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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1162574; said:
While I agree, Phil would do better to write strictly about the upcoming teams and their players and what his little formulas tell him each team will do this year, and spend much less time recapping what successes he's told us all about in the past....

I haven't done more than browse through it in the book store, but I'm pretty sure he called a title run last year in one of his "simulations" or whatever he calls them, so I'm sure this years version will have a nice recap of that call.

I obviously follow the Bucks much closer than any other team, but his magazine has much less blatantly wrong/woefully outdated information about the Bucks than any other I have read (Athlon, Sporting News ect.) so I assume that his info on other teams is equally up to date and accurate, bragging about past predictions notwithstanding.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1162580; said:
Which is what? That it's good enough that almost half of it is ranked top 25 in the nation?

Well I guess you could say that...but then wonder why they say "much tougher" and not just tougher schedule. I think the SEC has proved in more of the media's eyes why someone would say that,but maybe that's just me.
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Buckeye86;1162586; said:
I obviously follow the Bucks much closer than any other team, but his magazine has much less blatantly wrong/woefully outdated information about the Bucks than any other I have read (Athlon, Sporting News ect.) so I assume that his info on other teams is equally up to date and accurate, bragging about past predictions notwithstanding.

Absolutely agree (I deleted the part about last year's mag, as I didn't get it (That is, the mag, I understood what you said :p ). While I did find a couple of "mistakes" with his spring game recaps, or what incoming frosh were playing whatever position, they are not many and he does seem to be more about hyping his own scales/matrix/simulations than any particular team. He just lets the data spit out whatever it spits out, and reports it and doesn't seem to play favorites, I guess. Anyway, I've used his mag to draft fantasy teams, and I've always found his info to be reliable for the larger part.
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I love the newfound superiority the SEC Fans all have because of the past 2 years. Including those 2 years, the SEC has won 6 National Championships in 27 years (1980). And I'm not counting 2003, because USC would have taken that lethargic LSU team to the woodshed. That's not really superior considering the Big10 has 4, the Big12 has 6, and the Pac10 has 3.

Also consider the fact that just recently SEC teams have begun to play teams west of the Mississippi River and north of the Mason-Dixon line...think about it. How many times has the SEC been involved in a HUGE early season out of conference game? NEVER. Don't give me Tennessee/Cal or Arkansas/USC. Arkansas has been an SEC whipping boy for most of the past decade, and Tennessee never turns out to be a National Championship contender because they can't get out of their conference.

I can't speak for the entire Big10, but it's funny that people come to argue with Ohio State fans about how the Big10 "sucks" when compared to the godly SEC.

Since we're Ohio State, everyone will take a shot at us. Take last year for example. It was a year between a home/home with Texas, and a home/home with USC. Since we didn't play a huge game, we were chastised for having a weak schedule.

Let's see Florida/Georgia/LSU schedule someone who's a National Title Contender. Until then, shut your fucking mouth, and have fun with your shitty OOC Schedule, featuring Troy, Alabama-Birmingham and Marshall.
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Poll rankings don't win or lose games. We're everybody's season highlight, everybody's reason to train throughout the off-season. everybody's obsession, until after we play them. Then, we're those lucky Buckeyes who caught us on the worst day of our season when we just couldn't get our game together.
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Don't lose sight of the fact that, right now, the SEC is the premiere conference. That may not have always been true (in fact, I believe it hasn't always been true) and it may not be true in the future. But it's true right now.

All of this SEC conference jibber jabber is the fallout from Auburn getting snubbed for Oklahoma a few years back. I don't think Auburn would have faired any better against USC, but it's the perception of being slighted more than the act of being slighted that draws the ire of fans. There has been a 5 year SEC conference superiority campaign to make sure that the SEC champion never gets slighted again, whether they actually deserve a title shot or not. I happen to believe that in 2006, Florida probably didn't deserve their title shot (although they certainly made great use of it).

This is going to be the state of things until someone monkey stomps an SEC champion in the title game. Nobody seems to care when SEC teams get beat down in other games (ask Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan, and Missouri), they just point to the title. If Georgia or some other SEC team makes it to the title game and get a thorough beating laid on them, things might change. If not, forget about it. SEC guys will claim that their team got jobbed for a title shot and the winner wasn't the 'real' MNC team. If they win, the obvious happens: the north invades the south with guns and literacy.
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Yea, i agree it will take a while before this SEC era will fade out. Im one whos convinced College football (teams + conf.) goes in cycles. ALA scUM vs tOSU i know people disagree with that but i think it has legitimacy when it comes to recruiting and fans opinoins.
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TheIronColonel;1162848; said:
Don't lose sight of the fact that, right now, the SEC is the premiere conference. That may not have always been true (in fact, I believe it hasn't always been true) and it may not be true in the future. But it's true right now.

All of this SEC conference jibber jabber is the fallout from Auburn getting snubbed for Oklahoma a few years back. I don't think Auburn would have faired any better against USC, but it's the perception of being slighted more than the act of being slighted that draws the ire of fans. There has been a 5 year SEC conference superiority campaign to make sure that the SEC champion never gets slighted again, whether they actually deserve a title shot or not. I happen to believe that in 2006, Florida probably didn't deserve their title shot (although they certainly made great use of it).

This is going to be the state of things until someone monkey stomps an SEC champion in the title game. Nobody seems to care when SEC teams get beat down in other games (ask Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan, and Missouri), they just point to the title. If Georgia or some other SEC team makes it to the title game and get a thorough beating laid on them, things might change. If not, forget about it. SEC guys will claim that their team got jobbed for a title shot and the winner wasn't the 'real' MNC team. If they win, the obvious happens: the north invades the south with guns and literacy.

Bingo...If it was OSU and Michigan the past few years instead of Florida and LSU winning national title games people could whine more and it make sense.The top four or so teams in the SEC are damn good. There isn't another conference that matches up in that sense. It deserves the attention it gets. I firmly believe if GA or Florida won a national title this year it still wouldn't change most people's opinion around these parts.
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TheIronColonel;1162848; said:
Don't lose sight of the fact that, right now, the SEC is the premiere conference. That may not have always been true (in fact, I believe it hasn't always been true) and it may not be true in the future. But it's true right now.

All of this SEC conference jibber jabber is the fallout from Auburn getting snubbed for Oklahoma a few years back. I don't think Auburn would have faired any better against USC, but it's the perception of being slighted more than the act of being slighted that draws the ire of fans. There has been a 5 year SEC conference superiority campaign to make sure that the SEC champion never gets slighted again, whether they actually deserve a title shot or not. I happen to believe that in 2006, Florida probably didn't deserve their title shot (although they certainly made great use of it).

This is going to be the state of things until someone monkey stomps an SEC champion in the title game. Nobody seems to care when SEC teams get beat down in other games (ask Wisconsin, Penn State, Michigan, and Missouri), they just point to the title. If Georgia or some other SEC team makes it to the title game and get a thorough beating laid on them, things might change. If not, forget about it. SEC guys will claim that their team got jobbed for a title shot and the winner wasn't the 'real' MNC team. If they win, the obvious happens: the north invades the south with guns and literacy.

powerlifter;1163063; said:
Bingo...If it was OSU and Michigan the past few years instead of Florida and LSU winning national title games people could whine more and it make sense.The top four or so teams in the SEC are damn good. There isn't another conference that matches up in that sense. It deserves the attention it gets. I firmly believe if GA or Florida won a national title this year it still wouldn't change most people's opinion around these parts.

OregonBuck's gonna get pissed when he reads this. :biggrin:
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TheIronColonel;1162848; said:
Don't lose sight of the fact that, right now, the SEC is the premiere conference. That may not have always been true (in fact, I believe it hasn't always been true) and it may not be true in the future. But it's true right now.

I was talking about this. Seriously SEC is the premiere conference! The whip is coming down.:biggrin:
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The truth hurts. I'm as big a Big Ten guy as there is, but the facts are the facts: the SEC is tops right now. Now, we're not as bad as the haters say we are. I mean, thankfully there's the Big East and ACC to cushion our downward tumble. We'll be back on top before you know it, though, once we get some churn in the coaching ranks (I'm looking at you, JoePa and JayPa).
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TheIronColonel;1163171; said:
The truth hurts. I'm as big a Big Ten guy as there is, but the facts are the facts: the SEC is tops right now. Now, we're not as bad as the haters say we are. I mean, thankfully there's the Big East and ACC to cushion our downward tumble. We'll be back on top before you know it, though, once we get some churn in the coaching ranks (I'm looking at you, JoePa and JayPa).

People might be tired of hearing about SEC speed here,but it does exist. There is a reason why they are winning big games and it's not because it's a shit conference.
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