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2008 Preseason and Regular season Polls

craigblitz;1202841; said:
Good Call Oregon....

I am hoping Thomas can be a great returner.... Buc... I personally like our kickers and think Buc redshirts.

As far as hopes go with Thomas... look how long it took for Ginn to see these duties as a Freshman... I am not putting any stock in Posey or Thomas to help right away... I "hope" they do... but we will see.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I brought up Posey, Thomas, and Buchanan because they provide more depth. I expect Trapasso, Pettrey, Pretorious, and some mixture of Small, Saine, Hartline, Mo Wells, and Sanzenbacher to get most of the reps. That's a lot of talent and Tressel didn't forget how to coach special teams. I expect big improvements across the board.
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OSUBuckeye4Life;1202772; said:
Got mine as well. "Good" book but some GLARING issues with hit. I'll do the Big 10 as the example. As you pointed out OSU is the #1 rated team in the magazine. However, here are their "grades..."

Offense: B+
Defense: B
Special Teams: C+
Intangibles A-

So my first reaction was "DAMN, these guys must have a VERY lofty standard to give our defense a B." So I proceed to look at some other teams....

Equal/Better Defense: Illinois (A-), Michigan (A-), Michigan State (B), Penn State (A-), Wisconsin (B+)

So we have the FIFTH best (maybe SIXTH if you give the nod to MSU) according to this magazine...:crazy:

The magazine picks Beanie to be the offensive POY, Laurinaitis to win defensive POY, and Terrelle Pryor to be "Newcomer of the Year."

Oh, and on that 5th/6th best Big 10 defense we have "Blue Ribbon College Football Yearbook All-America Defense" players...James Laurinaitis and Malcolm Jenkins.

Yeah, when I posted it was before I started really reading about each team. I read Ohio State first, then scUM and was amazed that they received a higher grade for their defense.

I live in Vegas, and me and a group of friends all have a conference we're responsible for knowing inside and out, for wagering purposes. This is the first year we're doing it so I'm reading everything I can on the Big10.
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To take this a step further this is the list of teams with a defense ranked better than or equal to Ohio State....

* denotes a HIGHER grade than Ohio State

ACC: Boston College*, Clemson*, Florida State*, Miami, North Carolina*, NC State*, Virginia, and Virginia Tech*.

Big East: Cincinnati*, Connecticut, Pittsburgh*, Rutgers*, and USF

Big 10: Illinois*, Michigan*, Michigan State, Penn State*, Wisconsin*

Big XII: Kansas*, Missouri*, Oklahoma*, Texas*, Texas Tech

Conference USA: Houston*, Memphis, and UCF*

MAC: Ball State, Bowling Green, Eastern Michigan, Kent State*, Miami (OH)*, Northern Illinois, Temple*, and Western Michigan*

Mountain West: BYU, TCU*, Utah, and Wyoming

Pac-10: Arizona State*, Cal*, Oregon*, Oregon State, Stanford, UCLA*, and USC*

SEC: Auburn*, Georgia*, LSU*, South Carolina*, and Tennessee*

Sun Belt: Florida Atlantic*, Florida International, Louisiana-Monroe*, Troy*

WAC: Boise State, Fresno State, and Hawaii*

Independents: Notre Dame*

BUT...Ohio State is the #1 ranked school in the Blue Ribbon this year. Not only do we have 2 All Americans on defense (2nd only to USC) but we have 4 on the All Big 10 Team on defense (the most of any school).

It's ridiculous.....
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It is probably nothing more than a typo...

The thing that leaps off the page at me is Eastern Michigan.

They were the 89th ranked scoring defense last year, and have the 113th ranked scoring defense over the last 7 years. Ohio State is #1 in both categories.

But then, EMU did beat Western Michigan last year, who beat Iowa, who beat Illinois, who beat Ohio State.

Maybe they have a point.
...or maybe it's a typo.
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DaddyBigBucks;1203290; said:
It is probably nothing more than a typo...

The thing that leaps off the page at me is Eastern Michigan.

They were the 89th ranked scoring defense last year, and have the 113th ranked scoring defense over the last 7 years. Ohio State is #1 in both categories.

But then, EMU did beat Western Michigan last year, who beat Iowa, who beat Illinois, who beat Ohio State.

Maybe they have a point.
...or maybe it's a typo.

Typo is what I want to believe.

For more humor though look at this.

Ohio State - Eastern Michigan

Offense: B+ / B+

Special Teams: C+ / C+

Defense: B / B

Intangibles: A- / B

....thank GOD for those intangibles. :wink2:
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seed702;1203324; said:
There's got to be something we're not reading correctly. No way in hell teams like Ball State and FIU have a defense equal to the Silver Bullets.

Ball State? You mean A- Offense, A- Special Teams, B Defense, and B+ Intangible Ball State?


DaddyBigBucks;1203326; said:
If I had the magazine I'd look through it to determine which teams had exactly the same grades that were give to Ohio State. I'm beginning to think this was a cut-and-paste error.

No matches.

Thinking they flipped us with someone. I started looking for "weird" ones toward the second half and found Florida Atlantic had:

Offense (A)
ST (C-)
Defense (A-)
Intangibles (A+)

Or Louisiana-Monroe:

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Considering the number of total-head-scratcher rankings, they probably had a table of all 120 FBS teams and their grades, and someone accidentally re-sorted the teams without attaching the other columns, thus skewing everything. Then they somehow failed to double-check their grades before going to print.
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Picked up the USA Today College Football Special Edition

-James Laurinaitis was featured on the cover
-NCG Prediction: Georgia vs. USC (but of course, they left themselves an out: "The season figures to be a wild and unpredictable ride."
-Redundant info on what Dick Rod needs to do at tSUN.
-JL Article: Reason for staying: Opportunity to be a Buckeye for another year (his sister starts her freshmen year in hockey this year as well)
-"Surveying the gridiron's landscape" was a decent article... it featured many panelists (Tressel and Mangino IMO, having the most credibility).
-USA Today projects OSU in the Rose Bowl (p.28) against Arizona State.
-Heisman race: Chase Daniel, Pat White, Knowshon Moreno, Chris Wells, Michael Crabtree, Tim Tebow.
-Illinois threat to tOSU (p.36)

Interesting Sidebars:
-Appy State is gunning for an upset with LSU
-Syracuse will still suck. (Grew up in CNY)

Not worth the 4.95 I paid for newsprint, but I was bored tonight...
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I know it's 4 years later, but I remember when this moron was spouting this, so I figured it was time to re-visit this (his bashing of Mangold):

QUOTE=LouisHMartinez;22605;]He's not to the level of Stepanovich, Bentley, Murphy, Porter and so on and yet there's all this love being thrown his way. I just haven't seen anything to warrant him being lauded as anything but AVERAGE.


LouisHMartinez;22613; said:
How many times did you see him getting pushed back into the backfield ? And when he puts on the weight to help with that, he won't be so agile for that pulling.


There's no way Mangold ever beats out the kids from Minnesota (Eslinger) or Wisconsin(Donovan Raiola) for recognition in the Big 10. And he's still not at the level of those other guys.

You're really getting warm now.

LouisHMartinez;22640; said:
I wonder if he found anyone sawmill gravy ? Because that's what 55 needs.


LouisHMartinez;22754; said:
But that doesn't mean much. I'm glad that media thinks he's good enough to be nominated, along with 5-6 other centers from this conference for the Rimington. But he's not that good. I can't remember the last center who we had who was worse than him, to be honest. Who was there before Juan Porter ?

Wait until draft day comes if you think Mangold goes before either of those kids from Minnesota and Wisconsin. It will not happen.

Check and Mate you banned dumbfuck. Mangold #29 overall, Eslinger #198 overall, Raiola- undrafted

LouisHMartinez;22786; said:
Then we'll see who the ignorant dumb fucks are, muchacho.

Looks like you answered your own question, muchacho.
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