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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

powerlifter;1163264; said:
People might be tired of hearing about SEC speed here,but it does exist. There is a reason why they are winning big games and it's not because it's a shit conference.

SEC speed exists only because they're "non-skilled" postions are fast as shit for their size. I always hated the term "non-skilled", but I use it anyways. I'm a jackass. :biggrin:
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powerlifter;1163264; said:
People might be tired of hearing about SEC speed here,but it does exist. There is a reason why they are winning big games and it's not because it's a shit conference.

They're winning because they took it to our soft zone coverage. Had nothing to do with their elite speed, because their speed is not elite (compared to Ohio State).
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I would just like to say that all these SEC teams like to brag on their speed, but all the good teams from the SEC have big, fat fucking run stuffers at DT. With the exception of Glenn Dorsey nobody ever talks about that. And nobody ever talks about Bobby Hoying. :biggrin:
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mercer_buckeye;1163274; said:
I would just like to say that all these SEC teams like to brag on their speed, but all the good teams from the SEC have big, fat, fast fucking run stuffers at DT.


Seriously, fucking beat USC and the speed noise will subside. I mean, they are the Gods of Football, and even when they don't play in the BCS Championship Game, they still can be co-champs. Clean their fucking clock in LA, and the speed/skill subject can be essentially dropped.
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MililaniBuckeye;1163266; said:
True, but "speed" didn't beat us in Glendale and NOLA.

I can't argue with that at all. There are a lot of factors in that I totally agree. I will say there is a reason why dlineman are always getting through and WR's can't get any separation on the secondary though.
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3074326;1163268; said:
They're winning because they took it to our soft zone coverage. Had nothing to do with their elite speed, because their speed is not elite (compared to Ohio State).

Thank you. I have been saying this since Jan. 2007. There are creases in the zone coverage that make players look faster.
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powerlifter;1163282; said:
I can't argue with that at all. There are a lot of factors in that I totally agree. I will say there is a reason why dlineman are always getting through and WR's can't get any separation on the secondary though.

[sarcasm]I agree completely. Anthony Gonzalez couldn't get open because he's too slow. Brian Robiskie couldn't get open because he's too slow.

Also, Florida didn't live on 5-7 yard passes because of the 10 yard cushions we gave their receivers at the line of scrimmage. It's because they're waaaaaay too fast for our DBs to cover. Our all-american DBs. Who run in the 4.3-4.4 range.[/sarcasm]

Speed is just a convenient excuse that people who can't identify flaws in offensive or defensive schemes use to justify a win or loss. That's it. There is one and only one guy (no, not Percy Harvin - Ginn was just as fast) in the last two NCG games who had frightening speed that we couldn't match at all: Trindon Holliday. That's hardly a fault with OSU, though, because here's the thing - no one else has anyone who can run with him either. So go ahead, keep believing that speed is the problem. Be my guest.
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I hate to say it, but I think speed may have been a factor in the last two NC losses. Not tOSU's speed, nor Florida's or LSU's, but their opponents.

This is obviously my opinion, and I have a couple of elbows and one @ssh&*^ as well :biggrin: but I think the level of competition Florida and LSU played better prepared them for the NC games. The B10 has been down some the last few years (remember, my opinion) mainly because Iowa's swoon and the inability of scUM and State Penn to develop their talent.

The "big" non-conference match-up last year, UW didn't do much to prepare the Bucks for an elite opponent (damn that Ty Willingham) and even against Texas the season before, the Longhorns were much, much less daunting without VY (seems like Mack Brown is not over the great recruiter, so so coach issue yet)

I just felt like tOSU (coaching staff as well) was not as prepared to face a team just as talented, deep and fast as what the Gators and Tigers were, having faced tougher competition in the regular season. I think the coaching staff needed to step out of their comfort zone (play smart, don't beat yourself, let the other team make the mistakes) and take some chances (specially on D)

I may be all wet, as I've only watched both NC losses only once (couldn't stomach more) and those memories were tempered with spirits :biggrin: but it seemed to me Tressel ball worked against a Miami team that made more mistakes, was extremely arrogant and overconfident and not overly well coached, but obviously did not work the last few seasons in the biggest of games. Maybe tOSU will win a couple of NC's in the next few years playing Tressel ball, but relying on a team just a talented and deep, and maybe as well coached to make mistakes to get the win may not be the way to go.

I am not trying to imply that I am down on the coaching staff, just that they need to learn and grow, (and I think they will) and also that the idiots in the media that chalk the losses up to lack of speed and athletic ability are more stupid than I ever imagined, if that is theoretically possible.

I would also like to add kudos and agreement to whomever (I believe a politician) said that if he ever needed a brain transplant, he wanted a reporters brain, because he knew it was brand new and had never been used.
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Seriously, fucking beat USC and the speed noise will subside. I mean, they are the Gods of Football, and even when they don't play in the BCS Championship Game, they still can be co-champs. Clean their fucking clock in LA, and the speed/skill subject can be essentially dropped.
for being one yourself.....you certainly don't understand how an SEC fan operates. :biggrin:
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BuckeyeNation27;1163750; said:
for being one yourself.....you certainly don't understand how an SEC fan operates. :biggrin:

Er...thanks....maybe. :biggrin: But if y'all lose badly in the Coliseum that will be three very big non-conference losses, which is going to make me step back and think about my opinions. I mean big loss, not a good game, although you will all catch the same shit if you lose a close one.

If it happens - as much as I hate to say it - I'll be thinking you have some coaching issues, as it certainly won't be personnel related with all of those NFL draft picks. So Go Bucks.:oh:
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GrizzlyBuck;1163744; said:
I hate to say it, but I think speed may have been a factor in the last two NC losses. Not tOSU's speed, nor Florida's or LSU's, but their opponents.

Granted 06 Texas didnt have VY, it was still a night game, in Austin, against the defending champs. The opponents we faced in 06 were not our problem. When last I checked, Michigan only lost by 3 points. The fact is, on 1/8/07 we walked into Glendale like we owned that bitch. An to an extent, a good team needs to walk with some confidence or swagger. However under-rating your opponent, having a sense of entitlement, and a couple months out on the banquet circuit (coupled with a not-so-great defensive scheme) produced that clusterfuck.

The 2006 offense was more than capable of the task the gators gave them. The issue was they weren't necessarily willing and more importantly, hadn't properly prepared themselves.

Miami was somewhat different - they didn't come out flat. Its just that the 02 squad had far more heart and determination than they're opponent could imagine.

Now the LSU game is 50/50 with me. At the end of the 1st quarter I know for a fact their were some LSU fans (and SEC fans) a little worried about how things were shaping up.

Honestly, that game outcome could have been the complete opposite if it wasnt for a few things. The first being turnovers; they kill drivers and games... just ask Miami.
Focus; or lack of it I should say... poor tackling, blown coverage and defensive readiness... Robo dropping that sure TD pass didnt help either. Composure.
Once again, stupid penalties cost us a ton (roughing the kicker? - ouch) Finally, consistency. Our defense was great the 1st quarter, solid pressure on Flynn.
However the 2nd is where it got out of hand. 21 points? - that cannot happen. Then a single touchdown in the 3rd and 4th. While that isn't something
huge to brag about, a touchdown a quarter is a deficit that can be overcome.

Those things equal up too what we received; a tough game that could have gone either way.
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