't looking at the dates and saw the post above that a pre season publication had picked scUM over OSU and about fell out of my chair.

The sick part is I was going to start reading it to see how they were going to spin the RR and Zarwis thing into a B10 championship this year.
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I was skimming a few of those pre-season rags at Barnes & Noble, and threw one of them (Athlon?) back on the rack after I saw "Quarterback concerns" as a negative on the positives/negatives quick review box about the '08 Gators. :shake:
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