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Folanator;1228467; said:
I could be wrong but those routines are set in stone. I think they have to be submitted prior so the judges know when you screw up and leave something out.

I was wondering the same things last night, because I totally agree in principle that you'd go all out to take a shot at the bronze. Finishing 4th or 8th doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

I asked my wife, who used to do gymnastics, and she thinks that they could make a routine up on the fly if they wanted to, but practically, it would be too tough to throw in things you haven't previously practiced as a whole. There are also requirements for the number and type of moves that are included in a routine, which could be tough to figure out when you're making it up as you go.
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MolGenBuckeye;1228537; said:
I was wondering the same things last night, because I totally agree in principle that you'd go all out to take a shot at the bronze. Finishing 4th or 8th doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

I asked my wife, who used to do gymnastics, and she thinks that they could make a routine up on the fly if they wanted to, but practically, it would be too tough to throw in things you haven't previously practiced as a whole. There are also requirements for the number and type of moves that are included in a routine, which could be tough to figure out when you're making it up as you go.

They could also have cnaged the rules when they added the degree of difficulty meter...maybe it was different when there was only one score. On the other hand I could swear I remember hearing the commentators during Sesame Street (er, sorry, the Chinese female gymnastics) that one of them added or subtracted an element on the bars, and they said "all that did was change the degree of the difficulty's starting score".
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Bucklion;1228560; said:
They could also have cnaged the rules when they added the degree of difficulty meter...maybe it was different when there was only one score. On the other hand I could swear I remember hearing the commentators during Sesame Street (er, sorry, the Chinese female gymnastics) that one of them added or subtracted an element on the bars, and they said "all that did was change the degree of the difficulty's starting score".
I brought up the china gymnastics age thing to my girlfriend..

She said that doing gymnastics throws off development/puberty and that in China at like the age of 4, parents have 2 options:
  1. Send their kid to school
  2. Send their kid to gymnastics
Any truth to this? I don't trust her as far as I can throw her :tongue2:
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Bleed S & G;1228572; said:
I brought up the china gymnastics age thing to my girlfriend..

She said that doing gymnastics throws off development/puberty and that in China at like the age of 4, parents have 2 options:
  1. Send their kid to school
  2. Send their kid to gymnastics
Any truth to this? I don't trust her as far as I can throw her :tongue2:

I was watching an interview with the previous US gymnastics coach, and he was saying that almost every country uses underage girls for their gymnastics programs. I don't know what the advantage is to having a 12-14 year old as opposed to a 16-18 year old would be, but apparently it's not that uncommon for countries to forge documents for younger gymnasts.
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ScarletInMyVeins;1228696; said:
I was watching an interview with the previous US gymnastics coach, and he was saying that almost every country uses underage girls for their gymnastics programs. I don't know what the advantage is to having a 12-14 year old as opposed to a 16-18 year old would be, but apparently it's not that uncommon for countries to forge documents for younger gymnasts.

Maybe some misguided belief that younger means more flexibility, bones,etc, not yet "set", bodies still elongating from natural growth? Or maybe it's something as simple as younger age girls are less distracted by...boys...acne...who knows what? Just musing out loud here, as it is something I have been pondering lately as well.
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ScarletInMyVeins;1228696; said:
I was watching an interview with the previous US gymnastics coach, and he was saying that almost every country uses underage girls for their gymnastics programs. I don't know what the advantage is to having a 12-14 year old as opposed to a 16-18 year old would be, but apparently it's not that uncommon for countries to forge documents for younger gymnasts.

They were talking about this on the coverage yesterday at some point. They said the advantage is that you can train girls harder, since you're not worried about them being healthy by the time they're 16-18.
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ScarletInMyVeins;1228696; said:
I was watching an interview with the previous US gymnastics coach, and he was saying that almost every country uses underage girls for their gymnastics programs. I don't know what the advantage is to having a 12-14 year old as opposed to a 16-18 year old would be, but apparently it's not that uncommon for countries to forge documents for younger gymnasts.

Tits make you spin too fast...
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ScarletInMyVeins;1228696; said:
. I don't know what the advantage is to having a 12-14 year old as opposed to a 16-18 year old would be, but apparently it's not that uncommon for countries to forge documents for younger gymnasts.

bella corolle (sp?) just called out the chinese team for using 12-14 year olds and said there is no way to prove it because the passports are handed out by the government. not like it comes as a shock, but just sayin...
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wow. This NBC reporter is ripping Alicia Sacramone of the USA Gymnastics team during her interviews.

It seems unintentional, but all she talks about in her interview is Alicia's mistake. The kid is beating herself up in the interview and the reporter just keeps digging into the wound. Then in the team interview she brings it up again. Rough.

Congrats on the silver girls!
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It seems unintentional, but all she talks about in her interview is Alicia's mistake. The kid is beating herself up in the interview and the reporter just keeps digging into the wound. Then in the team interview she brings it up again. Rough.
Maybe she can hook up with Jim Gray. Can't stand that guy and his idiotic questions "how does it feel to fail at a once in a lifetime opp.?" :smash:
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